Disclaimer: I claim NO ownership of anything shown in this story!

The next day, the gang rode Appa to the rendezvous point where the invasion force will be. They of course brought sonic, a piece of bandage covering his wound which went all around his back. When they landed, Aang started training, the rest of the gang stayed with Appa. Sonic's body laid on Appa's saddle. Of course everyone was quiet, the loss of a friend is something some people can't get over.

A day passed, the invasion force were on their way. Aang and Toph made rock like piers for the ships to stop at. Many of their old friends arrived, the mechanist, Teo, the boulder, the hippo, Haru, and many others. When greetings were over, the soldiers and benders assembled and sat on the ground. In front was a rock stand. Sokka was about to present to the men about the plan and of course he was worried.

"Good Morning everyone!'' he shouted but he tripped when coming up to the stage. Sokka picked up the papers and hung them on the slat of rock. He kept mumbling and stuttering his words. Sokka then stopped, "I'm sorry let me start from the beginning.'' he looked down. Then madness really started, he started rambling from the beginning when he met Aang, literally! Hakoda then stepped up, "That'll be enough.'' Hakoda whispered to him. Sokka walked off the stage and sat with Aang and the others. "Today is the day of the eclipse, but before we get to the fire nation we must cross the Great Gates of Azulon, after that we hit the land and hard.'' he flipped a page over showing the plaza tower. "We must get pass their battlements and take control of the siege of the plaza tower.'' "After that we will attack the palace city, by the time we capture it, the avatar would have defeated the FireLord, and this war will be over!'' he finished raising his fist into the air.

All the soldiers cheered and shouted as well. Everyone was prepared, the boats were waiting for two people: Aang and Katara. Aang made his way back to the cliff overlooking the boats, he found that one tent still left up. He went inside.

There was Katara on her knees with Sonic's body in front of her. A few tears came down her cheeks, it really affected her. Aang kneeled next to her and put his hand on her shoulder. She was wiping her eyes from the amount of tears that she cried. Katara then threw her arms around Aang and hugged him tightly, crying into his shoulder. "I know it's hard katara, but know this he risked his life to save you, so don't cry through all the things he did, he wouldn't want you to mourn.'' Aang explained. "It's just…so horrible.'' she sobbed. "I don't think he would want you to keep thinking like this, he would want you to move on, sonic will definitely remember you forever.'' Aang said wiping the tears off her cheeks. Katara looked back to sonic, she surprisingly took her mothers necklace off and rested it on his chest. She then put his hand over it.

Katara then got up and walked out of the tent. Aang stood up, he then pulled out a gem that was blue. Aang placed it Sonic's other hand, Aang left as well, but he didn't know that the so-called gem was a chaos emerald.

The boats sailed off with all the troops they needed, the Fire Nation would be of course heavily numbered. This is also the second time they invaded the Fire Nation, Sokka of course went to free his dad from the boiling rock. Troops and benders were also found and brought along. The worst part of it all was that it is only a few more hours until the arrival of Sozin's Comet.

The sky started to darken, the clouds were red as well as the sky. The comet was nearing closer and closer. All together the boats carried about a couple hundred troops and benders. They crossed through the gates of Azulon, strangely they didn't raise the gates. The boats landed, one by one troops and benders came out and lined up. In front of the large formation was Aang and the gang. In front of them, were thousands of fire nation soldiers and Firebenders. Aang turned to the left then the right. "Guys whatever happens stay together.'' aang spoke. The rest of the gang nodded, Aang took a few steps frontward's and turned to the allies in front of him. "This war has been going on for one hundred years, it ends today, all the men and women lost in this war they shall be avenged!'' aang shouted. All the troops cheered, "The Fire Nation will fall today!!!'' aang shouted again, the troops erupted in cheer. Aang turned back to the front gazing at the awaiting Fire Nation army. "This is it! For peace of the nations! For Sonic!!'' aang yelled. With that, running beside aang, were katara, Toph, and Sokka. The army behind them yelled and shouted behind them running.

The Fire Nation army charged as well, both sides nearing, aang at the last second before the armies collided he launched one of his strongest air blasts. Throwing hundreds of fire nation into the air. Swords clashed, shields were broken, elements were fired, the final battle has begun.

Back at the still standing tent, inside laid sonic. The emerald in his hand started shining. His hand started to clench Katara's necklace. His eyes opened, and suddenly the seven emeralds appeared all around him.

Back at the battle, troops were falling quicker and quicker. "There's too many!'' Sokka exclaimed kicking a fire nation troop in the stomach. "Keep fighting!!'' aang yelled back, aang created a tornado grabbing many fire nation troops and throwing them all around.

Katara just got finished freezing a row of soldiers until she saw the large fire nation zeppelins approaching. From the ground tanks rolled in, only a couple thousand of the brave resistance of earth and water nations remained counting aang and the others. Their army was surrounded by the fire nation, the resisting army were gathered and forming a circle. Aang and friends stayed together, "This doesn't look good.'' Toph pointed out. Tanks and troops of the fire nation closed in, until a large boom was heard. Most of the fire nation turned around and saw one of the zeppelins in flames and started to fall. Then like a flash, all around the them, fire nation tanks started to explode! A large cloud of smoke rose in front of them, aang and the gang took a closer look. What they saw shocked them, it was Sonic in his super form walking out of the smoke with a grin on his face.

Sonic teleported right in front of the gang, smiling. "They're gonna have to try harder to get rid of me.'' sonic remarked. The gang then all gave him a group hug. When they separated, sonic spoke "Oh I think this belongs to you.'' sonic held out his hand and in it was Katara's necklace. Katara smiled with tears of joy and gladly took it from him. She put it back around his neck. More of the fire nation started coming, sonic turned around and cracked his knuckles, "Lets show em' what we're made of!'' sonic yelled. Aang opened his glider and took flight, Toph made two mounds of rock under her feet and charged.

Appa came down, and Sokka hopped on. Katara made a disc of frozen water and she started to charge as well. Sonic bulleted quickly at the army in front. Toph smashed right through them, aang flew up then dove down sending a series of air blasts impacting the army below. Sokka bowled right through the front line with Appa. Katara created a huge wave, it came crashing down on top of the whole division of soldiers. The group regrouped at the foot of the volcano where inside is the palace city. "Whoa what's that?'' sonic pointed.

From afar was Sozin's comet the real super weapon that will make the Fire Nation invincible. "I'll take care of it.'' sonic said about to lift off, but he felt a sharp pain inside of him. "What's wrong?'' katara asked. "Me being in my super form will eventually bring me back to my normal state, I have to exit it now.'' A bright flash came, sonic with his blue fur back. "Now what?'' Sokka threw his arms in the air. "I'm going to have to defeat the Firelord.'' aang said with his head lowered. "No not alone!'' katara said "He's right, you three go back with the troops and help them out I'll go with aang.'' sonic told them the plan. Sokka and Toph nodded and walked away.

Katara kneeled down and hugged sonic "Please take care of him.'' she whispered. Sonic patted her back, she stood back on her feet, sonic then started going up the volcano. Aang and Katara were left, both staring into each others eyes. "Aang…'' she said "I know this might be the end, but I can't promise what might happen.'' "Don't stay that!'' she said on the verge of tears. Katara put her hands to her face, aang then wrapped his arms around her. Aang lifted her chin, her blue eyes met his grey ones. "No matter what happens know that I'll love you always.'' he finally confessed. She then noticed what he said, their face leaned closer until their lips met in a passionate kiss. Aang broke away from the kiss, he started walking up the volcano for the last battle which will choose the fate of the whole world.

Aang knocked down the doors to the palace, sonic and him stepped inside. It was dark and quiet, it all changed when a large ball of fire came at them. They both jumped separate ways. The one who fired it was Ozai. "I'm sick of you avatar, you come here, but no matter you will die along with your friends and this rat you have with you.'' ozai threatened. "I really hate the fact that no one knows what a hedgehog is.'' sonic shrugged. Ozai fired with both fists a combination of fire, sonic ran up a pillar and along the wall. Aang ran fast at Ozai, Ozai sent a kick of flames but missed.

Aang jumped over him and raised his fist making a column of rock launching Ozai up and crashing into the ceiling. Sonic then lunged at Ozai, sonic sent his foot into his hip firing ozai crashing against a pillar and sliding down to the floor. "Want more?'' sonic smirked. Ozai got up, "You've seen nothing yet.'' he smirked evilly. Ozai fired a bolts of lighting everywhere, sonic and aang started to scatter. Sonic though ran into the path of a bolt which flung sonic into a wall. Aang looked back at ozai. Ozai fired a straight blast of fire. Aang charged at it, he swung a straight air blast through the middle creating a narrow path through the fire. Once aang made it to the other end. He was greeted by a fire blast which he blocked too late. "He's getting stronger because of that comet.'' sonic said getting up. "Then what?'' aang shouted just dodging a ball of fire. "I have an idea, you keep distracting him, I got a plan.'' sonic shouted back. "What is it?'' aang asked loudly, "If Ozai wants the comet that bad then he can have it.'' sonic smirked.

The seven chaos emeralds appeared surrounding sonic. Quickly he entered his super form. Aang was just thrown to the ground by ozai. Ozai stomped his foot on Aang's chest refraining him from getting up. In one hand Ozai readied a bolt of lightning, "You have failed.'' ozai mocked. "No.'' sonic shouted from far away. Ozai looked in to his front to see sonic come and charge him. Sonic tackled him in the stomach. Sonic crashed through the ceiling and went on a collision course for Sozin's comet. Ozai struggled as much as he could but couldn't break free. "Who are you?'' ozai choked the last words out. "I'm the fastest thing alive: Sonic The Hedgehog!!!'' he shouted. Sonic collided with the comet exploding it along with ozai. On the battlefield, the fire nation army were retreating, but some were captured. It was over, the Fire Nation was done for. Ozai was dead, sonic came in for a landing at the landing spot where the boats were. He was greeted by the benders and troops who were entirely grateful. Everyone was reunited.

A few hours passed, aang stood at the rim of the volcano. Sonic came running up it and stopped right next to him. "Strange I only met you guys a few days ago and now I have to leave.'' sonic looked out to the sun starting to set. "Thanks for all your help sonic I hope you make it back to your home safely.'' aang bowed. Sonic smiled and gave him a thumbs up. Katara then arrived desperately wanting to see aang. She of course came and hugged sonic. "Make sure you tell everyone my regards.'' sonic said "I will.'' katara replied. Sonic entered his super form, he created a small teleported hole. Sonic took one last glance at the two, "Remember look to the stars you just might see me.'' sonic winked. They both waved goodbye. Sonic entered, then the teleported vanished. Aang and Katara turned to each other, the pair once again kissed. Aang wrapped his arms around her waist, katara put her arms around his neck. The world thought the war would never end, but it changed when Sonic came and aided the young avatar. With peace brought back to the four nations, they can live in harmony for many years to come and maybe forever thanks to the blue blur.