This is my first shot at a Digimon fic as well as a romance, so please review and give your input on the story. The fic is based on a movie that I recently saw and incorporates some of the Digidestined, so ages might be a bit off. If you can name the film, e-mail me with the answer, and I will draw you a picture that has some relevancy to the story. The only hint you're getting is that it is a movie from a country in Asia. The story takes place as TK, Ken, and Izzy are going to college. It seems I can't stop myself from rambling (*sigh*). Well, here goes.

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon (it seems I don't own a lot of things!). The plot has been borrowed and remade Digimon-style from the mystery movie I just referred to.

Love on a Leaf

It was a rather dull night at the Kyoto Central Train Station. The clock read 2:17 A.M. The final train had just pulled in. Out of the train stepped a tall figure, with golden blonde hair, and shimmering blue eyes. He wore a basketball jersey with an "O" engraved on the front to signify that he once played for the Odaiba team. With a deep sigh, TK stepped off the train with his luggage in tow. It had been a long night for TK so all he wanted to do was sleep. However he had places to go. As such, he rested on a nearby bench with a pole beside it with a mark that declared it as a bus stop. A second young man then stepped out of the train. He was around TK's height, with deep violet eyes, and matching hair. He took a look around as he left the podium, and saw TK on the bench. Ken approached TK and said a friendly hello, followed by a handshake, which TK gladly reciprocated. He then plopped himself down on the bench, as he was tired too, and proceeded to wait for the bus along with TK. A third young man then stepped out of the train with his luggage, and a distinguishable Pineapple Laptop. He was rather short with brown hair that didn't seem to be kept well. He, too, took a look around and then proceeded to walk to the bus stop where the other two boys were waiting. Unlike TK and Ken, Izzy was wide awake and full of energy, for some reason. He brandished a big smile at the others and said hello. After waiting for about five minutes, a thought (or more - a theory) popped into Izzy's head.

"Are you both waiting for the bus that is going to Kyoto Academy?" he asked.

Both boys nodded to confirm. At that point all three of them couldn't help but smile. Little did they know that what had just started as a mere acquaintance, will soon blossom into a strong friendship.

To be continued... well this was just the prologue, soon enough I will upload the remainder of the story.