Feel free to ignore everything except the link at the bottom. I just got off the plane and writing while sick and tired and under the influence of cold medicine is not the most felicious of circumstances.

(YES, I know I got it wrong. But if you know I got it wrong then you know what I meant.)

Oh what fickle little reviewers you are.

I promise you a rushed, msn style summary and you review in droves. I promise you a chocolate covered Edward and...

Yeah, not so much.

Of course, it could be that my writing has degenerated. If that is the case please, PLEASE tell me what you didn't like or what you liked better in my other works -or even in other people's work! I'm not fussy.

Anyway, for those of you who reviewed: THANK YOU! You make my heart sing.

For those of you who favourited me without reviewing... I still love you. I just love my reviewers better.

And for those of you who read and enjoyed: I am glad that you liked it. I just wish I could be certain that there aren't legions of disaffected people out there shaking their heads in disgust.

Of course, if you want to make it up to me you could always clicky on this here linky (or rather, copy and paste it into your browser) and then go vote for me...

*Bats eyelids coyly*


http://www [DOT] fanfiction [DOT] net/u/1779141/#