AN: I don't own J&D but I do own a clean/fresh linen candle and today I came to a realization. Whenever I think of Jak I think of the way clean linen candle's smell. And some how I came up eith this. If you like it please tell me and if you want any other dabbles or whatever than just ask and I'll see what I can do. R&R.
Jak always smells like one of those clean linen candles to me. I'm not sure why but thats always what I think of when I'm close enough to get a whiff of him. The only time I've ever really smelt a real linen candle was when Jak's grandpa brought one back from one of his few 'expeditions". I think the old guy ever went on three. Some explorer. So when Keira brought back some scented candles she found in the back of some guy's recked zoomer, I immediately went for the clean linen one. I didn't even get why I went for that one at first until I realized it reminded me of him. I'd never tell him or anyone else, well maybe I'd tell my baby Tessie if she asked, but I really miss him when he's not around. It's hard for me to remember back when he wasn't there to listen to me or hangout. Those three year's without him were torture. I'm fine during the day as long as I'm surrounded by other people but at night or when I'm all alone it make me almost want to cry, because I'm that lonely. I had to keep avoiding the thought of him to keep up my moral sometimes.
It' funny how even once I had broke him out of that prison, or when he's covered in mud or metal head guts, he still smells like that. The smell never wore off because it wasn't just in his clothes it was in his skin. Even if he got all his skin burned off he provably would smell like that. But let's not think abut that shall we? Nasty thoughts. Bad thoughts are bad. But back on topic. Jak made me stay at the bar today with Tess wile he went on some mission. He said I couldn't come because of all the deep water there was gonna be. He knows I've never been a good swimmer, but now I cant swim at all. It was nice of him to think of me but I didn't care and wonted to go. He still wouldn't let me though so he assigned Tess to making sure I didn't follow him anyways. So now I'm sitting here next to Tess who's busy cleaning on cold, slow day at the bar completely and utterly board. Luckily Keira left all the candles here since Tess wonted most of them. Among them was my fresh linen candle and I pulled it out to light it. So now even though I'm board, cold, and slightly annoyed at Jak for not bringing me, at least I'm not lonely because with my candle Jak is always around.