A/N: Hello. This story is co-written.

By me, HughLaurieLover and CassidyTVNut, we have wanted to co-write a story since we started PMing each other, but never gotten around to it, until this day.

I hope this is going to turn out to be a good story, but we never know.

The plot of this story :

What happens when House confesses his love to Cuddy, just for her to forget the next day? He dreams about the life he's always wanted to have with Cuddy, but he wakes up and finds it all gone. What is real and what's not?

We hope you like it.

This chapter was written by me.

ENJOY and thanks for reading.

House POV:

I was having a hard day; I was in pain, more than usual. Everybody thought that I wanted to be alone, but I wanted to be with Cuddy. My pain had gotten worse. I took a couple of vicodin, to ease the pain, but it didn't seem enough. I needed morphine and I probably wasn't going to get any, so I decided to go home. I had to hurt myself, to take away the pain and I just couldn't do it in the hospital. I left, putting more pressure on my cane; it started to hurt my hand.

I just wanted to go home, and be drowned in my own misery.

I don't care if it was drugs, alcohol or even hurting me.

I just wanted the pain to go away.

The pain was so exaggerated; I hardly realized I was at home already.

I went to my secret stash and got a reserve of morphine.

After the morphine was in my system, all I had to do was wait.

I'm not a very patient person, so I got a paperweight and smashed it against my hand.

It hurt so badly, but it was able to take away my leg pain for a couple of seconds.

I was on my couch, relieved that my pain was slowly going down.


Somebody was at the door.

'Great, now I have a headache too.' I thought to myself.

"Go away and leave me alone." I said, not caring who it was.

"House, let me in…." Cuddy said, waiting for me to invite her in.

"Nope, I left the hospital was a reason. I want to be left alone Lisa, please." I demanded.

I didn't realize I called her by her first name.

I wasn't myself.

"no, House. I'm not leaving."

"Why not?"

"Because I care about you!"

"You shouldn't, I'll only bring you misery."

"You do, but not always." She said back to me.

"I can't do anything for you. I'm a cripple remember?"

"Yes I do remember, but I also remember when we were in med-school together."

"Those should only be memories, nothing more." I said to her.

"Well they are much more, House."

"I can't be enough for you."

"You are."She replied.

"I can't be want you want." I told her feeling uncertain.

"You are." She told me.

"Why?!" I asked.

"Because underneath it all, you are charming, funny and romantic in your own way."

"You say underneath it all, so then I guess you'll have to wait a lifetime, to see underneath it all. That person is long gone Cuddy."

"I already waited 20 years, House. A lifetime doesn't seem that far away."

"It's closer than you think." She said.

I unlocked the door, I had no idea why, but I wanted to see her face.

He dark curls, bouncing off of her shoulders, her deep green-grayish eyes, her lips drawn perfectly and her body with all the right curves.

I sat back down, waiting for her to come.

She opened the door, walked to the sofa and looked at me.

She didn't see pity, she didn't see misery. She saw that I was lost.

She sat so close to me, our bodies were touching each other.

She brought her hand up to my face and stroked my hair.

I smelled her sweet scent of lavender perfume.

"Lisa, did you mean it all?" I asked her.

"Yes I did."

"I love you Lisa."

She stared at me.

The green found the blue.

I kissed her, softly.

I wanted to deepen it, was I was scared that Lisa was going to push me away.

She didn't.

She demanded more.

I closed my eyes, feeling the rush of love, boiling through my veins.

After what seemed an eternity, we broke apart.

I opened my eyes and she was gone.

She disappeared.

And so did her scent.

She was no longer next to me.

She left.

And I was alone, once again.

`Was she even here?' I asked myself.

I wished she stayed longer; my pain just came back.

TBC or not TBC??


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