This is fanfic with no profit so I own nothing but a writers determination and a laptop, and all hail the great BBC for bringing Doctor Who to our screens and ears.
Author Note
This is a story of the Doctor and Sarah Jane made to be as close to the original episodes as possible but with Sarah being with the Doctor from the start. I'll be listening to every episode (since quite a few episodes are missing) and re-writing each one to include Sarah. Though for this I will have to start before the Doctor left Gallifrey so a few chapters before the actual episodes begin.
Wish me luck and please bare with me as this shall take a very long time considering the amount of episodes there are and that I'm doing my final year of uni.
A poll is now open for the title of this piece. Once I get enough suggestions I'll re-name the story.
I hope you enjoy reading
miss nyx
NC-17, M, 18 Rated
Adult content, themes and language
Het, romance, hurt/comfort, angst, drama, horror, sci-fi
Very long project!
You have been warned
Sarah Jane/All Doctors pairing
A Secret of Gallifrey
The Children of Time, A Planet named Gallifrey
Gallifrey, a planet with the sky a bright orange framing a citadel enclosed in a mighty glass dome which shined under the twin suns encircling the planet. Beyond that there are mountains which go on forever falling away to slopes of deep red grass lightly capped with snow.
It is a description which will be given to any outsider which braves the question of my friend's origin, and mine I must confess, but like me he saw only restraints where the others saw freedom, cold un-attachments opposed to their self proclaimed etiquette and repression against their efficiency. That is why we both broke free an each stole a TARDIS but before we left we fought, and before the second sun set we became enemies, mortal enemies when at the previous sunrise we were best friends.
What could make such friends turn enemies within a time which is seen by many so often in their lives? A betrayal. One which can never be forgiven. A betrayal which took my first creation, my companion away from me before she even set foot on our travels. A betrayal in which he took her as his own.
Sarah Jane Smith
As the second sun rose, the whole of the citadel bust into life as the sun's rays cast a glistening light onto young time lords walking, never running, towards their appropriate stations.
"Doctor" a young time lord dressed in Prydonian colours, a symbol of his status, strode towards his best friend in such a hurry that the Doctor was worried.
"Master, do not be so open about our names otherwise if Azmael catches word of it then it detention in our rooms with no library access until our fellow time lords graduate. We'll never be able to steal a TARDIS then."
The Master seemed undeterred as he indicated to an empty gallery.
"We can travel through time and space doing what we like but what will be the point, in say 1,000 years, when all our classmates have families and all we do is travel, travel and more travel?"
The Doctor gave him a calculating look. "It's a bit late to be finding someone else to come with us, we're leaving tonight."
The Master dragged is friend, as gracefully as he could so as not to attract attention, into a disused lab which he himself had been using in all the free time that Rassilon graced him with.
The dimly lit room showed no signs of recent use except a small loom hidden in a corner, a loom which should rightfully be with many others in the ward of creation where all time lords and ladies are planned and made into the life which so many follow.
This loom however was missing several threads and held an eerie glow which gave a sense of forbidding to most should they ever look upon it. A table lay next to the loom covered in a plain white sheet ghosting the outline of a humanoid form.
Pulling back the sheet the Doctor was brought face to face with a female still attached to the loom by the bare threads still hanging from her left hand fingers.
"To stave off the boredom." The Master supplied which the Doctor gave him another questioning glance before his eyes widened in horror.
"What have you done?" The normally calm Doctor grabbed his friend by the robes and shook him hard.
"You created…that!" he gestured at the prone girl "for your own desires"
The Master pried his friend's hands off him and ran a hand through the girl's hair.
"Desires, needs, wants and fantasies. She'll never refuse and never waver from her master." The Master leant down and brushed his lips against hers.
"All I need do is attach the end of the loom to myself and she will be tied to my life until the day I die." He reached for the girl's hand which was still attached to the loom but the Doctor grabbed the girl's hand pulling it out of the Master's reach.
"You can't! Let the loom finish, let her be free" The Doctor pleaded but the Master's face was shroud in fury. A small tingling in the Doctor's right hand, like pins and needles, tickled his fingers and then his hand as it made its way to his hearts before stopping as suddenly as it began.
The Doctor turned to face his hand and saw a broken loom and the loose threads from the girl's hand fading into his own.
Without warning the Master attacked punching the Doctor firmly on the nose.
"You imbecile! She was mine!" The Master punched the Doctor in the stomach knocking him to the floor in the rush to salvage what he could of his long hard work.
The doctor lunged across the floor grabbing the Master's legs and pulling him down onto the floor. Kicking free of the Doctor, the Master pulled himself up using the bed and reached out to the girl but the Doctor grabbed him around the neck and pulled him away from the girl and into one of the lab tables sending vials and tools scattering to the floor.
There was banging on the door and the two broke apart. All the shouting and banging had brought others to the door and now they were trying to get in.
The Master fled towards to door a Tissue Compression Eliminator in hand as he prepared to make his escape. The Doctor turned to find a back exit but stopped as he turned to the girl who still held his hand. They would kill her if she was found and while the reasons for her creation were barbaric he would not let her reasons for death be the same.
Lifting her off the table he fled behind a curtain leading to a concealed passage, praying for the first time in his life, that his friend would be caught. The sound of lasers being fired and shouting meant that the Doctor was able to make it safely back to his room without being noticed.
Placing the girl onto his bed he locked the door and, for good measure, brought out his prototype sonic screwdriver and sealed his room.
The outside world seemed to fall silent as he turned to face the girl whose white gown was slipping off her fragile shoulders. She looked like a child's doll, much like the ones time ladies were given to practice with before entering the academy. Soft brown hair framed her green eyes which gazed innocently at the Doctor.
He could see why the Master had made her this way, she was beautiful. He reached across and stroked the side of her face, sitting down as he did so. Pulling back sharply he closed his eyes.
"I'm not him. Never." The Doctor chanted scrunching his fists. He nearly jumped out his own skin as the girl repeated his actions and stroked the side of his face. She was so innocent, so lost.
"Do you have a name?" The Doctor asked but the unchanged childlike gaze answered his question.
"I'm the Doctor" he said pointing at himself. The girl leant forward and pressed he hand against the Doctor's hearts.
"Doctor" said murmured softly. The Doctor leant forward unsure if she had spoken since the words were so soft a quiet. The girl leant forwards and put her ear near the Doctor's mouth once again mimicking his actions.
"What shall I name you?" the Doctor looked into her eyes. He would loath to give her a Gallifreian name since they were so long and boring not like Earth names. Earth! He would give her a name from Earth!
He rushed over to a pile of books stacked next to his bed, grabbed the one which mentioned some Earthen names, turned around and bumped into the girl, who had run after him, knocking her to the ground.
"Sorry" the Doctor murmured as he put the book down and picked up the girl carrying her back over to the bed and putting her down before retrieving the book. Opening it on a page where he remembered seeing several names he scanned the text to find a suitable name.
Smith was a surname which he found both unique and simple at the same time despite its regular use for several characters in the book. A surname would be a nice addition and Smith would do nicely but there was still the problem of a first name.
Six girls names were mentioned, Sarah, Lucy, Jane, Elisabeth, Margret and Mary but it was a hard decision to make. Liking both Jane and Sarah the best was a complication since he could only choose one.
"Jane or Sarah? Jane, Sarah, Jane…" the Doctor muttered to himself unaware of the girl repeating his words.
"Jane, Sarah, Jane…" the Doctor stopped.
"…Sarah, Jane" the girl said before also stopping and glancing at the Doctor who had a look of sudden realisation on his face.
"Of course! It's perfect! Sarah Jane!" the Doctor grabbed both the girls hands and smiled at her before pressing his hand against her heart.
"Sarah Jane Smith"
Next installments:
A Decent Thing to Do
Doctor John Smith