AN: Really short prologue. I just read about Esme's past, and I am not satisfied. So I'm writing my own version. Starting off, I've decided to give a reason as to how Carlisle found her in the first place.

It was so dark, small drops of rain falling on my face as I fought against the wind. My thin cloak barely kept the cold at bay as I struggled, soaked, through the empty town. It was late; far too late for any reasonable person to be up. But I had passed the point of reason.

The tears streaking down my face blurred my already murky vision. I couldn't stop them. My baby, my only reason for living, was gone. What was the point of being here anymore if he was gone? What was the point of being alive when every little bit of comfort had been ripped from my hands and torn to shreds?

I tried to be brave as I climbed the cliff and inched towards the edge, but fear took me in an iron grasp as I stared down at the dark town below. It was a long way to the bottom. In the dark, I couldn't tell if it would kill me right away or leave me bleeding in agony for hours. I couldn't decide which one was better; I had gotten so used to the pain that it was like a comfortable friend, wrapping around me and offering something constant.

Part of my wanted to forget about this; to turn back, go home, and crawl into bed. Could life really get any more painful than this? Surely if I tried, things would get better. The faces of my friends, who loved me dearly, flashed in my head. I couldn't hurt them. I was hurting now, but I couldn't put them through the pain I was feeling.

I turned to leave, but my foot caught a rock and I lost my balance. In horror, I found myself falling backwards, off the edge and into a black abyss. I screamed, though I knew nobody could hear me, as I flew through space and came to a sudden, sickening halt.