A/N: HI! I'm back. Feel free to yell at me all you wish. I would give you the customary excuses for why it took me so long but I doubt you care. Just know that I've been wanting to write this for over 6 months but a combination of life, studying abroad, and writers block prevented me from doing so. I hated leaving you like that. I truly enjoy this story and I wouldn't let it stay unfinished. Life is hectic right now, so I can't promise when the next chapter will be up. But I'll try my damnedest to get it up soon.
I watched Merlin as he walked away, following after Will. I barely registered the talk the villagers were having about the up coming battle. I had to quell the urge to run off after them but I knew I had to get the village prepared for Kanan. But I vowed to follow after them as soon as I could.
Putting my mind back on the task at hand, I turned to Hunith. "I need to separate the men into one group and the woman into another. Can you help me with that, Hunith?"
"Of course, sire." She set out to do her task quickly. Once they were separated I strolled down the line of men, sizing them up, estimating as I went how much work it would be to train them into something that had even the remotest chance of defeating Kanan's men. Internally I grimaced. They were frail looking and all were unaccustomed to fighting while Kanan had men who were battle hardened and would not hesitate to kill another human being. Hopefully they had hidden strengths. I hoped growing up in a town where you had to do everything for yourself made them stronger than they looked. It would take all the experience I had to get this group ready to fight.
Turning to Morgana and Gwen, I ordered, "Gather what weapons you can. Gwen make any sword and spear you find ready for battle. I need them sharpened and checked for balance." Gwen assented with a nod and ran off with two villagers that I waved to go with her. "Men, I need you to go through your homes and search for anything that might be of any use. Anything you might consider to be a good weapon, grab it. It might save your life later. Woman, go through all the clothes you can find. Anything leather or strong will help protect you. I want all of you to meet back here in an hour and tell me what you've got."
Everyone scattered, most of them jogging off towards their home. Hunith walked up to me. "You have nothing to worry about, you know." Hunith said while placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"Going into battle with a village of untrained men is something I worry about." I snapped, instantly regretting my harsh tone.
Hunith just nodded, giving me a gentle smile that was so familiar to the one I see on Merlin's face countless times during the day. "About Merlin. He is childhood friends with William, but I know he cares a great deal about you. He would choose you over him any day." She squeezed my shoulder once before turning away and walking to her house.
All I could do was sputter after her as I watched her leave. But, bloody hell, was Merlin's mother perceptive. A blush rose up my neck towards my face as the meaning of Hunith's words sank in. If she knew about us and was still comforting me... hope blossomed in my chest. She must approve of our relationship. Having someone on our side was good to know.
Speaking of Merlin, he was still with Will. I had given myself an hour. I could follow them and listen in. I rarely felt the need to eavesdrop on Merlin. I haven't done it since I listened to his talk with Gaius. After I was released from the dungeon for disobeying my father for searching for the Mortaeus flower. Even with Hunith's reassurance, I felt the need to check up on my manservant.
I stalked through the houses, avoiding the villagers least they stop me on my way or draw unwanted attention. I only knew the vague direction that Will and Merlin went in so it took me longer than I would have liked to find them. I was drawn to their raised voices, I could here them even from 3 cottages away. And this was by no means a densely packed village. I hurried along, staying low so they wouldn't see me if they looked out the window.
"Why are you defending him so much?" I heard William's loud voice shouting. "You're just his servant."
"I'm not just his servant, we're friends." Merlin shot back. I will forever deny that Merlin defending me like that made my stomach do a happy little flip.
"Friends don't lord over you like that. You saw how he was like after Kanan left. He just ordered you about like all you are to him is his slave." William's accusation made me visibly grimace. He was right. I know that I was a royal prat, to use Merlin's own words, to him in the village center. But of course I am not going to like seeing my lover with another man. Especially if that man is as blatant about his affections as William is. It was glaringly apparent that Will felt something more than friendship towards Merlin.
"It isn't like that. Not most of the time." Merlin said, softer than before. Guilt flooded my system. If Merlin thought I lorded over him what kind of relationship did we really have. I know we butt heads sometimes and he still is my manservant, but I thought I had come leaps and bounds since we started this. I rarely gave him a chore that could be done easier by someone else and after all the times we've risked our lives for each other, I thought we had an unbreakable bond.
I shook myself for being such as girl as William started talking again. "Let's see once the battle begins. See who he send out first to fight." I could barely contain my huff of annoyance. Who else am I going to send but the villagers. It's not like I have a legion of knights with me. I would have brought them if my father would have allowed it. He did not. There was only so much I could do. I was already disobeying my father by simply coming along. I held no hope for sneaking some knights with me as well. For one they still answer to my father. While they are loyal to me, disobeying my father could mean death or a permanent stay in our dungeons for them.
"He's not like that! I trust Arthur with my life." I grinned a bit too widely at this statement. My trust in Merlin was unquestionable. We have been through too much together for us not to trust one another. I told Merlin everything. He was with me nigh constantly. If I didn't trust him I wouldn't have kept him around. I couldn't help the surge of happiness that sprang to life knowing that Merlin trusted me just as much.
"Is that so? He knows your secret then?" I took a step closer, they were talking barely above whispers now and I could just manage to make out what they were saying. Just as I took my final step closer I stepped on a stick. Flinching, I jumped away from the window as stealthily as I could. I ran to the other side of the house, making sure to hide myself from their view.
I listened as all conversation stopped. William must have stuck his out out of the window because I heard him tell Merlin, "There is no one around, must have been an animal."
Taking my chances I crawled back under the window, watching my step for anything that would make a noise. I stayed a safe distance away, farther than I would have liked because I could barely hear them.
"Face it, Merlin. You're living a lie, just like you were here. If you were more than just his servant you would have told him the truth." I frantically racked my brain for anything that Merlin would want to keep secret from me. I came up with nothing in the ten second span I was giving.
I was forced to quickly dart away from the house and sprint back to the center of the village as Merlin said to Will, "Either way, we have to be going. I need to check in with Arthur and see if he needs anything to help protect this village. You can either help or not, Will. I don't really care. But this is my home and I will protect it with Arthur's help."
I made it back to the village center without attracting to many curious stares from the villagers. They were, luckily, too busy searching their houses to notice me run off like a scared child about to get chastised by their parents.
It was lucky for me that I wasn't seen. My mind was frantic. Merlin was keeping something from me? I thought we trusted each other with everything. What could be so important that Merlin would want to keep it from me?
Hoping not to get spotted by Merlin, I made through the village looking for Morgana and Gwen. I knew they would get my mind off him. They were near Hunith's house. Gwen was sharpening the swords we had with us with a tool she had borrowed from the local blacksmith. Laying next to her were a collection of other items, all either waiting for their turn or already finished.
They smiled at me as I approached. I nodded in return as I made my way to them. "How is everything?" I asked.
"We are low on weapons and what we do have isn't much to look at. But I'm fixing them up and readying them to distribute them once they are battle ready." Gwen said this all without looking up, never taking her eyes off the sword she was currently working on.
"Good work. Let's go see how everyone else got along. I need to know how prepared these people are going to be in a battle against Kanan's men." We walked together towards the center of town, meeting up with Merlin and Will along the way. Merlin gave me a shy, small smile. I returned it with one of my own cocky grins. In the corner of my vision I could see Will eying our interactions. I had to use all my training in princely patiences not to smack him upside the head.
When we got to the village it was to a sad sight. It was rare to find anyone with a proper weapon. Spears and swords were scarce. The most common tool was a broom or shovel. I sighed slightly. "Was this all that you could find?" Better safe than sorry. Maybe it was some elaborate village joke and they would all pull out their real weapons so we could have a good laugh before the battle.
The village, as one, nodded. "We don't have much, sire. We are but a humble farming village." A random villager told me.
I held back a grimace. "Yes. Well, we will start training tomorrow. Get a lot of rest tonight, it will be an intense training session tomorrow and I want you all at your best. I just need to check out what you brought." If I'm going to train them, I need them to be rested enough to have their wits about them.
"Good work everyone. I will see you bright and early tomorrow." With that, I dismissed the villagers, walking with Gwen, Morgana and Hunith to her house. I was disgusted to find that Merlin hung back with Will to chat a bit more. Stomping off a bit faster than the girls, I wanted to get away from Merlin and Will as fast as I could.
When we were outside Hunith's thatched cottage, I turned towards the girls, "Why don't you rest up for now. We've been traveling for days and after that little skirmish this morning we could all do with some sleep." I patted Gwen and Morgana as I passed to enter Hunith's home.
Shortly after I entered, the women and Merlin followed. Fortunately, his 'best friend' Will wasn't with him. I don't think I could be held responsible for anything I did to him in the privacy of Hunith's home. "It's getting late," Merlin told me, "We should get ready for bed." I nodded. I watched as Hunith settled in her bed, Morgana and Gwen taking up a spot near the fire to the side of the bed. Merlin jerked his head to the right. Glancing over I saw what he was gesturing to. Part of the house looked like it was set up as a little enclave, a little spot for Merlin to have his own space in a house that was quite literally one room. It was separated by only a thin, nearly transparent sheet, but it would do. I walked over with him to spread out our bed rolls.
"Now, don't stay up too late talking none stop." Morgana teased lightly with a wink.
I sneered at her. While I wanted to talk to Merlin, especially about what I heard while he was in William's home, this was not the right time nor place for such conversations. As it was, Merlin and I couldn't even sleep how we wanted. He placed his head at my feet, knowing that someone would question it if we sleep any different.
I lay awake for a long time, just staring at the ceiling. Merlin's floor was rough and unforgiving. I think I would have preferred to sleep outside where I could at least have some cushion by using leaves. I waited until the women's breath evened out, indicating they were asleep. I nudged Merlin with my foot, "Merlin, you awake?"
Merlin's hand slid onto my leg, squeezing it gently before it started tracing unknown patterns across my thigh. "Yeah."
"Did you always sleep on the floor?" I asked, not being able to keep the flabbergasted tone out of my voice.
"Yeah. The bed I have in Camelot is a luxury compared to this." Merlin sounded as though he were almost bored. I guess he might be. He grew up like this, I did not.
"It must have been hard." I said sympathetically.
"Hmm, yeah, it's like rock." Merlin said in the same flat tone.
I jerked my knee, catching him lightly in the stomach. "I didn't mean the floor, Merlin. I meant it must have been tough, growing up like this."
He chuckle lightly, squeezing my leg once more. When he responded he sounded half asleep. "Hmm, I didn't know any different." he said, the figures he was still drawing on my leg paused as he thought. "It's simple here, Arthur. You eat what you grow, everyone pitches in. As long as you have food on the table and a roof over your head, you are happy."
I was slightly taken aback by this line of thinking. Trying to cover up for the silence that now hung between us, I said, "Sounds... nice."
Without even missing a beat, Merlin cut in, "You'd have hated it."
"No doubt." I respond back with a laugh. But then I turned curious. "Why'd you leave?"
"Things just changed." Merlin told me in a small voice.
The silence between us grew again. I stuck my foot out of the covers and tapped him in the face. "Come on now, Merlin. You're finally getting interesting." I tried to convey as much affection as I could into my words. "How did things change?"
Merlin breathed out a laugh, pushing my foot out of his face. Again he placed his hand onto my leg. He was gripping it now, as if it were the only thing grounding him in this conversation. He sounded sad as he began, "I just didn't fit in anymore." My stomach clenched in sympathy. "I wanted to find somewhere that I did."
"Had any luck?" I asked him, hoping my tone didn't give away how concerned I actually was.
"I'm not sure yet." Merlin said.
I sat bolt upright. My face must have shown some of my worry, because Merlin sat up as well. "You're not sure yet?" I asked, not even trying to keep the hurt tone out of my voice.
"Hey," Merlin told me softly, reaching up to stroke my cheek . "I'm sure about you. I know I fit with you." He leaned in slowly, placing his lips on mine gently.
My entire body relaxed, from the kiss or his words, I didn't really care. I ran my hand through his hair, pulling him closer as I did so. The kiss was chaste and quick, just a peck to show each other how we truly feel without words.
"I love you, Merlin." I told him anyway, knowing that this was one time where he really needed to hear it. "I love you so much and I couldn't care less if you fit in anywhere. You belong with me and I will always make sure that you feel like you belong." I told him quietly. Stroking his face, I leaned in for one last kiss, capturing his bottom lip in my mouth I gave it a little suck. Scraping my teeth over his lip I let my tongue explore his mouth, pouring all the love I could muster into the kiss. I only broke the kiss when I heard Morgana snore. I had completely forgotten where we were. There was nothing hiding us from the view of all the women in the house.
We were both panting by the time we broke apart. "I love you too, Arthur."
I smile at him, knowing that I never wanted to let go of this man. He might be keeping a secret from me, but I knew if it really mattered, he would tell me in a heartbeat. For now, I can let it be. "Get some sleep, Merlin. It's going to be a long day tomorrow." I turned around, making it so we were side by side, faces looking at each other.
"What about the girls?" Merlin asked concerned.
"I don't care about them. I care about you. I want to hold you, if only for a little bit."
Merlin gave me one last kiss before settling down for sleep. "Good night, Arthur."
I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him close. After nestling my face inside his neck, I responded, "Night Merlin." But he was already asleep and couldn't answer.
A/N: Does anyone ever remember what they reviewed last time? I'm truly sorry for taking so long. I couldn't even start this chapter for the longest time. I wanted it in Merlin's POV but I started out with Arthur way back in "Near Death" and he helped me through my writers block. Thanks to all who reviewed all those months ago. Writeitloud, Sati James, CrystalEarth, CrayonsPink, Mikanou, Firechildfiredancefireidiot13, HikariNoKalen, Betrayedsunshine, MissSnowFox, HMemma546, and GreenWiggly thank you all for reviewing. It means a lot to get reviews. I'll try not to go on a 11 month hiatus again! But it is good to be back!