I'm starting this fanfic now 'cos people asked me to (not referring to anyone in particular, Aquana12)!

Luv ya all! :))

Sam's POV

Chris and I walked out of the movies. We were just out on a date. Sigh. I love dates. Especially with Chris.

"I had great fun," I said to Chris as we walked towards my house.

"Me too," he said smiling.

We arrived at my front door. I kissed him on the cheek. "Bye. See you tomorrow."

He blushed. "Yeah. See you."

I went into the house. Jayne was in the living, reading a fashion magazine. "Hi," I said happily.

"Hey." She put down the magazine. "Have you noticed that mom and dad have been acting weird lately?"

"What kind of weird?"

"They just seem so distant and worried all the time recently."

"Hmm. Actually, I have noticed that."

We heard hushed voices from the kitchen.

"Let's go listen in," Jayne said.

"What? We can't listen in!"

"Why not? We might find out why the 2 of them are acting weird.


Jayne and I are completely different. She is reckless and disobeys every rule ever made.

We went to the kitchen door and listened hard.

"It's not going well at all, Laura."

"I know, George, but there must be some hope. I could try and get a new job."

My mom worked for a firm that sold electric stuff, but it closed down last month. She's been unemployed ever since.

"I don't think that will improve things much. Moving away might be the only answer. Singletown might just be too small for me to find a better job."

"You need to rest, George. We can talk about it in the morning."

We heard them getting up, and ran back into the living room. We looked at each other in horror. We won't really have to move away, will we?

Sorry it just ends like that please review!

Luv ya all! :))