Raven sat at the edge of the tower and watched as the sun seemed to be engulfed by the darkness as the day turned to night. She smiled lightly as the darkness seemed to envelop her in a blanket. The smile soon fell as she heard the roof's door open and then close lightly. Several seconds later she heard the clang! of steel hitting steel and then felt his aura surround her.

She felt as he made his way over to her and stopped a couple of feet behind her. She waited with baited breath for him to make his presence clear to her, but she soon felt disappointed as he just stood there, looking out at the bay.

Moments passed in silence before it was finally broken.

"Hello Raven."

Raven turned slightly around to reveal the form of none other than Nightwing. Raven nodded slightly and turned back toward the bay.

Nightwing turned his attention away from the bay to the woman sitting in front of him. He smiled lightly at the form and reluctantly sat down behind her, chest to back, with either leg on each side of her. Nightwing waited for any form of disapproval, but none came.

Both of them both sat in complete silence listening to the rhythm of the water hitting the rocks done below and the wind rustling about near them as they admired the sky above them.

"What do fight for?"

Nightwing looked down to see Raven looking up at him with an innocent look on her face. Raven searched Nightwing's face and it was apparent that he seemed confused and surprised at the sudden question.


Raven smiled lightly at her leader's confusion and asked once more. "What do you fight for?"

Nightwing looked out at the bay and questioned himself out loud, "What do I fight for?"

Raven also turned back to the bay and questioned her leader forward. "What do you live for? What makes you not just give up on the world?"

Raven felt more than heard Nightwing chuckle as the vibration made its way from his body to hers.

"To protect."

Both heroes looked at each other simultaneously and Nightwing watched as Raven looked at him in curiosity.

"To protect what?"

Nightwing smiled and leaned forward into Raven and stopped inches before their lips met. Raven licked her lips unconsciously and that was all Nightwing needed. He closed the gap between them, but not before one last thing escaped his lips.
