Me: This is the Disclaimer: I do not own Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gazzy, Angel, Total or anything else from James Patterson's genius series. This is redundant, but they belong to James Patterson. As in, not me. I do however own the Wicked CD and let me just say that it is awesome. Totally random.
Max: Yeah, you are.
Me: Okay. Anyway, it's your turn to write your 'It Would Really Stink If…'
Max: Here we go…
It would really stink if…
1. The voice inside my head told me that I was supposed to fail miserably.
2. I took the 'Who are You Most Like in Maximum Ride?' Quiz and it told me I was most like Iggy. (No offense, Iggy)
3. Fang suggested dying my hair red.
4. My mom lost the recipe to her chocolate chip cookies (Chips Ahoy would not fill the void).
5. Gazzy said that he wanted to be a blind sarcastic pyromaniac just like Iggy.
6. Nudge got the power to talk without having to breathe in between sentences. (Nudge Channel times 2. GAH!)
7. Ella decided that she wants to have wings too and ran off to the School.
8. Sam came back and told me that he still loved me.
9. Angel jumped into a vat of toxic waste and acquired twelve evil powers.
10. The whole flock and I walked into a room full of people dressed in white coats in a submarine that kept Erasors as pets.
Me: Come on, you don't like Chips Ahoy?
Max: No. They're hard and bland. Opinion of a bird kid only, Chips Ahoy maker people.
Me: Okay. Whatever. On to the NEXT chapter. ZOMG! Yay! Wowzers! FANG!
Max: You're kind of hyper and crazy, you know?
Me: I get that a lot.
Max: Really? (sarcasm alert)