Disclaimer: Do you see Bryan, Tala and Kai making out in the anime? No? See, I don't own it.

Warnings: Well… mentions of shounen ai = boys' love, maybe some OOCness?

Pairings: Ehm… pretty hard. Some Tala/Kai in this chapter I think, but… Someone/Kai in the future…

A/N: Well… if you're going to read this you have to be pretty patient. I know the pairing is written pretty weirdly and all, but… well I explained in second A/N at the end because it will be pretty long ^^;

This is used for fanfiction in the story… you'll understand if you'll read it.

~~**~Evil Fan Work~**~~

Kai was going to kill certain crazy redheaded Russian. He didn't know HOW did Mr. Dickenson get Tala to agree – probably not telling him everything and as the redhead wanted to get rid of the older man quickly he just say yes, not really caring about the consequences, but… the consequences were that Kai was there now along with tired Spencer, grinning Ian (Kai didn't know what the two of them did last night), glaring Bryan and guilty looking Tala. Well… at least it seemed that that idiotic redhead now knew how pissed off Kai was (judging by the glances he stole from time to time at his younger teammate).

Kai took a deep breath as he looked at Mr. Dickenson again.

"What's the use of us doing that again?" He asked slowly, every syllable forced out of his mouth.

"Because it would provide us with the money from dealing, Kai, my boy."

My boy… uh how much Kai hated that.

"So you're going to torture us with that fangirl's shit for few dollars?" This time it was Bryan to asked, looking really really not amused and Kai noted contently how Dickenson took a step back.

"Now, now Bryan, it's not a few dollars. And your Captain already agreed and signed the contract." Two nasty glares were sent to the direction of said captain, who was currently too busy staring at the floor of the BBA building. How was it possible that Tala never realized how… interesting the floor was there? Oh and there were lights on the walls too, nice…

Kai sighed as he noticed Spencer putting a calming hand on Bryan's arm, it wouldn't help them if the other threw a tantrum.

"When do we start and for how long?"

"Well," Dickenson shot Kai, Tala and Bryan insecure look, before gulping down. "the three of you should start right away… Spencer and Ian are free for today, but tomorrow they should be here."

Kai's glare hardened as the relief marked Spencer's and Ian's faces… oh that was SO not fair. Just because Tala was idiot enough to work on some stupid fanfictions that their idiotic fangirls wrote. Damn, Kai was surely going to kill him one day.

"And what are we exactly going to do?" Tala asked in a quiet voice.

Mr. Dickenson smiled in what he probably thought was a calming manner (well, it only succeeded in making Kai even angrier). "You're just going to sit in a room and read a fan work that will be presented to you. The camera will be with you all the time, so please refrain from anything that would cause… problems."

To that Bryan lifted an eyebrow before a devilish smirk appeared on his face, one saying yeah, sure, dream on and Kai smirked himself. Oh he knew that it will be horrible, but… with Bryan being like that maybe he won't feel the need to kill someone at the end, even though… he doubted that.

It wasn't long before the three of them were led into a silent room with a big projection screen in front of a little couch – at least it wasn't those uncomfortable chairs, and they were waiting for first 'fan work' to start.

And Kai really didn't get why the fans would be so fucking happy about them reading their things. It wasn't long and the words appeared on the screen.


Disclaimer: Don't own Beyblade or any of its characters.

Kai's eyebrow twitched… why were they supposed to read something like that if the person didn't even OWN a BEYBLADE?!

"Then go buy one and don't bother us with useless information." Bryan on Kai's right growled and he smirked. Well, at least he wasn't going to be the only one tormented.

Warnings: shounen-ai, boys love

When that appeared… Kai had the decency to blink. What the hell did the person mean… boys' love?

Pairings: Tala/Kai

All right THAT was a little easier to understand and Kai's eyes widened as he stared at the screen… and so did the other's two next to him.

"What the fuck-?" Tala managed and Kai shot him a look telling him that he was as clueless as the redhead.

A/N: Well… just thinking about relationships… nothing serious.

Nothing serious? Good… at least Kai won't have to pay much attention. He heard Bryan scoff next to him and grinned, maybe it won't be that bad? At least he'll spent some time with Bryan and Tala… doing something useless and in front of the camera and that movie would be probably later somewhere on the net, but… who cares.


Kai had a stupid feeling that that was a title of the story – at least he guessed for it to be a story, and really… what could be so horrible about family? Okay, they probably will pull out Voltaire, but Kai had that issue long behind himself, so really… so far no harm done, right?

… if he just knew how wrong he was…

Kai frowned at the book in front of him

"Why are we supposed to read about you reading?" Bryan asked Kai with a glance at the younger and Kai just shrugged. He didn't know, and he didn't care.

and the dictionary that lay close to it and his frown deepened as he studied the page.

"You're pretty lame Hiwatari, if you need a dictionary while reading stupid book." Bryan chuckled evilly, eyeing the younger boy… which earned him a glare.

"Shut up. That's not me… it's some fangirls-me-alike-fantasy."

Tala grinned.

"Well… but I DID find a dictionary in your room, Kai."

"It was an ITALIAN one!"

A shrug. "Your fault for learning to speak Italian. What use is it anyway? Other than trying to get that 'Miguel' in the bed."

Bryan smirked evilly, before looking over at his friend.

"Oh… are you jealous Tala? I'm sure that if you'd ask nicely, Kai would think about getting you into the bed."

A glare "Shut up."

Kai's eyebrow twitched as he did his best to watch the screen.

"Shut up… BOTH of you."

It was a month since he decided to learn how to talk German and now he knew the language… a little.

Bryan's eyes rolled at that.

"Now that person must really love you Kai, otherwise you wouldn't be so god-moded. There is no one who is able to learn a language in just a month."

A smirk formed on the younger Half-Russian's face as he looked at his friend.

"You're just jealous because I actually CAN speak German."

"Only because you're a language freak." A whisper from Tala came, something that Kai pointedly ignored.

And why he decided to speak it? Because of Blitzkrieg boys.

"Hey, that's not truth! We try to stop Kai from learning useless stuff, not force him into more!" Tala growled out accompanied by Bryan's nod… and Kai's roll of the eyes.

Yes, because of the name of their team. The name wasn't Russian as one would expect from Russian team, nor English as their name was before. No… it was German.

Bryan rolled his eyes.

"If that girl had a problem with that, she could've just told us – we'd sent her to hell even without her writing something this bothersome."

And Kai found himself liking the name, the language and so he decided to learn it. And it was going well so far.

Another roll of Bryan's eyes.

"Just one word – godmodding."

"Shut up." Kai growled. "It's not as if I ASKED her to write that about me."

Really the language wasn't what had Kai frowning, it wasn't the language – it was the lesson he was currently learning. Die Familie. Family.

Tala blinked at that.

"Wow… is it possible that the useless babbling is behind us and we're actually getting to the point?"

Bryan gave out a wry laugh.

"Don't count on that." Kai just nodded… He too doubted that would be the case and well… they couldn't do much so they just had to wait and see.

Kai's frown deepened even more as he studied the page in front of him, or better on the part written in English

Bryan blinked.

"Wait… so he doesn't have a problem with the German part, but the English? Pretty stupid seeing that on tournaments English is the language spoken in." He frowned before looking at Kai. "You have some retarded fans."

Kai scoffed.

"Tell me about that." He still remembered that one time, that that bunch of girls chased him through the entire city – and he lost his most favorite shirt in the fight for surviving. Really, where are the times that the only thing Kai needed to do to be left alone was glare? The fans were becoming more and more courageous these last days…

a part he could understand without thinking already.

"Oh," Bryan muttered, "I take it back. She's just semi-retarded."

Family… people bonded by blood or in some cases marriage. Family… by blood…

Tala started at the screen before looking at Kai.

"Why are you so fascinated with blood in that story?"

"Maybe he's a vampire?" Bryan offered grinning at the certain small blue-haired teen that was trying to disappear in his part of the couch. Not only was that thing boring but that person was actually talking about his family… as if she knew ANYTHING.

He bit his lip

A nod from Tala.

"He IS a vampire."

as he found out he didn't like the lesson one bit. Because if family was supposed to be people bonded by blood… the only family he had was his Grandfather.

Kai rolled his eyes. Oh yeah. Trust his fans to pull out Voltaire any time they could. Great. Couldn't they find something new?

The only person he DIDN'T want as family.

Kai looked at the other Blitzkriegs when no mocking came… for what he was thankful. Bryan and Tala probably knew that Voltaire was still a touchy subject to him.

He closed the German book – no… this lesson was stupid. There was no way one could decide who was family only by blood. No way. Because Kai's grandfather wasn't Kai's family, not in his eyes at least. Family…. Family were other people.

At that, Tala grinned.

"You didn't tell us you had a secret sister, Kai."

"Yeah," Bryan nodded, "what does she wear on her face, pink circles?"

Spencer was family….

Three pairs of wide eyes stared at the screen in front of them…

"What the… fuck." Kai muttered and noticed that Tala turned to him.

"SPENCER is your sister?!"

A glare.

Because of the way he always looked up from his book, when Kai stormed into the room and threw himself in the nearest chair, glaring and murmuring under his nose.

Tala grinned.

"Hmmm… interesting. The author probably saw you in your PMS stage Kai."

He was family because of the amusement in his eyes when he lifted an eyebrow and asked 'Fangrils?' and made Kai growl.

Tala sighed… before grinning. Alright, if he was made to sit there, he could have a little fun at least – it didn't matter that the fact that they had to be there was his fault.

"He made you growl? What were you doing Kai?"

Kai blinked at Tala, not really sure what that sly grin on redhead's face was supposed to mean.


Because of the chuckle that escaped him before the blonde got up,

Tala grinned – oh that was so useful, before wiggling his eyebrows.

"Now what part exactly of him got up?"

There was a moment of silence before Kai turned to look at Tala, disgust clearly written over his face.

"I just PRAY you didn't mean, what I think you did."

put his book aside, walked to kitchen

"He's going to relieve his part that got up in the kitchen… hmm; I never knew Spencer was so kinky." Tala grinned at the horrified expression on Kai's face.

and returned few moments with hot chocolate – white,

"Suuuure… chocolate. White. I didn't know people called it chocolate nowadays."

the one that Kai loved.

Silence… before Tala burst out laughing and Bryan couldn't help but chuckle at the expression on the youngest face. It was far beyond horrified by now.

Because of the way he would hand the chocolate to Kai

"You know," Tala breathed out once he managed to calm down his laughter, "now I know why Dickenson sent Spencer and Ian home for today…"

Bryan grinned too.

"Yeah, Ian would rip Spencer's balls off if he read this… well Spencer's or yours." His grin widened even though the younger didn't really notice anything. He was still staring at the screen his eyes wide.

mess up his hair before sitting down back to his chair on the other side of the room and telling Kai how the last fangirl got Tala's underwear – a story that would always cheer the teen up.

"WHAT?!" A certain redhead yelled glaring at the screen. "What the fuck is THAT supposed to mean."

A smirk appeared on Kai's face as he turned to his childhood friend blinking innocently.

"Something you're not telling us, Tal'?"

Ian was family… because of the way the boy would walk in the kitchen and every morning take Kai's milk right from his hand

Tala grinned… oh it was payback time.

"Kai's milk? Well… it seems that Spencer is not the only one relieving himself in kitchen."

"Tala!" Kai growled glaring.

Bryan looked up, exchanging a devious smirk with Tala before patting Kai's head (almost) lovingly.

"Now now, don't worry Kai. Ian probably won't tear your balls of seeing that he's involved in a relationship with you too."

Kai's eyes turned to stare at Bryan then the boy composed himself and a single word fell from his lips, before he turned to glare at the screen ignoring his two friends.


the milk the older teen has to go buy because there was NONE of the one he bought the day before

"Oh don't worry Kai. Fresh milk is always the best."

Kai felt his face heating up.

and pour it all over those disgusting SWEET cereals.

"Ian was always weird." Bryan muttered and Kai rolled his eyes, not really sure if he should point out that Bryan was the one weird because really, there was probably no one else on the whole world who would hate sweets the way Bryan did.

Without giving Kai one little bit. Because of the way Kai would smack him over the head and glare and the other would almost choke,

"Now… that girl did a good work on researching your sadistic side…" Tala mused, ignoring the heated glare from Kai.

before turning and starting an argument, one that would have Bryan lifting an eyebrow,

Bryan rolled his eyes.

"MOST of the things that happen in our house make me lift my eyebrow."

Tala chuckling in the corner,

"You know," Kai mused, "now that I see it written there… you really spent an awful time chuckling and cackling in dark corners… is that some fetish of yours?"

Bryan grinned.

"I think, that the corner must do for him, seeing that the kitchen is occupied most of the time."


and Spencer sighing before saying that 'if he'll hear one more word from them he'll kiss them… along with the tongue' – which was threat enough for Kai,

Three horrified teens stared at each other in silence…

and treat enough for Ian so he growled something more, before skipping to the blonde with the big grin on his face and asking for the punishment.

Kai moaned closing his eyes.

"I SO didn't need to read that…"

Red hair bobbed up and down. "I know how you feel…"

Which ended with Kai, Bryan and Tala deciding to get breakfast somewhere out… and far away from the house hopefully.

Three silent nods.

Bryan was family… because of the way he would roll his eyes at Tala,

Kai could feel Bryan and Tala tensing up when the two noticed their names.

"She'd rather not write something stupid about me." The gray-haired blader growled and Kai grinned evilly. Oh it would be SO hilarious if she did.

when the redhead would about SOMETIMES being nice to his other team (even though Kai was sure he didn't meant that… not really).

The three stared in the silence at the sentence until Tala cleared his throat.

"Is it just me or is there something seriously wrong with that sentence?"

"Guess the drugs were wearing off by the time she wrote that." Kai growled quietly.

Because of the way the teen would glare at Tyson and anyone else who'd get a tiny bit close to hurting even one of them.

The blush on Bryan's face was priceless and Kai couldn't stop the smirk from appearing on his face as Tala chuckled.

"Aaaw how cuuute… so the fans know about your mother-hen complex, Bry."

"Shut up, Tala."

Because of the way Bryan would walk in the room, tap Kai's shoulder and grin at him,

"He probably wants you to go to kitchen with him as well." Tala whispered to Kai what earned him two intense glares.

winking before Tala's cry would be heard and the very WET redhead would march up into Kai's room with his,

"Very 'wet redhead'? Are you sure he came for ME, Tala?" Kai smirked looking at the redhead who was currently gaping at him.

"No way," Bryan muttered, "I'd rather come for you, Kai."

This time it was Kai at Bryan with wide eyes, same Bryan that was currently glared at by Tala.

glaring at Bryan and asking for explanation and the way Bryan would blink surprised.

"Yeah, because I thought you knew what can get you wet, Tala."

"Shut it, Bryan."

"What are you talking about Tala? I was here with Kai last two hours."

Kai glared at his friend.

"Using me as the alibi again?"

Bryan held up his hands innocently.

"Hey like you said, that's not me… just some weird fantasy of some weird fangirl."

Because of the way Bryan would chuckle when Kai would nod and confirm the alibi

At the last word Kai sent a pointed look at Bryan.

and the redhead would growl and stomp out of the room, glaring at Ian who would stand in the hall blinking.

"Yeah," Tala nodded, "he was standing in the hall because he was going to ask Kai to go to kitchen with him, but Bryan was quicker, poor Ian – OW, KAI! What did you kick me for?!"

Kai just glared.

and Tala was family too… For the way the other would smile at him,

"Witch smile does that girl mean?" Bryan asked slowly, "The one 'Ha-I-just-ate-your-breakfast' or the 'I'm-in-the-seventh-heaven-because-I-just-read-something-really-perverted' or 'I-just-got-a-huge-problem'?"

"Maybe all of them?" Kai offered.

make fun of Rei being a princess with hair like that…

Tala lifted an eyebrow.

"He DOESN'T look like a princess."

Bryan nodded. "More like a Chinese Sadako."

Kai rolled his eyes sighing. "Rei didn't get out of the TV." He reminded his fellow bladers and prayed for the end of the fic or whatever was it.

"Maybe they don't have television in China?"

…Kai didn't bother with answer to that.

Because of the way Tala would walk up to Kai so the teen won't see him and the way he would hug him from behind pressing his front into Kai's warm back.

"Which, would end with Kai, kicking the obnoxious redhead in a very painful area." Bryan grinned when Tala let out a wince and Kai nodded evilly.

Because of the way Tala's lips would softly brush his neck asking if everything was all right.

"…I think I'm getting the idea of what 'Tala/Kai' means…" Bryan muttered staring at the screen not really sure what feelings it awoke in him…

"Whatever shut up, it's getting interesting." Tala growled and Kai looked at him with wide eyes.

Because of the way Tala would hold Kai in their bed on bad days, as the one when they heard Voltaire was released from the prison.

Trying to ignore Tala's weird smile, Kai frowned at the second part of the sentence.

"Yeah… Voltaire again. Good work of finding at least ONE name of my relative."

Because of the way Tala would whisper in his ear, his hand running comfortingly all over Kai,

"All over, hmmm…?" Tala grinned and looked at Kai who looked like someone just gutted his favorite cat in front of him and was trying to feed him it.

"Just one word… Pervert."

while the other would tell him how much he loved him.

"And you're a sap." Bryan grinned.

Really… why did that book say that family is formed by people bonded by blood and/or marriage?

"Probably it didn't," Kai growled, "but that idiotic fangirl didn't have any other idea about tormenting me so she used that."

"Hey! She's tormenting us too!" Tala exclaimed and Bryan lifted an eyebrow.

"You know, Tala, it would be more believable if you didn't have drool all over you."

None from those people shared Kai's blood.

"Back to the Vamp-Kai, I see…"

And none of them were married to Kai.

"Yeah well… no same-sex-marriages allowed, yet." Tala offered and Kai blinked when he detected a hint of … sadness?

Spencer, Ian, Bryan, Tala… that was Kai's family… one chose by far stronger bond than blood or marriage.

A sigh left Kai's lips.

"Yeah well… joined hatred towards certain man is a pretty strong bond."

Kai's eyes widened when he suddenly felt arms around his shoulders and he looked up, his red eyes meeting with blue ones.

"That wouldn't happen like that." Kai growled out and felt more than saw Tala and Bryan nod.

"Kill first, ask questions later?" Bryan offered before the answer in form of Kai's nod came.

"What's wrong, Kai?" Tala asked, squeezing Kai's shoulders for a moment before pressing a light kiss to Kai's cheek.

A sigh.

"You're drooling again, Tala."

He could see the hunched shoulders of his boyfriend

"WHAT?!" Kai yelled his eyes at the screen.

"I thought it was pretty obvious by the way that thing was written." Bryan mumbled seeing that Tala was too busy grinning.

"Well… I thought we were just sleeping together, but… boyfriend? HE?" A glare from Tala and shrug from Kai.

when he came to the room, his lover was frowning but not in anger, Tala noticed… more in… despair.

"Yeah, despair, because some idiotic redhead wouldn't stop getting to me from behind."

"You know, I can do front too." Tala winked.

So he quickly crossed the room, hugged him from behind and now… now he was waiting for Kai's answer – he couldn't wait to hear what was making Kai feel bad – and then he'll take Bryan with him and the two of them will get rid of whatever it was.

"Kind of reminds me at Abbey…" Kai muttered, the long forgotten memories returning… the ones where Bryan returned with bloodied face but with satisfied grin as he said something about 'that asshole not making fun of Kai having a female bit-beast anymore'.

Kai leaned back, enjoying the warmth of his lover, before grinning-

"-and kicking Tala's ass."


Kai smiled innocently. "You agree? I'm glad."

it didn't matter what the book said… Tala and the others were still a family. A family HE chose a family that he loved.

"Aaaw you're so sweet, Kai!" Tala explained mockingly… and Bryan joined him.

"If you felt like that about us, you should've just told us, sweetie."

Kai felt blush creeping up to his face as he hung his head, hoping his bangs will cover it at least a little… and by the chuckles that came, Kai was sure it didn't work.

"Shut up."

"It's nothing." He grinned before kissing Tala – just a kiss, a lick to others lips and light movement of Kai's lips against Tala's, a quick kiss but one that promised more… later.

"…you know if she stopped at that 'Tala' we would've got the point and were here a little shorter." Bryan mumbled.

Tala pouted when the kiss ended way too soon for his own tastes and sighed before nuzzling Kai's neck – which had Kai rolling his eyes.

Kai sighed and didn't even look at Tala who was now sitting straight looking at the screen as if it was something really interesting – and Kai was sure that the redhead was just doing it to irritate him…

"Aren't you a WOLF, Tala?" The bluenette asked, referring to the names they chose in Abbey

"WHAT names? As far as I know, our names never changed."

and had to stop himself from laughing when Tala almost pouted.

"I am a… domesticated wolf."

"More like domesticated psychopathic pervert." Kai growled and regretted it in next moment as Tala hugged him.

"Aw, but you still love me, how sweet!"

Bryan just chuckled rolling his eyes… oh yeah; Tala could really get on one's nerves if he wanted to.

A lift of blue eyebrow.

A blink… three times.

"Should I put a collar and leash on you then?"

Tala's eyes sparkled as he looked at blushing Kai. "Kinky… please do."

The blue eyes sparkled, before Tala pulled away with a grin.

"Now… that's an idea, Kai."

Bryan blinked before looking at Tala.

"I just have to ask… didn't you by any chance write this?"

A wiggle of eyebrows.

The redhead caught Kai's hand pulling him from the chair he was sitting in. "I think we should go to bed and… try to find something that we could pretend is a leash before we'll go out and buy one."

"You know," Tala grinned, "I think I like this."

"And I think I've got a new material for my nightmares." Kai groaned and when he felt the redhead next to him stiffen, made the mistake of looking up. And was met with miserable looking blue eyes.

"Would it be that bad? To be with me?" Kai stared and opened his mouth, not really sure what he should answer… would it be that bad? To be with Tala? To be held by him?

He was saved from giving the answer thought, as Bryan spoke.

"The text is moving…"

Tala added huskily and was rewarded when Kai's eyes widened, before they half closed, darkening with desire.

None from the boys said anything as one was too busy wondering if he would feel desire with Tala, if he could be with the redhead and if the redhead was only joking when he asked him that, but… those eyes. The second one was silently looking at those lines, not sure if he should be damning that thing or thank whoever had written it because for a moment he got a glimpse of maybe how it would be if he and Kai got together (not to mention that maybe if someone else was thinking like that too that it was possible) and the last one was looking at the two of his friends trying to decipher what they were thinking… which was pretty hard seeing that both of their faces were blank.

Oh yeah… definitely stronger bond…. Maybe he should just find another book to learn from? One that knew that real family was bonded by love… and in case of some special persons… desire too.

Bryan sighed when the silence remained… and rolled his eyes.

"Do you think it's the end already?"

The end

Thank god, Kai's mind muttered and he stood up, before rolling his eyes as he noticed that the text was still moving…

Liked it? Not? Please review

Bryan grinned sweetly.

"Of course we will review, just give us your address and we'll come and make sure you know just how MUCH we liked it." The dry tone of the eldest made Kai grin and chuckle quietly even though he really didn't feel like it… his mind was still whirling around Tala's question and the way the blue eyes looked at him.

"Alright boys, you can go for now. Don't forget about tomorrow." Mr. Dickenson's voice came and Kai rolled his eyes before walking out of the room, the two walking in his heels. Well… the ride to the apartment the Blitzkriegs were staying at was pretty silent…


A/N: well so… a little explanation. This is a first chapter (and maybe last too) of my somewhat new project. Some time ago I was talking with my friend and we were reading fanfics and were just joking about what the Beyblade characters would say if they read it and well… I was just bored and… this wrote itself on its' own.

Now… you surely noticed that there are TWO stories in there – one a fanfiction that the Blitzkriegs were forced to read and the second – their thoughts along with some plot… (a really lame plot, I know ^^;), well the fiction used there wasn't supposed to be mine, but well I figured that if by any means you people will like this and want me to continue this stupid idea, I should show the people what I'd like to do with their fics before I'll ask them for the permission to borrow them… so… yeah. Another point explained.

Yes, to the pairing… I'm not entirely sure what will happen to the story, whether it will be Tala/Kai, Bryan/Kai or Bryan/Tala/Kai… or someone else with Kai as uke (bottom) because I'm not sure yet about adding another teams to this forced readings, so if you have any suggestions, please tell me, I'd be thankful.

Alright…so.. that should be probably all. Review please???

The fanfiction used: Family, by Gemenice