Author's Note: Welcome Back Michael Myers Fans!!!
I have here the SEQUEL to "Halloween:The Beginning". Get ready for more gore, more suspense and more...Erin/Michael shipping!!
Rated M for Mature Adult Content
Genres: Horror/Romance/Friendship/Strong Language & Violence
Title: Halloween: All Hallows Eve
Summary: It's been two years since he disappeared but one person hasn't given up on him. Erin Parker is still searching for Michael. As Halloween rolls around...shit hits the fan and nobody will be ready for what's to come...
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Finally got back to this. Sorry for the wait. Life happens, you know. Yes, I work full time now & I'm lucky I even find time to do this. Thank you for the reviews & positive feedback!!!
NOW...on with the story...
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Chapter Four: Evil Has Awakened
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Feeling an old curiosity coming back, Dr. Loomis listened to the police scanner at the local police station. Stevens, the highway patrol man, who had met the ambulance hours earlier, was at a grizzly scene. Loomis headed for Route 42 and by the time he had reached the supposed accident, he could hardly get near it. Police cars & a rescue squad was there. The police were directing traffic, apparently Route 42 hadn't busy because of the rainy afternoon. It was late afternoon now. Dr. Loomis parked off to the side of the road and got out of his car. He walked towards the smashed ambulance. The rescue squad was covering Simon's dead body and two men were pulling John's dead body out of the front seat of the ambulance.
Loomis shuddered.
Seeing the scene. Seeing the police look just as disturbed. Loomis knew. He knew Erin couldn't have done this. She had been here, however. An ambulance had picked her up and now she was missing. Loomis knew, having spent the better part of two years in denial, that Michael as alive. Michael had found her, broken her out of that center and now the two were missing, leaving a blood bath in their wake. Loomis approached one of the officers after a moment or so.
"Excuse me, I'm Dr. Sam Loomis-", Loomis started to say.
"Officer Stevens, head of Highway Patrol here on Route 42, Route 1A and Route 13 near Haddenfield", Stevens exclaimed, "I read your books doctor. How can I help you?"
"You may already know of my patient, Michael Myers but I'm looking for someone else as well, your men might have picked her up", Dr. Loomis said.
"I found a young redheaded woman laying on the road exactly two miles from the Illinois County Rehabilitation Center. Poor thing looked out of it. Her feet were covered in blood. I called an ambulance to take her the Medical Center just south of Haddenfield. I called the Medical Center but they didn't see anyone come in, especially the girl I described. I decided to go on my route and I found this", Stevens explained, gesturing towards the accident, "Two men dead. The girl is gone. And of course, your patient hasn't been seen in two years. What do you suppose you can make of this?"
"That young woman is Erin Parker. Michael Myers's only friend", Loomis remarked, "And it means Mr. Stevens that...", Loomis paused, "That evil has awakened".
Laurie sat in front of the window, eyes staring straight ahead as the afternoon rain storm seem to continue. Two years had passed and that night just seemed to play over and over again. She had moved in with three other girls. Mya, Harley, and Amber. Laurie had been subjected to therapy to over come the reoccurring dreams and nightmares about that night. And there were other dreams too. Horrible dreams about a little boy in a clown costume and for some reason, in the dreams, the little boy wasn't alone, there was someone there with him but she couldn't see the little girl's face, all she could see of her was vivid red hair. The little girl would call to him in the sweetest of voices that was also very haunting as well, "Michael. Come find me Michael".
Mya waved her hand in front of Laurie's face and Laurie shook herself out of her daze. Mya gave her friend a small smile and looked rather concerned.
"You've been looking out that window for over an hour, are you sure you are okay?" Mya asked.
"I guess I'm just a little spacey", Laurie shrugged.
"Come on. We're all going to the movies, why don't you come", Mya suggested.
Laurie thought about it for a moment. Getting out of the house might do her some good. It's been two years. He was dead. It was all over. She might as well try to move forward. Laurie smiled back at her friend and got from the chair she'd been sitting in.
"Why not", Laurie said, nodding her head.
"That's the spirit", Mya told her.
Laurie followed her into the kitchen to grab her coat. Amber and Harley had the radio on. The music cut to the news, which was also describing the weather. After the weather, the channel 6 news reporter came on,
"A young woman named Erin Parker has disappeared from the county's rehabilitation center around 3 AM this morning. A mysterious accident involving a dozen killed orderlies, two dead ambulance attendants and a mashed ambulance bus - ", but what was next was never heard because Mya had turned off the radio.
"Don't listen to that crap, Laurie", Mya replied.
"Yeah, besides. We're safe here in Haddenfield", Amber pointed out, putting a hand on Laurie's shoulder.
Laurie just shook her head again but stared at the radio, giving it a distressed look. What had the reporter been about to say? That some masked killer had done all of that? No. He was dead. He'd been shot. He was gone. Laurie turned away from the radio, she wouldn't listen to any of it. It was all over.
Or that's what she had come to believe.
Officer Daryl Lewis pulled up at the abandoned farm house. The rain was sprinkling lightly now. He got out of the car, followed by his partner, Officer Lu Bell. The two men walked up the front steps and went into the house. It was the only house in miles on Route 42. The paint was chipped, wall paper falling off the walls, floors dusty, floor boards creaked. What the two men didn't realize was that they were being carefully watched. Michael had gone in exploration of the house and had found a knife sitting in it's wooden block on the kitchen counter. He was watching the two officers from up on the landing. He disappeared silently into the shadows.
"Lu, you take the up stairs. I'll look around here", Daryl replied.
"Just give a whistle if you find anything", Lu said, as he started up the stairs.
Michael went into the bedroom to retrieve Erin, who was still out. Without thinking about it too hard, Michael scooped her up in one arm and hid behind the bedroom door, knife held at the ready in his other hand. As Lu came into the bedroom, noticing that the blankets and sheets looked used, Michael came out from behind the door and slammed the butcher knife into Lu's back, winding him. Lu fell over with a THUD! Michael stabbed him in the face repeatedly, making blood squirt in every direction. Michael then slit his throat all the way around, cutting the knife in deep, allowing Lu to make no other noise escape, except the small amount of gurgling, which quieted as blood spilled out of his mouth. The officer lay still and dead a second later. Michael moved towards the door way and towards the stairs. Erin's head lulled a bit against his shoulder as he moved stealthy down the stairs and into the hallway of the entry way.
Daryl came around the corner as Michael disappeared into the kitchen, escaping Daryl's sight. Daryl moved towards the stairs.
"Hey, Lu! Did ya find anything?" Daryl asked.
There was nothing but pure silence. Daryl scratched his head and moved towards the kitchen. Michael had hidden himself in the pantry closet. Daryl's footsteps came closer and finally stopped in front of the pantry before moving away. Michael just ever so gently opened the door to the pantry, making the officer turn around and walk back over.
"Now, how did this-", Daryl went to say.
Michael came at him and plunged the knife into his chest. Daryl struggled to get the knife out but Michael cut deeper. Pulling out the knife, Michael struck the knife into the same spot a couple more times before cutting into the officer's face. The kitchen floor was covered in blood and Daryl's body fell next to the kitchen table, a wide eyed, look on his face. Michael bent down and took the keys to the police cruiser from Daryl's belt. Carrying Erin in one arm and carrying the knife and keys in the other hand, Michael made his way out to the police cruiser. Thunder rumbled a little as the rain pelted harder. Michael threw open the passenger door and sat Erin up in the seat. Closing the door, he walked around to the drivers side and got in. Placing the knife beside him, Michael started the car. He peeled out of the drive way and down the road a second later.
The movement of the car seemed to bring her back to reality. Shortly, if not about thirty minutes later, Erin came to. She looked around for a moment. Unsure as to what was going on. She noticed Michael driving the police car. She looked around and found the seat belt. Grasping hold of the belt, she shakily buckled herself in. Michael turned his head to look at her. She looked distressed, tired and unsure as to what was going on. Erin stared out the window into the inky dark sky that was consumed by rain. As though having a mental flash, she seemed to space out...
Erin looked beside her, she and Michael were nine years old again and Michael was sitting beside her, wearing the same outfit he had on Halloween. The two were sitting in the police car and as in reality, Michael was driving. Michael turned to look at her, lifting the clown mask up so she could see his face. Michael just smiled gently at her.
"We'll be home soon", he said quietly.
As she came back, she looked at him. He was looking at her from the corner of his eye. She could see past the darkness that had consumed him. And he was looking at her in the same, gentle way he'd always had. Both weren't paying attention to the road and didn't see the headlights coming at them. Michael swerved the car but the hill on the other side of the road was at an incline and it was a steep hill with a rocky death trap that was consumed by the darkened rain. The car began to roll off the road and down the hill. Erin quickly unbuckled herself and grabbed hold of Michael. In desperation, holding her tightly, Michael threw open the driver's side door and rolled out of the car. Erin's screams were the only thing that seemed to penetrate the sounds of the rain.
Michael caught hold of a hole in the ground and hold tightly to it. Moving swiftly, while carrying her, he made his way back up the hill. The sounds of the police car smashing and exploding were lost on deaf ears. Michael noticed, the truck that almost had hit them, had stopped on the side of the road.
"Hey buddy, are you alright?" The truck driver asked, yelling out.
Michael moved forward, clutching Erin safely against him. The truck driver's mouth fell open when he saw the shape that Erin was in and that of Michael's appearance as Michael crossed the road, approaching him.
"I'm real sorry about almost hitting you. I'm heading to Haddenfield. Do you want me to give ya a lift? Is she gonna be okay?" The trucker asked.
Michael said nothing as he set Erin down. Erin backed away slightly, wiping her eyes and shivering from the rain. The trucker was confused as to what was going on but a second later, Michael grabbed the guy's throat and pushed him against the truck, banging his head against it. The trucker fell dead at Michael's feet, pieces of brain and skin flecking the ground. Erin shakily walked forward as Michael opened up the drivers side door. Erin climbed up into the truck and sat in the passenger seat. The truck was nice and warm. Michael climbed in a second later, shutting the door. They pulled off the side of the road and in the direction of Haddenfield.
"Michael", Erin spoke up quietly, "Let's try not go off the road again, okay?"
All she was given was a slight nod from her silent companion. They didn't need another accident like that. She hadn't meant to distract him. In fact, she had no idea he'd been looking at her in the first place. She had no real idea that somewhere in his sub-conscious he remembered. He remembered everything. That after two years, there was something there.
It was faint but it was there.