Disclaimer: I still claim NO ownership at all to the characters in this fic!

The day has finally come, May Day is here. Lilo practiced the whole morning. She wore the same outfit her mom wore. The contest was at the same place, Lilo's other classmates were already there. Then came lilo with a smile on her face. Myrtle sent her a glare when she came. Lilo's expression changed to worry. Lilo held the mask in her hands. Then the same flower her mom wore landed in her hair. She spotted it and looked up in a tree there was a smiling sonic giving her a thumbs up. He jumped down next to her and put his hand on her shoulder. Sonic and Lilo walked pass myrtle and the others, with lilo smiling. Sonic pointed up to a tree "I'll be watching.'' he said. She then went to the back of the small rock mound and waited till her turn came.

Time passed and jumba finally rebuilt the chamber. He reached for the lever slowly. By surprise the room changed red, stitch's energy had only three bars left. "There is no time, we must get stitch into the machine!'' jumba shouted running out of the ship with Pleakely following in search for stitch. Lilo held the picture of her mom in her hands. "Well, this is it.'' she said starting to walk up to the stage.

Stitch came out of a bush "You'll be great.'' stitch spoke "Stitch?'' lilo said turning around. "I just need to say I..I'' he tried to get the words out. "I can't talk now I have to go on.'' she replied "I know, I-'' he stopped, his eyes glowed green then back to normal. "Oh no badness coming back.'' he said looking up at her "What?'' she said. "No don't'' he said grabbing his head struggling against the force. His antennas came out and his eyes glowed again. "Stitch?'' she said worriedly. Suddenly stitch with his sharp claws scratched across her face knocking her to the ground and finally he returned to normal. She put her hand to the scratches and she was shocked. Stitch widened his eyes and looked at his hands "No'' was all he could say. "Stitch?'' she said reaching for him "No, too dangerous.'' he held his hands out in protest, he then ran away from her. Kumu walked next to her and put his hand on her shoulder "Come lilo, everybody's waiting'' showing her the way.

She walked up on the mound in front of the small audience. "My hula is about an ancient friendship.'' she spoke and looking back to where stitch ran. "That proves love is more powerful than love.'' she told the people. The music players started singing the song "Always'' as she danced. The only thing that was in her mind was stitch. She then stopped dancing and took the mask off her head. The singers stopped, Kumu and the audience including Nani and david watched in confusion. "I'm sorry mom.'' she said to herself putting down the mask and ran after stitch into the trees.

Lilo came upon jumba and Pleakely "Where's stitch?'' she asked. Nani and David came as well. "Something's wrong with stitch.'' lilo told them 'Its not his fault he's malfunctioning again, we must find him.'' jumba warned. "Everyone start looking.'' lilo said. They searched everywhere for their friend. Lilo was at the tree house and heard a creek, she hoped it was stitch so she climbed up it and spotted sonic holding a paper. He handed it to her she gasped it was his goodness level crossed out by a red X. "We'll find him.'' sonic told her but she still couldn't believe it was happening again.

"We looked everywhere!'' david said meeting up with Nani. Jumba came in "Only has few minutes left!'' he said. Then a loud noise came they looked over to the house to see the ship powering up. "Stitch!'' lilo shouted at the bottom next to the house. She started running towards the ship, as its engines fired up. It lifted off, Sonic leaped at it but missed and he skidded across the ground and stopped next to lilo watching the ship fly away and then the rest of the group joined sonic and lilo. Stitch looked out the window and waved goodbye with a sad face. "We have to stop him!'' lilo exclaimed a horn sounded and over to their left was Pleakely in Nani's car. Lilo, david, Jumba, Pleakley, with Nani driving drove after the ship. Sonic stood on top of the car watching the ship. "Give me your communicator!'' Jumba said without warning taking it from Pleakely's hands and he gave it to lilo.

Stitch was about to put it into hyper drive when Lilo's voice came. "Stitch please come back.'' she begged. "Stitch can never come back.'' he said reaching for the lever but his energy stopped him he shook wildly the ship flew out of control. Nani gasped noticing the path ended, she hit the brake the car came to a halt with everyone getting out of the car and heard the shriek of the ship crashing into the side of a mountain with smoke rising from it.

"Now what?'' Pleakely asked. Sonic got off the top of the car and opened the front hood of the car. Lilo peeked over him, he took a few steps back. Inside were the seven chaos emeralds "Hey, you gotta put them somewhere.'' sonic shrugged. He clenched his fists and they shook the seven emeralds swirled around him, then a bright golden flash came. Lilo and the others shielded their eyes and saw sonic was golden, his quills sticking up.

He walked over to lilo and picked her up. Sonic blasted off, "Activate the chamber before energy runs out, its only chance!'' jumba shouted. Sonic flew around the mountains where stitch crashed and finally touching down. He put lilo down she started immediately looking for stitch, sonic looked around as well still in his super form. Lilo came across the chamber, and below on a ledge was stitch nearly on the brink of death. She ran down to his body "No too dangerous.'' he spoke "Your not dangerous.'' she told him and looked back at the machine. "I need to get you into Jumba's machine.'' she said pulling his body up the hill. The others still struggled to climb up the mountain to stitch. Lilo put stitch into the chamber and closed the cover, she gasped as the energy was emptying. She pulled on the bar, two bars, one bar, then a the last second she pulled the lever. And fell backwards. Sonic, still in his super form came from behind and watched for what might come. Lilo put her hands to the window cover as the chamber glowed green inside. "Stitch your going to be okay now.'' his eyes slowly opened and he put his hand where on the other side her hand was. "Stitch…sorry.'' were his lasts words as his hand fell and he took one last breath, his body fell motionless, it was too late.

"Stitch.'' she said quietly. The others came Jumba came first and gasped "No.'' was what he said "Jumba its not working.'' she said grabbing his hand and showing him to the chamber. Jumba looked on the meter and closed his eyes "We're too late.'' Jumba said grimly lilo put her hands to her cheeks with a gasp. Nani sobbed and embraced David and Pleakely looked down. Jumba pulled the lever turning the machine off. He opened the cover and took stitch out in his hands and held his creation in his arms. Lilo came over to him, Jumba gave stitch to lilo "There is nothing you can do…he's gone.'' he lowered his head. Lilo hugged his lifeless body. She sniffled and started to speak. "Stitch…I'm so sorry.'' "I kept saying how I needed you, but you needed me more.'' she said between sobs. She took the flower from her hair and placed it on his chest "You're my Ohana stitch'' she hugged his motionless body. "And I'll always love you.'' then tears came down her face.

Jumba, Pleakely, David and Nani couldn't watch they were all hurt. Sonic had his arms crossed and was looking away, he looked back at her and felt he had to do something. He walked next to her while she kept crying, he got on one knee and put one of his hands under her chin. A few tears dripped on his glove he placed his hand on stitch's chest and a bright green glow shined. Sonic took a few steps back, on the fusion chamber his energy started to fill up. Lilo opened her eyes as she felt one of his hands on hers she gasped. "Stitch loves lilo too.'' stitch spoke "Stitch!!'' she cried in joy she embraced him in laughter as Nani, David, Jumba, and Pleakely gathered around them and their Ohana was back together again. Sonic smiled, he turned around and was about to leave "Wait Sonic!'' she shouted The blue hedgehog turned around and lilo came to him and hugged him, sonic held his hands up when she did. She stepped back and sonic dashed up into the sky flying away.

Later that night the group stood together and started to dance like last time. All in hula outfits, the Ohana danced together again. Sonic saved stitch's life and made lilo one happy girl. Lilo and Stitch danced next to each other the two stopped and smiled at each other, the two embraced their cheeks touching each others. Nani came and put her hands on both their shoulders "Mom would be so proud of you.'' Lilo smiled from what he sister said Nani, stitch, and Lilo all hugged. The three looked up into the sky to see Super Sonic hovering in the sky above them with his arms crossed and smiling. "Love is more powerful than death.'' sonic said to himself and jetted across the sky back to Station Square for he brought back a strong relationship between two. Lilo and Stitch shall remember Sonic forever.