Sorry I haven't updated in a while. One word. School. Actually 2 words. School and homework. Oh well anyway enjoy!
Luv ya all! :))
Still Cathy's POV
"About Danny…"
He looked at his clipboard, then back at me.
"He's very lucky. He'll live. He's badly hurt and all, but he'll live. I think he's awake now. Do you want to come in with me?"
I nodded. He'll live! HE'LL LIVE!!!!
I followed him in. Danny was lying on the bed. His eyes were still closed, but the oxygen mask was off and he was breathing normally. I sat on a chair next to the bed. He moved a bit and his eyes opened. He looked around and sat up slowly. He turned to me.
"What happened?" he said quietly, so no one else would hear.
"You don't remember?"
"Not really."
"There was a fire and you got locked in the room. I went in to get you out."
"You did?"
He smiled. "Thanks. I owe you one."
"You don't owe me anything."
The doctor came back over. "I suggest you take it easy for a few days," he said to Danny. "I don't mean staying in bed or anything like that. But no sports, just be calm for a while."
I grinned at Danny. 'Calm' isn't really his thing.
The doctor turned to me. "Would you mind going to the waiting room for a minute?"
"Sure," I said, waving at Danny and walking into the waiting room. I sat next to the girl from earlier. "How are your mom and dad?"
She grinned. "They're both fine. Mom's coming out today and Dad is coming out tomorrow. And I have a baby brother!"
"That's great! I told you it would be ok!""
"How's your friend?"
"I think he's coming out today."
As if on cue, Danny came into the waiting room. He was wearing the same clothes from the day Glor had captured him. The girl smirked at me. "You like him, don't you?"
"What? No!"
She raised her eyebrows. "Well, he's cute, I'll give him that. He must be nice on the inside too, if you like him."
"But I don't!"
"Trust me, you're not fooling anyone. Except him, maybe."
I sighed. I got up, said goodbye to the girl and walked over to Danny.
He grinned at me. We walked out of the hospital. "You wanna go somewhere?" I asked him.
"Sounds like fun! But can we go back to my house first?"
We walked to his house. He stuck his key in the door and opened it. Hearing the door, Caitlyn came into the hall. She saw us, and grinned. Danny smiled at her.
"Hey, Sis," he said, as if he'd only gone out for a few hours. "What's up?"
She came over and hugged him. She stepped back, smirking. "You smell of bleach and smoke."
"I know," he said, sighing. "I'm going to take a shower." He went upstairs. Caitlyn and I went into the sitting-room. We sat down. "Danny and I are going out somewhere," I said. "You wanna come?"
"Oh no, I can't. Lot of work to do."
After a few minutes, Danny came back downstairs. He had changed his clothes. His hair wasn't spiked anymore and he had some sort of emo-ish fringe that covered up most of the huge burn on his face. "Cool fringe!"
"Thanks!" I smiled and got up.
We went to the door. I looked back at Caitlyn. She mouthed at me: 'Tell him how you feel!'
I shook my head. I guess that girl was right. I'm not fooling anyone. Except Danny. Sigh…
Danny's POV
I wish I could tell her. But she probably likes someone else. Actually I saw her looking at that hockey player from her maths class last week. Hmm…
"So," Cathy said, bringing me back to Earth. "Where do you want to go?"
"I dunno. It's kind of chilly. You wanna go get hot chocolate or something?"
"Will there be marshmallows?"
"There will be marshmallows."
"I'm in!"
We walked down the street to the café.
Cathy's POV
I got a free booth while Danny went up to the counter. Why can't I just tell him, for God's sake!
He came over with to mugs of hot chocolate. Yay, marshmallows!
"Thanks!" I said as he handed me my cup. "I love marshmallows. They're my favourite fruit!"
"Um, Cathy, marshmallows aren't a fruit."
"Then what are they?"
"Um…Actually, I don't know."
Mental note: Ask Chris what marshmallows are.
I saw a boy from our school at the other side of the café. He was just getting up to leave, when he saw us and came over.
"Hey guys!"
"What's up Justin?"
"Nothing much." He looked at us, and grinned. "Young love, eh?"
"Well, see you guys tomorrow!"
As soon as he left, Danny looked at me, his eyebrows raised.
"Young love?"
"What? I replied to that out loud?"
"Yeah, you kind of did."
I felt myself blushing. "So," Danny said awkwardly. "Did you mean it?"
I looked away. "It doesn't matter if I did. You love Wendy, anyway."
"What? What gave you that idea?"
"The way you're always staring at her when she walks past and all that."
"Oh," Danny said. "That."
He looked away. "Ok, this might sound a bit stupid, but I was pretending to like her to hide my feelings for the girl I really do love."
"Really? Who's she?" It better not be Wendy's friend Stacy or I'll EXPLODE!!!
"Please tell me!"
He leaned forward, and suddenly he was kissing me. I've never kissed a boy before, not properly, and especially not Danny. It's amazing.
He pulled away. "Well, um, does that answer your question?"
"Yeah. It does."
He smiled. "Well, did you mean what you said?"
"Yeah. I did."
We both leaned forward at the same time. We kissed again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
I love being a teenager!
And again.
Ok the story is over please review!
Luv ya all! :))