Chapter One: History Repeats Itself

Disclaimer: I CLAIM NO ownership at all to anything in this story!

In the whole world or even galaxy are more than one dimension. The dimension the story takes place on Earth except a different dimension of it. The dimension where its protector who always defends it: Sonic The Hedgehog. The blue blur was resting on one of the skyscrapers in Station Square. He laid sat back with his arms on his head. The blue hedgehog looked up into the clear blue sky, he finally had the seven powerful chaos emeralds. Sonic was one to explore, but mostly save and protect people. What if the world was in danger? But not in this dimension?

The Avatar world, it was in war and chaos by the evil fire nation. The Avatar is the one to bring balance to the world. The current avatar, Aang the last air bender. Along with his friends Katara, Sokka, and Toph. The gang flew across a flat grassland in the earth kingdom, quiet and peaceful but on their tail was Azula, and her two so called friends Ty lee and Mai. "Do they ever give up?'' Sokka yelled. Aang was steering Appa waving the giant bison back and fourth to try and shake them loose. The enemy trio were chasing the heroes in their tank train, one of the hatches opened and fire came blasting out of it, Appa evaded it to the left barely. More shots fired and the gang held on for dear life.

Appa took one hit from one of the fire blasts which he shook from the blast causing katara to fall off! Aang heard her scream when she fell, he immediately took his glider and took of after her. Aang flew his glider down after, he swooped under katara and she held onto the top of his glider. A fire blast came after them Aang started to avoid any fireball that came. Aang flew back up onto Appa's saddle. Katara sat back on, and aang took back control of the reins. "I'm ending this now!'' aang stated he turned appa around and flew just inches away from the ground and went head on toward the armored tank train. Aang had a focused face as he kept heading straight at it. At the last second aang pulled up on the reins and soared up into the clouds loosing the pesky chasers for good. Aang looked back at his friends who were panting "That wasn't so bad.'' aang told them "Speak for yourself.'' Sokka pointed out.

The gang stopped on a beach and took a rest. Aang watched out in the ocean, Sokka laid on the sand not moving and probably won't, toph sat on Appa's saddle with a bored expression, katara was checking what supplies they had. Aang raised an eyebrow as he spotted someone on an ostrich horse coming toward them. It was an Earth Kingdom messenger he stopped in front of aang. "Avatar Aang?'' he asked aang nodded yes. "This is a message from the north pole.'' he said handing him the paper. Aang took it and the messenger rode away. The gang huddled around him as aang opened it and read it. He gasped "What is it?'' Toph asked "The north pole is about to be attacked by the fire nation once again.'' aang spoke.

Now finding out that the Fire Nation was about to siege the mighty Northern Water Tribe, the gang were on their way to the location and at a fast pace. Aang was steering Appa across the ocean, keeping watch out for any sight of Fire Nation ships. Katara and Sokka were wearing their parkas because of the harsh coldness that was the north pole. Finally after a few more hours the north pole was in their sights.

Aang landed Appa in the stables and the gang got off. Toph had to hold on to Sokka because of the ice and no rock anywhere near here. The gang made their way to the chief. When they made it their Chief Arnook and Master Pakku were their to greet them. "I see you got the message I sent.'' the chief spoke up Aang nodded "I thought they gave up on attacking here?'' aang said "Unfortunately no, since the last invasion was a failure they became more persistent of taking us out for good.'' Pakku warned them "Then what should we do?'' katara asked "We fight of course.'' Aang said bravely they all looked at him "Lets just hope we can do it a second time.'' Aang said. Defenses were set up, warriors stood ready on the walls and in the city. Aang, Katara, and Sokka stood on the wall, while Toph being in the state which she can't fight joined Appa in the shelter where the people were put in. Aang looked further out to the ocean and spotted one fire nation ship coming over the horizon. That was not all, more ships hundreds of ships came this invasion force was worse than the last one.

The frontline of ships readied their trebuchets then a barrage of fiery rocks soared up into the sky and hurdled down at any spot in the massive icy fortress. The fireballs hit spots all over the city, destroying anything they hit. Aang gripped his glider and took off after the ships. Aang stayed low to the deck of the water and reached his first ship. Firebenders waited for him and launched fire at the young avatar.

Aang headed toward one of the trebuchets, he hooked two by their chains aang hit the lever, one of the trebuchets fired but only ended up with it being crunched by the other it was tied to. Aang headed up to the bridge, when there with a strong gust of wind knocking all the crew members out of the bridge and falling into the cold water below. The ship started to rumble he went back outside as water tribe canoes surrounded the metal ship and water bended giant icicles lifting it off water and stuck in the icicles clutches. Aang took off in his glider and spotted more ships and was awestruck by the numbers. "Oh come on.'' aang said annoyed. Aang fought and fought no matter what. Later at sundown aang retreated back to the city tired and worn out from the continuous fighting.

He touched down in front of the chiefs building and put his hands on his head. Katara came in front of him and kneeled next to him. "What's the point if they don't stop?'' aang asked himself. Katara put a hand on his shoulder in concern "You know we can do it, we can still win this.'' she said reassuringly. Aang looked up at her, he really admired that about her always there for him. A loud bang stopped the moment, the two looked over at the wall where the ships breached through the wall, and out came fire nation troops and benders, as well as fire nation tanks. Benders and warriors clashed throughout the city. Sokka was in the middle of it attacking and blocking with his black steel sword. Aang came in and with a swing of his staff blowing away groups of the fire nation. An explosion sounded from behind as mounted komodo rhinos came with small catapults on their sides. Groups of water benders put up a large ice wall, in only a short time it was shattered by a fireball launched by a fire nation ship.

"Fall back!'' Sokka yelled waving his hand to the troops of Waterbenders. They listened and started to fall back to the city. Aang took a leap on top of one of the houses and scanned the area and only saw carnage that struck the northern water tribe. Aang looked back out to the armada of ships still out in the water, his eyes widened as all the ships launched a volley of fireballs. He looked back to the city and saw his friend, katara fighting off troops using the water whip, a fiery boulder soared over him and right at katara. "NO!!'' he screamed Katara knocked out another soldier and noticed the boulder coming down at her. She screamed and put her hands in front of herself.

Far out in the ocean a glint of gold shined and like a speeding bullet darted toward the city. The beam came right at katara and at the last second it split the fireball in half reducing it to rubble. She opened her eyes and looked around to see she was okay. Aang was more confused, he took off after her. When he got there without warning he hugged her. "What was that?'' he asked separating from her "I…don't know.'' was all she said. "Aang you better get back to defending.'' she said Aang nodded in agreement and left.

Katara ran down a street and looked around a corner to see a group of fire nation warriors cornering innocent children. Katara took charge and out of the snow formed two water whips. She swung at the troops who didn't see it coming. She stood protectively in front of the children. She turned around and kneeled down "Are you alright?'' she asked them, they nodded. Out of nowhere a fire blast hit the Waterbender in the leg, she felt the sharp pain and fell to the ground. She winced her eyes at Firebenders surrounding her. She gathered the strength she had and got up.

"Take her out.'' one of the fire benders commanded. The Firebenders got in their stances and at the last second the same gold bright light zipped and knocked all the Firebenders senseless.

Katara wore a worried and confused face. A cloud surrounded where the Firebenders were, she saw the outline of something with six spikes sticking up. It walked towards her, "Stay away!'' she exclaimed at the figure. Katara lost the power in her injured leg and fell down she looked up to see the approaching figure she closed her eyes and waited for the worse. A hand stuck out of the smoke and it hovered above her leg, a green light glowed and vanished. Katara opened her eyes again an looked back up at the figure in the smoke, the outline stood still then gave a thumbs up and lifted off into the air.

Katara got up and surprisingly her leg was healed! The bright gold light hovered in the air and dived down at where Sokka and aang were who were fighting waves off fire nation. The unknown rescuer came and charged through anything, a wave of tanks surrounded him, they all launched fireballs at him at the same time but were deflected back and returned to sender. He spotted a volley of fireballs coming down at them, he quickly darted and dashed through every single one destroying it. His hands glowed bright gold he stuck his hands out and firing out of his palms was a golden beam aimed at the fire nation ships. When the beam hit any target it lit up in flames. The stranger flew out to the left side of all the ships and lined himself up on for a collision course targeting the ships. With blistering speed the stranger sped at full blast and dove toward the ships. He impacted one and came out the other side, the inside lit in flames, the stranger did the same to the others. He went in making a deep hole through the ship and an exit hole with the metal ripped outwards. In almost a few minutes their whole fleet was destroyed. Back at the city waiting at the top in front of the chiefs domain, the stranger came in for a landing and would reveal himself to the gang, but who is he?