"Pecry Has Fun Too"

Like A Sister

Disclaimer: Do not own!

He licked his lips and tried to focus on his book, but his eyes somehow found their way to her again.

Percy wasn't sure when he had started to stare at Hermione Granger —Ron's best friend Hermione who was three years younger than him, for Merlin's sake—, but he didn't really care.

All he knew was that if he could get his hands on her glasses, he would blast that bloody thing into oblivion and beyond. That was of course, granted that he doesn't die of lust first.

It was desperately kinky of him, really. He hadn't even known that her wearing glasses would have such a huge effect on him.

But it did, and if she (or he, but that wasn't the case here) wasn't going to get rid of it soon, he was going to die.

"Percy," her voice interrupted his thoughts. She cocked her head slightly to the right and was staring at him inquisitively. Her glasses seemed to bring out the brown in her eyes and he couldn't help but to stare. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

He shook his head and waved his hand rather dismissively. "It's nothing."

"No, it's not nothing. Is there something I can do to help you, Percy?"

Help him? She couldn't even begin to imagine the things he had in mind that she could really 'help him' out with. He started to tune out as images flooded his head. He licked his lips and ran his hand through his hair.

'Like a sister. Like a sister. Like a sister.'

"-really Percy, you shouldn't stand on ceremony on me. I'd do anything to help you, you know that."

Anything? Screw it all.

He really could use some help.