Warnings: Misa-being-a-retard-because-she-was-born-that-way themes. Yaoi/Shounen-ai/Slashable characters: L and Light. Rated M for smut, language and boy kissing.

Summary: Kira brought Raito to L, the one person he could love. But, is love enough to concur the evil that is Kira? Or, is that love itself the true evil? L's life is at stake, and Raito is the only one who can save it, but will he? L/Light, Mello/Near. Yaoi.

Disclaimer: My mojo is God. F*ck Kira.

Chibi Misa: Holy Kira on a cheesecake wrapper!

Me: Where is the logic in that?

Chibi Raito: Just leave it be.

Chibi Misa: Lyk, lulz.

Chibi Mello: A new chapter!

Me: Do you know how hard it is not to include Watari in this? :[

*drinks all 'round for the new year*

and I can't stand to watch the tv,
the liers and the killers keep staring at me.


Death Note:

By NinjaKittyx3


Plane, god damn plane. Raito hated flying! Not that he was scared of it or anything. Nope.

Okay, who was he kidding?

Raito whimpered as he clung to the uncomfortable airplane chair. Stupid L. Stupid Mello. Stupid life. Raito wondered if he was too old to cut himself while listening to emo rock and wearing extravagant amounts of eye liner.

Raito growled at a sudden bang to the head. "Hey, what the?"

Mello's stupidly grinning face answered that question. Sulking, Raito turned back around in his chair. To be honest, he missed L. Missed his warm body against his as he hugged him, his smell, his hair...

This was beginning to sound like a soppy romance novel.

But Raito was too damn proud to go to L. So, L had spent the entire plane ride sitting between Mello and Matsuda, his face depicting the emotions Raito would imagine he'd be feeling. Heh.

The word 'karma' ran through Raito's mind.

"Now would be a good time to relax folks as we begin our descent into England, towards Gatwick International Airport." An old, calm voice from the cockpit sounded. Really, old men piloting planes now.

Really, L?

Soichiro scoffed beside him, clearly thinking the same thing. They'd engaged in mindless conversation throughout the soul crushingly long twelve hour plane ride, in which time Raito had not heard L speak once. In fact, he had the feeling of L's gaze on him the whole way.

And it was really annoying.

Sighing, Raito yawned loudly, causing Soichiro to give him an agitated glance. He stood up, wobbled for a second as his legs remembered how to support his weight, and strolled to the on-board lavatory. For the amount of money L had, you'd think he'd invest in nicer, more spacious lavatories on board his private jet, but no. Raito squirmed his way through the sliding door and set the lock to occupied. Turning on the tap slowly, careful not to overdo it and result in his pants looking as though he'd soiled himself, he washed his face with cold water.

His reflection in the above mirror was not one to boast about. He'd lost weight. Not much - only enough so Raito would notice. He had dark bags forming under his eyes from being awake the entire journey, and his hair was a tousled mess to be frank. Yes, this was certainly not the time to be vain about his appearance.

Sighing, Raito went to turn off the tap, but a sudden jolt of turbulence caused his hand to jerk and turn the tap on full blast.

And then his pants were wet.

As if he soiled himself.

God, why do you hate me?

After suffering a devastating blow to his self esteem, Raito managed to sink into himself the rest of the descent, listening to the on-board radio stations. He had underwent various remarks from Mello about the state of his trousers, and it was beginning to be painful to think about.

Unfortunately, L forced him to share the car with him, and only him, with the exception of whoever that guy was that was driving.

Raito sat with his arms crossed the whole way, and L just watched him as though he were an exhibit at a museum.

It was not a very eventful car ride, to say the least.

The Wammy House was a very... odd thing. The gates were not welcoming, and it was very, very cold outside. Raito watched in envy as pedestrians walked by him on the side walk, no, pavement, wearing nothing but trousers and a t-shirt. No jacket. It must have been warm for them.

"Come, Raito-kun." L took Raito's hand and, with much complaining, guided him through the gates and up into the infamous Wammy House.


"It's L!"


Raito couldn't decipher where the voices were coming from, only concentrated on wriggling his hand away from L's. He clinged to his pride and reminded himself he was still furious with him. Surprisingly, L didn't put up much a fight when Raito shook his hand free and took a step away from him. Sigh. He wondered if Raito would ever forgive him. Wammy House was much like he remembered, stone walls, red carpeting, and pictures hanging upon every wall of each child. It wasn't very well lit in the hallway, but it was cosy.

A short teenager with red hair and goggles approached L. Slowly, he linked his arm through L's and smiled contently, showing to intention of doing or saying anything else. Raito raised his eyebrow in a "What the fudge" manner. The boy ignored him.

"Right. I'm home." Mello stormed through the doors. "Back to this God awful place with the smell of old man and two day old cabbage." Stopping, he took notice of the boy on L's arm. "Matty-boy!"

"Mello!" 'Matty-boy', Raito presumed was called Matt. Such a foreign name. He watched as Matt let go of L's arm and hugged Mello. Mello lifted Matt off his feet and spun him round a few times before setting him down.

What was this? Some kind of gay country club?

"They're not." L said quietly, reading Raito's thoughts.

The room echoed as a loud, slapping noise ensued.

Blink. Blink blink.

"Don't ever leave like that again or so help me I'll rip your bony little legs off!" Matt yelled, fist still connected with Mello's face. Mello just looked down and didn't say a word. Huh. So getting Mello to shut up required a punch in the face.

Mental note taken.

Matt sighed angrily, turning around and noticing Raito. Slowly, he walked up to him.

Raito straightened.

"I'm Matt. I'm the third best here." A sly grin. "Who are you?"

"Hi, I'm Yagami Raito." Raito cleared his throat uncomfortably. "I work with Ryuuzaki."

"Ryuuzaki? An alias?" Matt inquired. L just nodded. "I see. Well, cool! Catch Kira yet?"

Raito sighed. "Actually, I'm-" He was about to say Kira suspect but L interrupted.

"We're in the midst of catching Kira. Raito-kun here is the Chief of Police's son, he has been aiding us in the pursuit." L stated. Raito just gaped at him.

So, what? He wasn't allowed to answer for himself now? Stupid L.

Then Soichiro walked in. "Okay, Ryuuzaki. We're here. Now give us our rooms, if you please."

Raito grinned, stepping beside Soichiro. Matt noticed the family resemblance right away. Taking Mello's arm, he dragged him off down the hall. Raito walked them calmly as L and his dad conversed.

"All right. Then it is settled." L's voice snapped Raito out of his trance. "Raito and I shall have separate rooms," He paused as the rest of the team entered carrying luggage, then continued, "In fact, we'll all have separate rooms for the time being."

An orderly queue was formed, starting with L, ending with Matsuda. They were all given their room numbers and keys, with directions to them. L and Raito were on the same floor, but at opposite ends, and for this Raito was thankful. He was planning on not speaking to L their entire stay. He didn't so much as look at L when he handed him his key, only took it and made his way up the staircase.

His room was all right. To say the least. He briefly wondered if L had placed Raito in this room purposely. It was classy, like a very old room for royalty, with it's flowery wallpaper and carpet, dark drapes and old portraits (which were very creepy). They were those kind of paintings where their eyes followed you around the room.

Raito spent five minutes scoping the room, before dumping his suitcase on the king size bed and unpacking. He blatantly ignored the condoms he had packed and shoved them in his bed-side cabinet. Le sigh.

A high intensity vibration from his pants pocket caused him to yelp, before grabbing it and flipping it open.


"Raito-chan!" Misa's anything but welcoming voice rang through his ear. "Misa-Misa misses you."

"I miss you too, Misa." Not really.

"Misa-Misa will be there soon Raito-chan!" She sang.

"Oh? You're getting time off work?" Raito planted himself on the end of his bed and crossed his legs, leaning his head on his hand.

"Mhmm, I have three weeks vacation. Isn't it wonderful, Raito-chan?" Misa laughed. "I'll get to see you in a few days!"


"That's great, Misa." Raito yawned. "I look forward to you being here."

"And that's not all!"

Great, now what?


Misa giggled hysterically, and Raito felt a sore head coming on. "I made Ryuuzaki let me share a room with you! We'll get to sleep in the same bed! It's going to be wonderful."

Raito gulped. Honestly, he was surprised she had gotten L to agree to her coming never mind sharing a room –and bed- with Raito. "Oh... that's great, Misa."

"Is something the matter with my Raito-chan?" Misa sounded concerned.

"No, I'm..." Raito sighed, "I'm just tired, Misa. Twelve-hour plane ride, remember?"

"Oh right..." Misa nodded, even though Raito couldn't see her. "Well, my Raito-chan better make sure he gets plenty of rest for Misa-Misa's visit!"

"I will, Misa." Raito grinned slightly. "I'll call you later, okay?"

"Okay! Bye Raito-chan! I love you!" She all but screamed.

"Bye." Raito hung up quickly.

Gee. That girl, dude.

Raito stood up and set his phone on the bed, picking up the room key and escaped the room quietly.

The hallway wasn't very well lit. Raito's door was facing a balcony-like hallway. The was a huge drop down three floors, to a little garden. Raito leaned on the railing and admired the intricate flower patterns. He had to hand it to Watari, rest in peace, he held a pretty nice establishment. Even if it was a gay country club.

He started thinking about L after a while. How he missed him. How he didn't care if he sounded like a school girl. He should probably go talk to him, maybe L misses him too.

He turned around and stopped in his tracks. L was there. Watching him, quietly.

But there was something different about him... something creepy. Well, not that L wasn't initially creepy anyway, but still. Maybe it was the poor lighting.

L stepped forward towards the railing and leaned his elbows on it, not looking at Raito. Raito slowly did the same, staring down at the garden, unable to make eye contact.

"Watari does a good job taking care of that garden." L said. "It's a pity he's not here. I haven't seen him at all, actually."

Raito stopped. L's voice sounded different. It held more emotion, and it was deeper and more husky. What the?

"Yagami Raito." Strange L said. "Strange name. I would have assumed it to be read as Yagami Tsuki."

Had L gone insane? You're kidding, right? Raito wanted to punch his lights in for annoying him and walk away, but he stayed put, not saying anything, not making eye contact.

L turned and looked at him. But he didn't say anything. Slowly, Raito looked up at him. His eyes were a different colour. Red.

"I'm not L." The boy sighed. "I'd have thought you could figure that out by yourself."

Raito gulped, broke eye contact and accepted he was going mad.

"You're not going crazy either. I am real, I'm just not L." He began. "Given the way you looked at me, I'd assume you and L and very close. Though, you're mad at him." His voice held a curious tone.

Raito nodded slowly, turning to the creepy man. "Who are you?"

"I'm known as B." Was all he said.

What a weird place this was.

"How do you know my name?" Raito inquired, facing B fully now.

"I'm psychic." B smirked crookedly at Raito, and Raito looked away.

"Must be nice." Raito grinned. "What am I thinking?"

B grinned back. "You're thinking I'm lying. But, I'm not." He stopped, "Now you're thinking I'm weird and that you want to get away."

Raito blushed slightly. "I am not."

B rolled his eyes, resuming leaning on the railing. "Where is Watari?"

Raito frowned, but didn't say anything.

"Deceased." B frowned slightly, then his face went back to normal. "I see. What a shame. That must have done a number on L's conscience."

Raito nodded, going through the scene of Watari's death in his head so B could see. He didn't know why he was being so friendly, but B seemed to be easy to talk to. It may have been because he reminded him so much of L.

"Oh." B frowned, and remained frowning this time. "Would you like a tour?"

Raito straightened. "Yeah, that'd be great. How about a map?"

B snickered. "Right this way, Yagami-san."

Raito obeyed.

Me: Well, that's that.

Chibi L: I disapprove of what's happening.

Chibi Raito: You would.

Chibi Misa: That's the end of the chapter, folks! Who knows when the next one will be.

Me: I think we're getting ahead in the plot. -sly grin- And, sorry.

Chibi Misa: Ninja's mojo has been non-existant lately.

Chibi B: Heheh.

Chibi Raito: O_O

Chibi Matsuda: Where was I this chapter?

Me: I...don't...know.

Chibi Misa: We're trying, alright?

Chibi Tanaka: Ho! Review?