Killing Me Softly.
-Chapter 1.
Note; English isn't my main language! So I'm sorry if I made any mistakes, I hope you'll enjoy reading this story though!
Note2; This was meant to be a Zashley story first, but since that isn't allowed (which I found out about later) I decided to make it Troypay.
Sharpay's POV.
"No, seriously, girls. I'm not going with you." I sighed and glanced at Gabriella and Taylor. They had been trying to convince me for like three hours, and I was slowly getting sick of them. Why didn't they just shut up!?
Gabriella gave me a look. "Why not? It's gonna be amazing!"
I groaned. "I have homework to do." was the only one thing I could think of to say.
"Shar, come on. It's fríday. You have the entire weekend to make homework!" Taylor said. Seeing the look on her face made me feel a bit guilty, but I wouldn't give in. There was no way I was going with them.
I sighed again. "How many times do I have to tell you? You might be fans, but I'm not. I hate him and everything about him."
Gabriella dropped her magazine and looked at me in disbelief. "I can't believe you really said that."
"No, I mean, how can you nót like him?! He's like, the most perfect person in this world!" Taylor agreed with Gabriella.
I rolled my eyes, realising it'd make no sense to explain. But I gave it one more shot and told them the exact same thing as I did so many times before. "He's just a jerk who thinks he's all that after having óne hit song. And it wasn't even thát good."
Gabriella picked up her magazine and stood up. "Fine, then stay boring. You have no idea what you're missing out."
"A really bad concert, most likely. No thank you. I think I'll just stick to my homework." I replied sarcasticly. "But have fun tonight."
"If that's possible" I mumbled under my breath.
Taylor also stood up, a bit annoyed because of my attitude. "Thanks. I think we'd better get going. We don't wanna be late."
After saying that she left with Gabriella, leaving for another concert again. Allowing theirselves to ruin their ears by listening to that crap. I laughed slightly and grabbed for my homework. Everything better than going with them..
Troy's POV.
"Damn, Troy. Just stop being so nervous! You're freaking me out!" Chad yelled out of frustration while watching me walking up and down the room.
I gave him a look, stood still and sighed. "I can't help it either! You know I'm always like this before a show!"
Chad rolled his eyes, not understanding why I was nervous. "I would understand that if this was your first show. But this is like what, the seventh time?"
I looked at him angrily. "Eighth. If it's that important to you."
"Yeah, whatever. You know those girls are like all over you. You only have to flip your hair back and they'll faint anyways." he said with a sarcastic undertone in his voice. "You're too afraid to go off, but they won't even notice."
Now it was my turn to roll eyes. "I'm not nervous because of thát."
Chad looked at me weirdly. Again not understanding what I meant. "Then what's the problem?!"
I started walking up and down the room again, trying to control my upcoming anger towards Chad. "There's no problem. Is it that weird to just be nervous before going on stage?"
"While you know there's no need to? Yeah, pretty much." he replied.
'Yeah, easy to say for you.' Was what I was planning to say. I swallowed my words, almost willing to spit them right back out. But I knew I had to control myself. A new conclusion to my own theory dawned on me: Controlling myself? Impossilbe. I smiled slightly.
I sat down on some chair far away from Chad and buried my head in my hands. Trying to block everything out.
Chad finally stood up, ready to leave me and my nerves alone. "You know what, I'll go take care of some stuff. Good luck tonight." He said as he walked to the door, opened it and then walked out.
Sharpay's POV.
That monday. At School.
As soon as Gabriella saw me walking down the school hallways she ran up to me, followed by Taylor. "Oh my god, Shar! You missed so much friday!"
"Definitely! It was a-ma-zing!" Gabriella agreed, almost screaming of excitement.
I smiled, trying to be happy for them. "Glad you had fun."
"Seriously, I can't believe you don't like him. I mean, he just stood there and smiled.. And I just felt like I would faint!" Taylor said. I glanced at her and she just stared into nowhere, having that weird, dreamy look upon her face, thinking back of friday night. It was kinda hilarious to see.
Gabriella sighed deeply, having the same look on her face. "I know right. But I guess we'll never have a chance." Her dreamy look made place for a disappointed look. Did she really think she'd make a chance? Seriously, were these two girls really my best friends?! It was like he casted some spell on them and they were doomed to love him in each and every single way.
I pat her shoulder, trying to be sympathetic, and pulled a hopeful face. "Just keep trying."
Right after I said that they looked over at me, suddenly falling back into reality, confused about what I just said. I realised they thought I'd suddenly like him too. I shook my head, laughing. "But please don't try to drag me into that obsession of you. It's scaring me."
Taylor laughed along with me. "Really, Shar. Why don't you give him a shot? Just go with us when he'll be performing again."
Gabriella nodded her head, she got over her 'I'll never have a chance'-moment and was fully concentrated on mission 'convince Sharpay', yet again. "Yeah, you really need to go out sometime. Even if it's to a concert of an artist you don't even like."
I sighed, knowing I was running out of excuses to back out of it. I've used the homework-excuse so many times that they wouldn't believe me if I'd tell them one more time. I realised I had no choice other than going with them. And that thought was, kinda exciting actually. Maybe they were right.. Maybe I should go out sometime, even if it was going to see an artist I didn't like. I looked at them, their faces excited and hoping I'd say yes this time. I smiled slightly. "Alright then, I'll think about it.."
After a few weeks, Taylor and Gabriella decided to bring me with them. Which meant, they didn't tell me where we were going. But that got pretty clear when we arrived and I saw all the girls standing in such a long line. I felt betrayed, lied to. They could've asked me and I would consider going. For sure. But they knew I hated surprises, especially this kind of surprises. However, I couldn't back out of it anymore. Even if I'd consider running away they'd run after me and drag me back inside. There was no escape and I had to deal with it. So there I was, standing in line with my arms crossed, an annoyed look upon my face and hoping it would be over really fast.
Taylor looked over some girls' heads and got crankier with every second. "Damn, and just today we have to get the worst place éver."
Gabriella looked kind of disappointed. "I know. I was hoping this might've been my once-in-a-lifetime chance to meet him." she muttered.
I rolled my eyes and smiled, trying to make a joke out of it. "I don't think it's that bad."
Wrong answer. Taylor looked at me angrily. "No, dúh. You want to stand as close to the door as possible. So you can run out on time."
"Which will be pretty fast, I guess. And then after I left, why don't you just punch everybody out of your way so you can finally jump on stage and freak him out. I bet he'll like that." I replied sarcastic. A few girls overheard me and turned to me, a shocked look upon their face. I bet they were wondering what I was doing here if I hated him so much. And they were right. Even Í was wondering what I was doing here.
Gabriella raised her eyebrows. "Wow, someone's in a good mood today."
I gave them a look, not even hesitating about changing my attitude. "I could've done something much more fun than this. And I thought this actually seemed like a fun night. Until you two brought me here without telling me where we were going.." I said while looking at some girls' back. I'm sure she heard me, because she looked over her shoulder, then turned to her friend and whispered something. But I didn't care about them.
"You said you'd think about it." Taylor said.
Still in a cranky mood, I sighed. "Yeah, whatever. Next time just ask me if I'd like to join you."
The line started moving forward and Gabriella took a few steps closer to the door, just like Taylor and me. "You'd say no after all."
We reached the door and Taylor pulled it open after it got slammed shut by the girl in front of us. A warm breeze welcomed us inside, I could already hear all the other girls inside, talking excited about the concert.
"And with good reason." I replied, but I followed them inside.
After a while I was getting sick of it. I had been trying to listen and not let my ears bleed for like 30 minutes, and that was more than enough for me. I couldn't believe how all those girls were enjoying this. It was pathetic. In only 30 minutes they had to call an ambulance because a few girls fainted or got paranoid. I could barely imagine how they got to this point of weakness. I was ready to leave, if I could only get through the wall of bodies, which seemed impossible since they were almost blocking the door.
"Taylor!" I yelled, trying to make myself noticable
Luckily she heard me and she looked up with reluctance. "What?"
"I'm going home." was all I said. They wouldn't hear or understand me if I'd explain everything.
"What? Why? We're just starting to have fun!" Taylor clearly seemed to have no idea of how horrible I expierenced this whole concert thing.
"I guess this just isn't the place to be for me. I'm not some hyper-dramatic fan like you two. Instead, I still hate him." I screamed above the noise.
Gabriella rolled her eyes, and I knew why. "You don't even trý to listen to his lyrics. Some of them are so good."
"I can't barely imagine thát. I'm leaving. Talk to you later." Without waiting for an answer I turned around and tried to make my way to the exit.
And then, suddenly, I caught some of his lyrics. I stopped and turned around to him, and my throat tightened.
Troy's POV.
I don't know where she came from, but suddenly she was there. Almost in the middle of the floor, looking over at me with a broken, and shocked look upon her face. It kinda overcame on me.
And no matter how I tried, I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I tried to focus on my lines, trying to hit every note. But she was totally bringing me off the track.
I heard the other girls screaming, the music playing, but it became background music to me. Like it wasn't important anymore.
I swallowed during one of the bands' solos and smiled slightly at her. She smiled back at me, the littlest, but most beautiful smile I've ever seen. I felt the adrenaline rushing through my veins, and it wasn't because of being on stage, like it should've been. It was her.
And that's when I saw it, tears running down her cheeks, leaving streams of her mascara. She bit her lip and tried to stop it. Trying not to show any of her pain. It confused me, what did I do?!
Even before I was able to blink, she turned around and rushed outside. Not hesitating about turning back again..