Chapter Six- Curtain Call

My breathing stopped as I realized it was Hideki who had pulled me into the dark room. I immediately began to struggle and writhe under his power, trying to get him off me.

Hideki only smiled devilishly. "Come on, what can a girl do against a strong guy? It's useless to fight, and it'll only make you more vulnerable to me once you tire out."

I froze, and I knew Hideki was right. His strength was greater than mine, but I wasn't about to let him do what he pleased with me.

"Why are you doing this?" I spat out.

Hideki chuckled. "Why am I not? I'm a man, Sakura, I have needs."

"Do those needs really require you to snatch away an innocent, and already dating someone else, girl and do this?"

"Oh, I'm aware of the consequences, but I at least want to leave my mark on your pretty little body before those consequences come."

I was struck dumbfounded, screw the name pervert or rapist, he was a freaking pedophile! I tried once more to escape his grip, but again it proved futile.

I knew the only way to postpone this until someone came was to keep him talking. "You know all I have to do is scream! Once I do, people will come running, especially Sasuke! And then you're going to get the crap beat of you! Sasuke wouldn't care who's watching!"

"Oh, I already thought of that." Hideki smirked, and then pulled out a cloth from his back pocket.

In a flash, my mouth was covered, and I couldn't speak. Hideki sneered at me.

"So what now? You're completely immobilized, and you can't speak. Any last retort?"

I glared at him, unable to speak through the cloth.

Hideki's devious smile widened. "I didn't think so. Now stay still and it'll all be over with soon."

Hideki began to reach up towards the cloth on my face. I knew he was going to move it and try to kiss me.

His fingers reached up and began to trace their way along my jaw up to the cloth. My eyes shut as I waited for what was coming, the cloth began to come down and I could feel his breath on my face.

Then an idea hit me. The moment I felt one of his fingers trace my lips as they moved the cloth away, I lashed out and bit it.

Hideki was startled to say the least by my action. He yelped in pain and swore as he ripped his finger out from between my teeth. I took that moment and lashed out with my leg.

Whack! Direct hit.

Hideki fell to the floor, desperately clutching the area between his pant legs. If there was one thing stronger than my fist, it was the impact of my leg.

"Have fun raping little children with that you little fucker." I growled with a maniacal grin on my face.

Hideki hissed in pain on the floor, and I quickly left the dark room. I ran down the hall towards my dressing room. I swung the door open, dashed inside, and rammed right into something large.

"There you are."

I looked up and beamed joyously, I had run into Sasuke.

"Sorry," I apologized, "I was just…showing Hideki how much I hate him."

Sasuke looked down at me with a surprised expression. "You went and saw Hideki?"

I shook my head. "No, I was looking for you! Ino came into my room earlier and said you were waiting for me in your dressing room! But then Hideki caught me and pulled me into a dark room where he tried to…geh, well I think you know."

Sasuke opened his mouth to question me, but I stopped him.

"No, he didn't do anything. I bit his finger then kicked him in the family jewels, and then I ran out of there and came here."

Sasuke let out a relieved sigh. "That's good…at least you're safe and I know somewhere he's laying in pain."

I giggled. "Yeah…."

Sasuke reached his hand up and stroked my hair. "You look nice in that outfit."

I blushed. "Thanks…"

Sasuke then abruptly turned away and walked out the door.

"Where are you going?" I called.

Sasuke turned his head and looked at me tenderly, but with a hint of malicious joy in his eyes. "I'm just going to pay Hideki a visit. I'll be right back."

I watched Sasuke leave the room and disappear down the hall. I felt completely alone once he was gone, for I knew in a little bit I would still have to go onstage and perform with Hideki. I sat down and just decided to wait until Sasuke returned. I stared into the mirror located in the room for a while, lost in thought.

The memories of the past few weeks played back in my head. At the beginning of it all Hideki had seemed like such a nice person, and now he had morphed into someone horrible.

A loud buzz interrupted my thoughts, followed by a voice. "Actors, please come up to the stage, actors, please come up to the stage. The play is about to begin."

I stood up and hesitated for a moment. Sasuke still wasn't back, and I didn't want to chance a run-in with Hideki. But I had to go. I took a deep breath and left the room.

I arrived at the stage, which was covered from the audience's view by a curtain. I looked around, I didn't see Hideki, but I didn't see Sasuke either. I began to grow nervous, and images of them fighting in that room backstage flashed through my mind.

"Sakura, there you are! Did you find Sasuke?"

I turned around at the voice and saw Ino approaching me.

I nodded my head as she neared me. "Yeah…I did."

Ino blinked. "What's wrong Sakura?"

I looked up at her, and then suddenly reached out and hugged her. "Do I really have to perform with that bastard?"

Ino blinked again. "What is it? What's wrong?"

I pulled away, took in a deep breath, and started to explain what had happened in the past few minutes. Ino's eyes grew from normal, to slightly surprised, to widened in shock as I finished my tale.

"That pedophile!" Ino exclaimed.

"That's what I was thinking." I huffed. "And then I told Sasuke about it, and I haven't seen him ever since."

"You don't think they're fighting right now, do you?" Ino asked.

"I don't know…it crossed my mind…."

Ino fell silent, and just as she was about to say something, another voice called.

"Sakura, come on! You need to be in place before the play starts!" Kakashi called.

I looked back at Ino. "Sorry…we'll talk later."

"Yeah, but by the time this play is done we should know what happened to them."

I nodded, and then set off to center stage as Ino moved back so she wouldn't be seen by the audience. I stood in my position and took several deep breaths, my typical routine before I began each play.

Kakashi's voice came on over the intercom, welcoming the audience and giving a little bit of information about the play. Finally he ended his speech and the curtains were swept away. It was time to begin.

For the start of the play it was mostly me. Hideki wasn't supposed to show up for a little bit. I went on my way through my lines as I was supposed to, and now it was time for Hideki to make his appearance.

"Namimaru! Namimaru over here!" I called, waiting for Hideki to come out.

He didn't.

Sasuke did.

I blinked, completely forgetting about the play for the moment as I took in the scene before me. Sasuke was dressed in Namimaru's outfit, that familiar smirk of his was on his face.

"Yuki! How are you?" Sasuke asked.

His naming me by my stage name snapped me out of my trance. I walked towards Sasuke, reciting my lines as I was supposed to, and finally I reached him.

"What are you doing here?" I hissed without anyone's notice.

"I'll explain later." Sasuke whispered back, and then went on with his own lines.

I beamed, this was a story I was anxious to hear.


"Okay Uchiha, you have some questions to answer." I stated as we walked off the stage after the final bow.

Sasuke smirked as we entered my dressing room. "After I left you, I tracked Hideki down as I said I would. I…took care of him; I'll leave it at that. And then I went to the stage where Kakashi was. He was asking where Hideki was, and I told him I had found him and he was feeling sick. At first Kakashi was a little worried about what to do, but then I mentioned how I knew all of Namimaru's lines from all my practices with you, and so I was assigned the part and here I am."

My jaw dropped as Sasuke spoke, and I merely gawked up at him.

"So…" I started, "so you got the part that easily?"

"What? You're not happy about it?" Sasuke countered.

I launched myself at Sasuke and pulled him into a hug. "Of course I'm happy! I'm just…surprised!"

Sasuke chuckled. "I thought as much."

I shook my head and gazed up at Sasuke. "Well, I felt much better kissing you than I would if I ever had to kiss Hideki."

Sasuke leaned down and took my lips in a sweet kiss. "Yeah, and I'm the only one you ever will, right?"

"Well…unless you get sick and miss another part-assigning day."

"Oh trust me, I don't care if I'm hacking up a lung, I am never missing another one of those days."

I giggled. "Well aren't you sweet?"

"Hn, only to you."

"Ha, yeah… So really…what did you do to Hideki?"

Sasuke blinked, and then his smirk grew wider. "Let's just say he's not getting out of that room on his own."

"But isn't he going to tell people it was you who did it to him?" I dreaded the thought of Sasuke being suspended or expelled.

Sasuke scoffed. "I told you, I have all the skills to cover my tracks. Not even Hideki will know it was me."

I stared at Sasuke for a moment, and then shook my head. "Oh my…what am I getting myself into?"

"Not much, you just have to keep these secrets and everything will be fine."

I rested my head on his arm. "Till death do I reveal your secrets."

Sasuke looked down tenderly at me. "Till death shall we part."

I giggled again. "And that's just how I like it."


Hmmm…WE'RE DONE! Though I think the ending could have gone a bit better…I never really planned out the very end…oh well, what's written has been written. So…how'd you all enjoy this? Was it better than the first one? I hope it was…. I'm kinda surprised that I created such a hated character such as Hideki. I think after my last update most of the reviews I got were people saying Hideki should go die. Well then, at least I got you guys all riled up for the ending! Though I imagine the reviews saying "You shoulda described what Sasuke did to Hideki! I wanna hear him sufferrrr!" XP Anyway, at least now this means all I have to work on is CC, and that means I can take as much time as necessary to make it a good story! So till then!