Author's Note: First, There's a lot I want to say, and I am debating on attaching an addendum to this that discusses my thinking, and interpretations of this work. I think I will have to do it- and it may piss off many people. Still in debate about that. I want to send out a couple of thank you's here. AntanaM, Aphrodite, onimosity, NewChapter, InkStainedFire- Thank you all. I think you guys know what you said/did, so no need to go in detail. I think, with that said, I'm going to wrap up at least this part of the work.

The Prince: Absolution


It had been one month, five days, sixteen hours and thirty-seven minutes since Vulcan had been destroyed.

Two weeks eight days, two hours and twenty-two minutes since they had become fully commissioned officers.

And three hours, forty-five minutes and eight seconds since they had all arrived at the place they would call home for the next five years.

They were here. The Enterprise had her crew.

Kirk, James T. - Captain.

McCoy, Leonard H.- Chief Medical Officer.

Scott, Montgomery- Chief Engineer.

Chekov, Pavel A.- Tactical

Sulu, Hikaru- Helmsman.

Uhura, Nyota P.- Chief Communications Officer.

The Enterprise had claimed her crew...well...all but one…

It was countdown to launch.

They were ready. She was ready. To fly away. To let the stars claim her. To leave. To forget…

The doors to the bridge opened, and she heard a voice.

"I hear you are in need of a first officer. I can provide character references…"

Despite her minds objections, her body turned to the voice.

When she saw him she felt- her body tingled and she felt her heart flutter. There was a glimmer of…hope? She turned back to her console quickly- the feelings sealing themselves off so that she again felt nothing.


She was forgotten. Alone. But soon, she wouldn't be. They thought they had stifled her. They thought they had silenced her. They thought they had left her behind. They thought wrong.

She was alive. She had survived. And she wanted revenge.

He who had rejected her would be punished. She would have her due. She would claim what was rightfully hers…

Riding safely aboard the Romulan ship, T'Pring made a sound Romulans believed would never be heard from a Vulcan's lips….

She laughed.

Stay tuned for "The Prince: Ascention"- the third and final installment of this trilogy.

And read the one-shot: "The Prince: Spock Prime's Story"- it talks about what happened between S/U in his timeline.