Zuko stared deep into her blue eyes. Her brown hair caressing her face. He knew that this was wrong but he couldn't stop loving her. She was so kind and strong. She helped everyone that she could and had so many strengths that people hardly noticed. And she was wordly too, she had seen many places that most people only dreamed of going to due to her connections with the avatar. Yes Zuko knew from the moment he looked deep into her kind/caring/motherly/beautiful blue eyes that she was the one. PSYCHE!!! You thought I was talking about Katara didn't you? Nope! Zuko's latest love interest was Suki! That's right, you heard me, Suki! He had met her when he burned down her village and had secretly been following her ever since. You know when Zuko disappears from the series for a while? Well he didn't actually go back to the fire nation. He only did that later. He went to see Suki, his wonderful, beautiful warrior princess. And Suki was so kind that she didn't really even hold a grudge for the whole 'burned down your entire village mishap'. What about Mai you ask? Well she was just a cover up and she was cheating on him with the cabbage man anyway, so I guess that evens the score somewhat. Katara? Well Zuko loved her too but figured that as long as they were on opposite ends of the earth they need never know. That is until Suki joined the gang and started going out with Sokka. But as Katara had fallen in love with Bumi in Omashu she didn't really mind. And now the whole thing was one huge love dodecahedron called ZuKiTaraMaiCabbOkkaMi! You gotta love noncanon pairings!

A/N Well that was actually pretty fun to write! Let it be noted however that I am a rabid Zutarian. Anywho you guys know what to do, read review and tell me what you want to see next This one wasn't really all isn't quite as far off as some of the other ones, like Zuki, it actually could be somewhat of a possiblility, but still fun to make fun of, mainly because of the opportunity for a Zutara psyche. Anyway sorry for not doing a request and for the lateness but I just wasn't feeling it so maybe I'll get to them later. Thank you so much to anyone who reviewed you guys are the ones that keep me going, so thanks and see you in a little while. Sorry it's not my best chapter, next one will be better.