Tsuna's adventure's in Namimori Middle School
By: Klutzilla01
Disclaimer: Reborn belongs to Akira Amano. Not me. I'm just using the characters, names, and relationships for my own self satisfactory.
Warning: Uh... Bad language and um... bad grammar.... I guess. I don't know LOOK AT IT YOURSELF AND BE THE JUDGE! D:
Dedicated to: Yullen Enthusiast, heh, she edited this. Happy belated birthday!
Chapter 01: Tsunayoshi Sawada: Art Class; Division: Sculpting and Painting; Category: Ceramics and Murals
My name is Tsunayoshi Sawada; or just Tsuna for short. I go to the prestigious Namimori middle school on an art scholarship.
Namimori gathers people from all over Japan that have a special talent in something. It's an escalator school that goes from Pre-K to university; all of which have a high education. Since everyone in middle school and up have a scholarship in one thing, Pre-K and grade school children are for parents who actually have to pay the tuition, and when the kids get a scholarship in something, they can go to Namimori middle school. If they don't, then...
They can no longer attend Namimori (Talk about being picky.... But there still are quite a few students)
But in my personal experience; ANYBODY can attend Namimori really. I mean, I got in and well... damn! I knew, my parents knew, my relatives knew, the whole student body and staff KNEW that I would never make it into Namimori middle school. But, by some weird miracle, then I got an art scholarship, I remember the graduation ceremony like it was yesterday....
"Yamamoto Takeshi, congratulations on getting the athletics scholarship in Sports; you have now graduated from Namimori grade school to Namimori Middle school!" the announcer (This guy hates me by the way. I think it's because I'm so dame...) boomed in the mike, shaking the smiling boy's hand in a proud manner.
"Okay, now, the final lucky kid that gained a scholarship is..." the announcer looked at the paper in his hands with an eager face; before it dropped.
"....I'm sorry but, are you sure this isn't a mistake?" He blinked a few times and rubbed his eyes repeatedly then looked at the sheet again. After realizing he wasn't going crazy he turned to another staff member that had looked at it previously. The staff's face had been dreary for the entire ceremony (which was weird mind you) and shook his head at the announcer. "I asked the head chairman himself and he had said that there was no mistake." was the man's reply.
"...." The announcer began to frown deeply before emitting a grave sigh. "Alright then," he grumbled. "S-Sawada Tsunayoshi," he began, "Congratulation's on getting an art scholarship on Painting, and sculpting; you have now graduated from Namimori grade school to...." he heaved another sigh before continuing. "...Namimori... middle school...."
I stood up from my seat and raised my hand. "Yes, Tsunayoshi-kun?" the announcer asked while rubbing his temples.
"I'm sorry, but you're making a grave mistake." I told him.
He just nodded his head. "I know, Tsunayoshi-kun, I know..."
A great big scuffle erupted at that moment with angry yells and multiple phone calls to the dean's office. But everything was confirmed, and soon, I was wearing the very prestigious uniform only the best of the best could wear.
I felt like I cheated my way in here.
But so far, I've been able to pass by in the school with no problems actually, and I do like art a lot.
So I guess life isn't so bad.
Then, everything changed when I was confronted in the art room by two of the best students who've gotten a scholarship.
It was the first Monday of June when it happened.
I was alone in the dusty art room, working on a mural that was due next week. The theme I had to do was 'Positive and Negative', and I had an idea of what to do but every time I picked up my brush to do something about it, I'd drop it and then wallow in self-pity at my lack of inspiration.
It's hard being an art student.
After picking up and dropping my brush for the hundredth time that day, I decided it would be best if maybe I just do what Reborn-Sensei told me to do when I'm stuck.
(And just so you know, Reborn-sensei is my art teacher. He teaches me all of the art subjects in here, although, mostly it's just Ceramics and Murals, he also teaches me painting, shadings, sketching, etc. from time to time. Reborn-sensei is also my language Arts teacher... It's pretty cool but... I wish we'd stop reading Edgar Allen Poe poems..... They're so depressing... I mean, whatever happened to Dante or Robert Frost or Emily Dickinson? I mean gees, Sensei! You're so depressing!! Teach me something happy for once you stupid sadist!!! D:)
I picked up my brush and laid down on the floor; spreading myself out and closing my eyes. I decided to let my imagination run wild, focusing my thoughts on the fleeting and ignored ones I would often conjure without realizing it.
I wonder who my roommates would be if I had any?
The mural should probably have a splash of red and blue somewhere...
Plus and minus is Positive and Negative right?
Kyoko-chan looked really cute today! Just like always!
I'm such a loser... No, I did not just realize that, I've always known!
If Reborn saw me now, I bet he'd kill me!
Yeah, these were the things I would think of.
As I played with the random ideas in my heads, I didn't notice the sound of the sliding door open until the crinkling of newspapers alarmed me. It must be Reborn!
I quickly shot up and clutched my brush tightly. "I-I'M SORRY, REBORN-SENSEI! I-I WASN'T SLEEPING, HONEST! I WAS THINKING! YEAH THAT'S RIGHT, THINKING!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO THINK OF SOMETHING WITH NO INSPIRATION AT ALL!!! Well, I'm sure you do but THAT'S NOT MY POINT!!! Pl-PLEASE DON'T PUNISH ME!!" I yelled and starting bowing profusely.
When nothing happened for about five minutes, I slowly stopped bowing and opened my tightly shut eyes. When I did, I sighed in relief. It was only two guys from the sports and mathematic branches... wait....
I backed into the wall with a hard thump. "W-W-W-W-W-W-W-WHY IS THERE TWO STUDENTS FROMT THE MATHEMATICS AND SPORTS DIVISIONS IN THE ART ROOM!?" I yelled out in confusion. The one in sports laughed a little.
"Gokudera and I were just wondering around!" He laughed and took a few more steps to me. "Oh, are you the only art scholar here?" He asked ad he stopped a small ways away from me and the wall.
I nodded cautiously. Sports and mathematic students usually trash this please whenever no one is around so only art scholars and staffs are allowed entryway here. I even have my own custom made key.
"I see!" he laughed once more before stretching out his hand to me. "My name is Yamamoto Takeshi of the Sports division; Baseball! And you are...?" he trailed off expecting me to answer.
I gulped a bit before hesitantly grasping his hand with mine. "Sa-Sawada Tsunayoshi of the Sculpting and painting divisions', Ceramics and Murals..." He began shaking our hand enthusiastically. "It's very nice to meet you, Sawada!" He said before letting go of my hand.
"Hey Gokudera, why don't you introduce yourself?" Yamamoto hollered to his companion. The boy snorted but introduced himself anyways "Gokudera Hayato of the Mathematics divisions; all categories." He said. I gaped. Did he say all categories? "A-All categories!?" I asked in awe.
"Yeah? What of it?" he said crossly. I walked up to him and stared into his eyes (it was a very daring move that I don't usually make) not caring if he was uncomfortable or what. "T-that's so cool!" I exclaimed. He blushed and looked away. "N-Not really." He mumbled
I shook my head and smiled. "No, it really IS awesome!" I said. It's hard enough to get a scholarship in one category, but for all? He must've been a genius!
He coughed some more before scratching the back of his head. "W-Well, you must be pretty amazing to be the only art scholar here." He returned. I just shook my head.
"Actually..." I trailed off a bit before I shook my head. He probably doesn't really care. That's when I remembered something. "Hey, w-wait a minute!!" I turned to Yamamoto and backed from Gokudera, switching my attention from the two. "How did you two even get in here!? Only Art students and the art staff have the key's to get in here!! I'm also pretty sure I locked the doors when I came in too!" I pointed at the both of them at the same time and glared.
I saw Yamamoto scratch the back of his neck and Gokudera cough a little. "S-Sorry, we kind of... broke the doors..." He gave me a sheepish smile and I gaped at him. "You broke them....Y-You BROKE them!?" I yelled.
"We just assumed this place was abandoned." Gokudera answered looking away uneasily. I stared at the two in disbelief for several awkward minutes before breaking down and dropping to the floor in anguish.
"N-No way..." I mumbled, Crud. Reborn-sensei is going to kill me. I began to hit the ground in frustration yelling out No repeatedly. I didn't care if the other two thought of me as insane; I'm dead! I'm gonna die no question's asked!
"Sa-Sawada...?" Yamamoto asked nervously trying to touch me. That's when I suddenly remembered my 'not-even-started-with' mural of positive and negative. Immediately I stood up and walked to the wall I was told to paint on. It was blank, and white... What the Frick am I suppose to do? I started to pull at my hair and scream in aggravation.
"HHHIIIIIIIEEEEE!!!! WHAT THE HELL SHOULD I DO!!!!?????" I yelled and began kicking the wall, hoping to the GOOD GRACIOUS GUY IN BOXERS UP IN THE SKY that inspiration will hit my foot and travel to my brain. Now, in my source of panic I'd totally forgotten about the pair behind me and well, the rest of the world until I heard the loud booming of Yamamoto.
"SAWADA!!!" He boomed and I turned around with tears in my eyes. But then they widened and I gasped. "We're really sorry we distressed you like that but..."
"W-WAIT, YAMAMOTO, GOKUDERA, DON'T MOVE!!!" I yelled and got my paints and brushes ready. They stayed where they were and stilled looking at me warily. "S-Sawada?" they both asked in unison. "J-Just stay there please!" I pleaded them and mixed the big brush I had with the red color. I climbed up the ladder and connected the paint covered end with the plain white wall, beginning my grand mural in excitement.
"This might take a while" I told them without looking back. "So if you could please, lean back on the wall behind you as casually as possible then please, do so." I told them.
Finally I turned to look at them.
Gokudera leaned back on the doorframe; arms crossed and head slightly down, green eyes looking critically at me. Even when he was casual, he looked scary and angry.
Yamamoto was slightly opposite, leaned back on the chalkboard, hands in his pockets, and a lazy grin plastered on his face. His head was tilted upwards slightly as his chocolate brown eyes stared straight into my own.
Blue and red
Rain and Storm
Positive and Negative
Negative and Positive
I quickly turned around, not caring on how the ladder tilted back a bit on my sudden action. It went back into place anyways.
I returned to the mural, the images I saw forever to be stuck in my head until I let it out on the wall.
And it stayed like this for hours.
Once I was satisfied, I climbed off the ladder tiredly, putting down all of the messy art utensils I had. I marveled at my creation happily. It took up the entire wall but that was okay. "Reborn would be so proud." I told myself and wiped some sweat from my brow.
I turned around happily, expecting them to not be there. Yamamoto was sitting down looking at me in mild surprise, while Gokudera was at the chalkboard making up and solving random math problems.
Obviously they were bored.
"I-I'm surprised you guys are still here..." I said gaining their attention. "Well, you did tell us to stay here." Yamamoto said, getting up.
I nodded and bowed respectfully to them. "Thank you..." I mumbled blushing. "Umm, i-if you want, you can leave now, you've done a lot already so, uh... yeah..." I bowed once more out of respect waiting for them to leave.
"So you're asking us to stay for five hours, and now you're kicking us out?" Yamamoto joked. But, well, I took it seriously. "N-NO! O-of course not it's just, I'm sure you guys are bored right now..." I began to fidget nervously. I felt awkward.
Yamamoto laughed and waved it off. "On the contrary, I'm actually quite interested." He looked at me seriously, although the smile he wore and the small glint also gave him a mischievous air.
"We can come back, right?" Yamamoto asked, motioning both him and Gokudera.
Gokudera grunted. "I don't really care." He said and began erasing the chalkboard. I coughed a bit. "Uh...." I didn't want to answer him so instead, I turned around and bended over to pick up newspapers.
"Well, as long as you're here, then please help me clean up, I guess." I didn't want to see they couldn't. I found that kind of rude... (As Reborn-Sensei always said; the art room is a holy place for artist, other shitty people don't belong here.) I heard a shuffling of steps and the crinkling of newspapers.
I guess they really will help.
That's... good. I sighed in relief as the three of us continued to clean up; I wonder if this makes us friends?
A/N: Crap, I should be working on my other stories..... Uh.... yeah.
Thanks To: YULLEN ENTHUSIAST: For reading, editing, and fixing my first chapter in this story. You're so awesome. ;_;
Thank you to everyone that read this too; I feel so honored.
I'll explain more of the system later...
When the three had finished cleaning, Tsuna finally decided to tell them that important thing. "Um, y-you guys?" Tsuna nervously began, gaining the two's attention.
"Yeah, Sawada?"
"What, Sawada?"
"U-Uh, well, I-I guess you guys can come over if you want but... if you do, please come through the window!" Tsuna bowed in immediate apology.
"Why?" they asked in unison. Tsuna gulped and scratched the back of his head. "Umm, that is..." He didn't think they would ask (Since he was too stupid to think about it) "R-Reborn-Sensei... he... he doesn't really... like the people outside of the art class... In fact, you could say he loathes them- especially those in the Athletic and academics class, particularly Sports and mathematics..."
They stared at him. "...If you come through the obvious front door, he will kill me and you two." Tsuna summarized.
"Oh, I see. Strict guy?" Yamamoto asked.
"You don't know the half of it..."