Warning: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters! Rumiko Takahashi does! But I do own this story and any of the characters that are not from the manga or anime.

How it Begun

In the Edo Period or Sengoku Jidai, was a woman named Kagome.

She was thinking of the past few days. They had defeated the vile hanyou named Naraku.


In the last few days before the battle, the proud Lord of the West or in other words Lord Sesshoumaru, whom was Inuyasha's elder half-brother, came and made a proposal.

Inuyasha grabbed the hilt of Tetsusaiga and growled. " Sesshoumaru, what do you want you bastard? " asked Inuyasha. " I did not come to fight with you

little brother. I came because I have a proposal to make. " replied Sesshoumaru coldly.

" Then what is that proposal you speak of Sesshoumaru-sama? " asked the ever calm Houshi, Miroku . " We ain't going to listen to his shit. We gotta find more jewel shards before Naraku gets them first. " shouted the ever oh so smart Inuyasha.

Kagome who had been strangely quiet, had suddenly said " Inuyasha would you just shut up and hear him out! He said he had a proposal so it can't be that bad, besides we could always turn him down if we do not agree.".

Sesshoumaru had listened to the conversation and noted that the Miko was the alpha female of the group his half-breed half-brother chose to stay and travel with.

Sesshouamru took in the features of the Miko he recalled was named Kagome. She was a beautiful little thing. Her long glossy black/blue raven hair, pale, creamy skin. Full plump pink lips that were so kissable. But what caught his gaze were her eyes. They were a deep blue, sapphire. They held a shine of defiance, yet they were so warm, loving trusting, innocent, they were a pool of fire and she also had the body of a goddess, curved in all the right places.

While Sesshoumaru was checking Kagome out, she was doing the same.

Sesshoumaru had silver/white hair reaching his knees, he had warm gold eyes but they were anything but that. He had healthy, pale skin and a god like body. On his face he had markings that only royalties have.

He had twin magenta stripes on each of his creamy cheeks and magenta eye shadow. He also a had a navy blue crescent moon on his forehead signifying to all his station and status as Lord of the Palace of Moons and also the West.

Both brought back to the world of the living by the young Taijiya, Sango, who voiced her question " So what is your proposal ? ".