
Sokka was just out gathering fire wood for the gaang like any other day when he sensed that someone else was nearby. He drew his sword and started searching for the threat when he saw Azula. Alone. He started running the other direction as quickly as he possibly could when he heard her call after him, "Wait! I didn't come here to fight." Not willing to trust her for one instant Sokka swerved around and asked her suspiciously, "Then what are you here for?" Azula got a mischievous look in her Amber/Brown/Gold/Chestnut eyes. "You." She answered coyly and batted her eyelashes. "WHAT!!!!" yelled Sokka not caring anymore if anyone heard him. This was just too freaky. "You see Sokka. All those times I was supposedly chasing the avatar I was really just trying to get closer to you." More than a little weirded out at this point Sokka decided to get out of this situation as quickly as possible. But apparently Azula could read minds now too and stepped in front of Sokka. "Don't you see? I'm good now. Like Zuzu." And for some as of yet unknown reason Sokka accepted this and put his sword away. Then for yet another unknown reason Sokka and Azula started randomly making out because of course everyone could see that they were "meant to be". And then they skipped off to frolic through the flowers with a loop of overly optimistic 50's love songs playing in the backround.

Sokka woke with a start, drenched in a cold sweat and looked to his side relieved not to see Azula anywhere near him. He looked at his empty cup and muttered, "That's it no more cactus juiceā€¦.EVER again."