He sighed again as he looked out the rain slicked window. Tired and anxious, waiting, always waiting, for Kakuzu to show up. He himself had been to injured to go on this round, it would have taken to much time to heal from this injury, regardless of his immortality. Pink-red eyes blinked again as he slumped against the chair he had dragged to the front window of the base. The others were worried, especially Deidara, the only person he had considered a friend in this organization. Aside from Kakuzu of course. They were partners, best friends, lovers. The masked nin had quickly become the center of his universe. Aside from Jashin of course.

Hidan sighed again and banged his head against the window, watching the pattern of the rain on the window. When Deidara came up behind him, he didn't even bother to turn around.

"Hidan, Kakuzu will come back, he always does, un," The blond said, putting one slim hand on the priests shoulders.

"Dei, get your fucking hand off my shoulder before I cut it off god-dammit." Hidan snapped without turning around, though his voice held none of its usually venom. Deidara smiled gently and patted his shoulder and went back to Sasori. He felt bad for his friend, but Kakuzu was big enough to take care of himself. Hell, the accountant was the oldest one in the organization, it wasn't like he was stupid enough to die, not with more money to collect. The blond did flinch when he heard Hidan's forehead hit the window again.

"Hidan, stop hitting the glass, Kakuzu's going to kill you if you break the window." Sasori said, as always, his monotone voice held nothing in it.

"Fuck you, puppet boy." Hidan snapped, his silver/white head turning to the red head on the couch.

"No, thanks." Was the puppet masters reply.

Three hours soon passed, and most of the group got bored just watching the Jashinist stare aimlessly out the window. Deidara and Konan where the only ones who kept him company now.

"I'm going to see Pein, this is boring," Konan said, with an even voice and got up to go to hers and Pein's room. Deidara still waited, knowing his friend needed someone to bitch at.

"I hate this fucking waiting. He fucking promised that he would be here before three," Hidan snapped out.

"I know he did Hidan, un. Kakuzu wont leave without you next time, he cares for you to much un," Deidara said and got up when he saw Sasori. They had a mission to get to at 3:15, and they were already running a little bit late. Deidara and Hidan said their goodbyes, and Hidan went back to his 'slump' as Konan had said yesterday afternoon. Hidan felt his eyes droop and soon he was asleep. An hour later he awoke to Tobi poking him. He was about to turn around and yell at him, possibly stab him, when he saw something moving through the rain. Hidan turned to squint at the shape, a smile slowing forming on his face when he recognized who it was. He shot off the chair and out the front door to tackle jump the stitched together man.

Kakuzu easily caught the smaller man, smirking underneath his mask. The accountant was soaked, and so was his lover, but they were together again, that's all that mattered.

"Goddamn you Kakuzu-chan, don't you ever fucking do that to me again you fucking asshole." Hidan snarled, head placed in its proper place under Kakuzu's chin.

"Next time don't get your heart and head damaged in a fight. Moron." Kakuzu replied ever so calmly. Hidan pulled back with a snarl.

"Fuck you, you fucking bastard. It wasn't my goddamn fault." Hidan growled out, pulling away from his lover. The argument didn't stop there, it continued all the way into the house, all the way to Pein.