Chapter 1: The Conga
Early Tuesday morning, Tawni, Nico, Grady, Zora, and Sonny reported to the prop room.
"Hey guys!" Sonny exclaimed happily. "ready for the sketch?"
As Tawni was about to reply, noise could be heard from down the hall, coming from the Mackenzie Falls direction. It got louder as time went on, so it appeared to be coming closer. But only when it actually entered the prop house could the noise be understood.
"Chad's gonna be on Ty-ra! Chad's gonna be on Ty-ra! Chad's gonna be on Ty-ra!" The line chanted, along to the melody of the conga song. The line was composed of all the Mackenzie Falls cast, even Josh the mailman.
"Chad's gonna be on Tyra?!?!" Tawni yelled, flabbergasted. "That's not fair! That is my dream! He can't go on Tyra!"
"Oh yes, I can." Chad said, shooing the conga line away. "Because Chad Dylan Cooper can do ANYTHING!" Tawni pouted and stormed out.
"Chad, did you just come here to gloat?" Sonny said, arms folded defensively, as they usually were when Chad was around, despite her real feelings for him.
"Well, Sonny, that's up to you. See, I mean, I do have one extra ticket to come along but, well, you don't seem to want it so—"
"You want Sonny to go on the Tyra show with you!?! Oooooohhhhhh!" moaned a very said Tawni from down the hall.
"Yeah Chad. Why do you want me to go on the show with you?" Sonny said, rather confused.
"Whose Ty-ra?" asked Grady, in the conga sing-song voice.
"I don't know, but apparently she's a very cool lady." Nico responded, contemplating this.
"Oh…Wanna go get some meatballs?" Grady asked, with a smile.
"It's not Monday." Nico responded sadly.
"What about Subway?" Grady asked.
Nico's eyes got bigger. "We've hit gold!" Nico and Grady ran out of the room, leaving Sonny and Chad to discuss.
"Well, Sonny. You'd never be my first choice, understand that—"
"Oh thanks!" she said, exasperated.
"Sonny bunny! That's not what I meant!"
"Sonny bunny," screamed Sonny, "what kind of a nick name is that?"
"I was pressed for time and it rhymed nicely with your name."
"Oh!" Sonny said, angry as she plopped down on the couch.
"Don't get so worked up about it. It's just Chad." Zora said, giving Chad a stare down, along with the 'I'm watching you' fingers, as she left the room.
"Anyway," Chad said, shaking that odd Zora moment off, " Tyra asked me to ask you to come. I don't know why and I haven't figured it out yet, but look. Will you just come for me?" Chad said, sitting down next to her, giving her the puppy dog face.
It seemed to work…"For you?" She said, sweetly, her brown eyes pouring into his, "Not a chance!" She said, standing up abruptly, which prevented his magic from working, and frankly, hers too.
"Fine! For Tyra then? Come on, Sonny!" He almost begged.
"Why do you care so much if I go or not?" She asked, angered.
"You shouldn't have to ask that question."
"Well, I am. Enlighten me, Chad."
"Just come, ok? The taping is Friday. I'll have my driver pick you up. 8 o'clock sharp." He did his little signature 'good-bye', the pointing fingers and goofy smile.
"Chad, don't make him—" She began, but he was already gone.
So I'm really excited about this one! I love the Tyra show and this just came to me one day….i hope you guys like it! Comment and tell me what you think!