Prince of Tennis and all its characters belongs to Konomi Takeshi.
Oh right, so there's a question in the previous chapter's review of 'what language the chapter's title were all from?'
Love is from English, Ai is from Japanese, Sarang is from Korean, Liebe is German, Amore is Italian, Liefde is Dutch, Amour is French, Pyara is Indian, Mīlestība is Latvian, Lyubov is Ukrainan, and Siqvaruli is Georgian. And this chapter's title, Láska, is Slovak.
There's no particular reason of which country for which chapter, just taking them randomly from Google Translator, hahaha.
12th Chapter
There's this new thing Ryou just realized.
He had this new tendency to carve for the lunch time to come sooner so he can go out and pick up Ryouta and talk more with Ohtori, which clearly was never there before.
There's time like that, when he just wanted to lunch to come as soon as possible, but he remembered the last time was when he had to work on stacks of claims that stressing him out and he wanted a little official time to breath.
But, now, not so much. Work was smooth as ever, he just goaled a 2 million dollar contract deal on today's morning meeting which hopefully could shut Atobe's ongoing ramble about Ryou's capacity of working while taking care of his nephew. And today is the day when Ryouta will visit the nursing home so they will be back more late, around 3 or 4 in the afternoon, and Ryou found himself scowled by the fact, staring at the window blankly.
A knock on the door, and a soft call of his name from outside waked him up from his broad middle daydream, "Shishido-san, sir?"
"Is that you, Fuyuka?"
"Yes, sir, I received these documents from Marketing Department that need your checks…"
"Okay, bring it here."
Fuyuka came in with quite thick pile of documents in her hand, and Ryou groaned, "I don't have to finish it by this evening or anything, right?"
"No, sir, they said to take it easy. It'll be needed by tomorrow morning, though." Fuyuka chuckled.
"That's not really a difference." Ryou sighed, and sat back on his chair. He stared at window blankly again, and Fuyuka blinked at him.
"Sir, are you okay?"
"Huh?" Ryou startled, "Yeah, of course. Why?"
"Well." Fuyuka smiled, "You usually get fired up on every work."
Ryou laughed, "Were I? I guess I have something else to get fired up on, now… maybe."
Fuyuka was quiet then hummed, "Hmmmm…. Like lover?"
"WHAT?" Ryou blushed, and laughed, swayed his pen to the young lady, "Don't joke around, Fuyuka. You know I don't have time for that."
"Oh, well, that's just my prediction. You pretty much acted like you got one, recently." Fuyuka shrugged, the lips formed a teasing smile.
Ryou took one of the document, tried to hide his embarrassment by examining the word printed on it even though his mind couldn't quiet cooperate, "Well, you're quite an observer, aren't you, Fuyuka. Even though your conclusion is not quite right."
"I kinda know all you schedule, Shishido-san, you got home early almost every day in these past two weeks." Fuyuka grinned, "Not to mention you skipped your lunch and rescheduling all the lunch meetings too. If it's not lover, I have no idea."
"Try nephew." Ryou mumbled.
Fuyuka said in satisfied smile, "You have your nephew all along, Shishido-san, and it never occurred before."
"Well but it's not lover." Ryou replied with flushed face, "Ohtori is not… I mean, no one is my lover. I don't have one."
"Another thing that could make a workaholic like you—" Ryou looked up from his document and opened his mouth, try to argue about this and his secretary quickly added, "Yes, you are workaholic, Shishido-san, at least you were. Once again, another thing that could make a workaholic went home early other than lover would be… a crush."
"Crush. Lover soon to be… hopefully."
"No, nothing like that, Fuyuka." Shishido shook his head, though cheeks still heated, "Really, you better grab me a coffee now. Or do your work. Or anything."
Fuyuka stayed though, and added, "Are you sure? No one you tried to kiss recently, Shishido-san?"
And Ryou's memory threw back to the barbecue night when he almost pecked on Ohtori's forehead, but he managed to let out a stern voice of "Fuyuka." And that successfully made Fuyuka sighed and walked to the door.
"Oh, Shishido-san."
Ryou widened his eyes as he glanced back on his grinning secretary, "What again?"
"So do you want a coffee, or do you want me to do my work?"
The brunette sighed and massaged the bridge of his nose, "I want you to quickly go away, so whichever that will make that wish granted sooner."
Fuyuka let out an 'Hmph' and walked out, but only to pop out her head once again from behind the door and called, "Shishido-san."
Ryou groaned immediately, "Oh, God, Fuyuka, are you Atobe?"
"No, I'm pretty sure I'm not. Just want to tell you there's a festival on the temple on the weekend."
Ryou looked up with this small piece of information, "Oh really? Fireworks and bazaar and all?"
"Yep. You might want to take your nephew there." Fuyuka grinned.
"Oh, thanks." Ryou smiled, "Ryouta will love it. Thank you."
"And bring your lover or crush or whatever along too." Fuyuka said, but then quickly disappeared behind the door before Ryou could respond. Ryou just stared at the closed wooden door with gaped mouth, before let out a harsh breath.
But anyway, he still got the news of the festival. Ryouta will love it, Ryou smiled on the thought. And they could go to the festival with Ohtori too...
Or no. Ryou shook his head quickly. Ohtori is no one. Yeah they get along very fine recently and he's a very good friend. But they don't always have to hang out together or anything. He didn't want any more teasing about this idea of his crush to Ohtori –before was Atobe, Jirou and now is Fuyuka, what's wrong with these people? They're both guys!
Now Ryou, forget about Ohtori and get back to freaking works.
And Ryou did. The thought managed to get his head focused on works and lasted, and it's a wonder how the time ran faster when he didn't really think about it. Without him realizing, it's finally the time to pick up Ryouta. Still typing down of his laptop's keyboards as he acknowledged the time, got up from his chair and even when he about to left, Ryou smiled, proud of himself of busying his mind with works and not really anticipating the fact that he's going to meet Ohtori soon anymore. Well, he shouldn't. Ohtori was just his nephew's teacher and good friend so there's really no need of some heart throbbing or fluttering butterfly in his stomach…
Which he got right after he got out from the car and saw the bus drove in the parking lot.
He cursed of his stupidity and tried to calm down the high excitement, but then he couldn't even hold his lips to let out a wide grin as he saw the light colored hair guy was the first one to get off the bus, standing near the door to help his kids.
And even to hold his own mouth to not yell out the name "Ohtori!" and waved his hand. He sounded too much like a happy schoolgirl met up her crush on their way to school or something.
Ohtori looked up, replied him with his warm smile, and Ryou found he's running towards the bus.
"Hey!" No… no! He sounded too cheerful. He gotta be cool and all…
"Good afternoon, Shishido-san! You're right on time!" Ohtori smiled.
Thoughts just flied away to place Ryou damn don't care, and he laughed, "Yes! Glad I can make it!"
"And here we go, your little prince…" Ohtori smiled as he saw Ryouta was finally the one in the line to get off the bus. Ryouta perked up as he saw his uncle, and Ryou grabbed him by under his arm, holding him to the air as he grinned, "My dear Ryouta!"
"Ryou-nii!" Ryouta laughed.
"How's your day?" Ryou smiled, let his nephew down back to the ground.
"Terrific! We prepared the grandmas and grandpas the performance of singing and I get to play the piano!" Ryouta said proudly, "One of the grandpas also played piano and he's so good at it, and then the grandmas sang together. Grandma Miyako was doing a storytelling too with drawings and it's so funny! And we played games! We ate the cake together and take pictures and the grandpas and grandmas gave me so many candies and biscuits! I was so full with them I almost can't eat my onigiri! But since we made the onigiri together, I still ate them! We exchanged the onigiri with Mai-chan and Akito-kun and Hiro-kun and so many more! I got fried shrimp, fish meatball, fried mushroom and sautéed broccoli, they tasted so good!"
Ryou merely be able to follow Ryouta's happy chattering about his visit with his friends to the nursing home, but he got it that his nephew was very happy, considering his sparkling eyes, flushed cheeks and wide smile. When the little boy was done with his stories, the kids were all already with their parents and even the bust had left. He threw a glance to Ohtori who's listening with him all the time and they exchanged smiles.
"Okay, okay, you can tell the rest of it on our way back to house, or we will be late for dinner." Ryou grinned.
Ryouta looked at his uncles, eyes large, "Oh, dinner! What will we have for dinner tonight, Ryou-nii?"
"I wonder…" Ryou thought, fingers rubbing on his chin, "What do you want to eat?"
"I want to eat Ohtori-sensei's cooking!" Ryouta jumped on his little feet, looked at his teacher then latched himself to him, tugged on the shirt the teacher was wearing and smiling, "Can we? Can we eat your cooking again, Ohtori-sensei?"
Before Ohtori actually responded, Ryou quickly pulled on his nephew, "Ryoutarou, Ohtori-sensei can't accompany us all the time! He already spent the entire day yesterday to help us…"
"Oh, but I don't mind." Ohtori quickly cut off, smiling, "We can have dinner together at my house, if you'd like to."
"Really?" Ryouta was so happy, "Ryou-nii, we can eat Ohtori-sensei's cooking again! Yay!"
"I-Is it really okay? I always trouble you…" Ryou genuinely felt bad about this. But then, Ryou saw that Ohtori was completely sincere about his offer, so he pulled off a wide grin, "Thanks, really."
"The pleasure is mine." Ohtori smiled, "Dinner will be ready around 7, so feel free to come around that time."
"Okay!" Ryou grinned, "Meet you there, then?"
"Yes." Ohtori waved, "See you soon, Ryoutarou-kun!"
"See you soon too, sensei!" Ryouta waved back excitedly.
And as they jumped in the car, Ryou remembered he supposed to act all cool to Ohtori, and he smacked his head on the steering wheel.
"I'm a complete idiot." Ryouta cursed.
"Well, I don't know if Ryou-nii is the brightest, but you're okay, Ryou-nii!"
Ryou pulled out a big laugh on his nephew's mean comment, still laughing as he pulled on Ryouta's cheeks, "Thank you, you chubby bear!"
"Yerr bery belcome." Ryouta laughed, too.
Ryouta was sound asleep when he got home, Rock sitting on his feet and Jazz on his side. Papers with drawing on them scattered on the floor, blown by wind, and there's a pack of crayons on the table. Ryouta has been drawing as he waited for his uncle to get home. Ryou was back to his office to do more works after they got lunch, and fortunately he managed to finish before the time for the promised dinner.
Ryou pecked his nephew's forehead and the little kid mumbled in his sleep, only to sleep more. Ryou notice that it's already six, and it's almost time for the dinner with Ohtori. He thought of a bath, before waking Ryouta up.
He did a pretty quick shower because he didn't want to be late, but then, for unknown reason, he found himself struggling about what to wear. Ryou considering a neat black shirt, but that's way too clear that he's trying, but in another side, he wanted to show Ohtori that he dressed up for this. His (large) bed was full with choices of clothes, and he's thinking if he had to change a bit of his hairstyle… when his cell phone rang.
And it's from Atobe, he just hated this fact.
"What?" He asked bitterly.
The slur of voice was very hateable Ryou wished he didn't pick it up before, "The proper answer should be 'hello'. What's your plan for tonight?"
Ryou took a polo shirt from his closet and looking at it before decided it's too dull, "That doesn't concern you. I turned my reports in just in time, and I managed to get you the two million dollar contract just today, Atobe, please don't disturb my life."
"How rude, I merely asked you what you are going to do tonight."
Ryou sighed, "I'm going to have dinner with Ryouta. Like what normal people will do, not calling his subordinate and make a mess of his life." Oh God, his clothes are boring. They're only t-shirts and polo and clothes for work. What the hell? And they're all black, grey, or dark brown.
"Oh, where the dinner will be?"
"Not really your business." Ryou said bitterly, but then his eyes widened up on the sight of a piece of clothes –He didn't know he has this long-sleeved black shirt. It's quite nice…
"I see, usual family restaurant. I cared to join you two."
"NO, WHAT?" Ryou spat angrily, "Are you out of your mind? You thought we expect your company?"
"I'll be there first, then."
The image of Atobe waiting for hours for nothing in the diner is delightful, but Ryou wasn't that mean… yet.
"No, we're not going there. We're going to eat at Ohtori's."
There's a brief pause. Ryou popped an 'Oh oh' in his head. Atobe was really going to talk about this, he's sure…. And he's right, when he heard a slow inhale, then a hum, "Hmm, this is so interesting. So you two have reached that level?"
"You want me to keep your nephew's away so you two can use the room?"
"ATOBE!" Ryou exhaled a harsh breath, frustrated, "NO, DON'T TALK ANYMORE. Better, don't breath anymore. Go bother Oshitari or something."
He turned off his phone and threw it to the mountain of clothes on the bed, finally settled with the long-sleeved black shirt from before. When he got out from his room, Ryouta was already up, pouring Jazz and Rock some milk to their red and blue food plate.
"Ryou-nii, you are done!" Ryouta said happily, "Let's go! I'm starving!"
"So am I." Ryou hissed, "Especially after that very energy-spending phone conversation."
"Huh?" His nephew blinked confusedly.
"No, no." Ryou sighed. He smiled, "Come on, we're going."
They stopped by a cake shop, but fortunately they're not late. Ryou knew from Fuyuka that the shop was very popular with their delicious and beautiful cakes, he asked her to buy some for their client's birthday before. He decided to try them for themselves now. He never ate much cake (or anything sweet, actually), but Ryouta and Ohtori enjoyed them, and if he's not wrong, Jirou was fan of sweets, too. That old friend of Ryou ate so much Pocky, candies and chocolates everyday back then in junior high, sometimes in the middle of the class and ended up with him being yelled by the teacher.
Ryou let Ryouta handled the cake box, decided to give the kid some trust. He pressed on the bell button. The door creaked open after the faints sounds of people half-running towards it, and Jirou's smile as he opened the door for them was totally welcoming, if not the teasing one.
Ryou felt his cheeks went hot just by seeing his wide grin –he quite knew the meaning behind.
"Nice shirt, Shishido-kun!" Jirou laughed.
"W-Well, thanks." Ryou answered modestly.
The blonde guy grinned, pushed up his thick-framed glasses as he flipped to side to let both Shishido inside, "Come in, come in."
The pair of uncle and nephew took off their shoes then Ryouta showed Jirou a white cardbox on his small hands, "We bought cakes on our way here!"
Jirou's caramel colored eyes went sparkled and bright, "Oh, nice, sugar!" He accepted it from Ryouta and almost flied in to put it on the dining table, almost knocked on Ohtori who was in the middle of arranging the table.
"Akutagawa-san?" Ohtori was confused, but then he noticed his guest and his smiled, "Oh, you two is here! You're right in time, they're just done!"
"LOOK AT THESE PRETTY LITTLE THINGS!" Jirou exclaimed as he opened the box –there're chocolate eclairs, strawberry shortcake, roll cake, black forest, tiramisu, fruit pie, red velvet, rainbow cake, blueberry cheesecake, devil chocolate, vanilla crepe cake –they're all arranged prettily inside the box, so beautiful that Jirou didn't dare to touch them. Ryou only shook his head and Ohtori chuckled.
Ryouta laughed at the adult's excitement, "Akutagawa-nii, do you like cake?"
"I like everything sweet!" Jirou grinned, "You too, Ryoutarou-kun?"
Ryouta nodded, "Yes, of course! I chose all these cakes!"
Jirou kneeled, looked at Ryouta seriously and put both his hand on Ryouta's shoulder, "You, kiddo, just saved the world and this poor little man."
Ryouta giggled, "But it's Ryou-nii who suggested us to buy cakes."
"Oh, God, Shishido-kun, I'll let you take Choutarou as your wife if you give me something like this daily." Jirou snickered as he moved to grab small plates and forks.
Ohtori pretended to not hear that, but the tip of his ear reddened a bit, while Ryou quickly stammered, "W-what are you talking about, J-Jirou?"
But the topic was quickly shifted as the excited Ryouta jumped to his sensei's side and asking happily, "What are you making, sensei? What are you making? OH! It's chicken teriyaki! Right, right?"
"Yes, you're right!" Ohtori smiled, "Do you like it?"
"So much!" Ryouta grinned.
Ohtori pinched Ryouta's nose softly, and said, "You're a good boy. Are you hungry?"
"YES, VERY!" The pair of round eyes grew big, and the little boy showed his perfect grin as he added, "I can't wait to eat Ohtori-sensei's cooking!"
Ohtori chuckled, "Wait a bit, okay? Sensei will serve the rice and the soup."
Ryouta nodded, "Un!"
"Let's eat this!" Jirou was ready to take the strawberry shortcake from the box, and Ryouta immediately ran to him, "No, that's mine! Also the roll cake and the crepe cake and…"
Ryou tried to remind them, "That's supposed to be eaten as dessert, you know?" but Jirou and Ryouta ignored the poor brunette completely. Now Ryou had a hard time to see Jirou as almost twenty years apart from Ryouta –his old friend and his nephew were practically pinching each other cheeks to prevent any of them touch any cake.
Ohtori chuckled, and Ryou turned around, "Oh, sorry, Ohtori! Is there anything I can help?"
"Oh, thanks! Pouring the miso soup, maybe?" The silverhead smiled, handing him the miso bowls and pointed to the steaming pot on the stove.
"Right onto it!" Ryou grinned. He walked towards the stove and hummed at the delightful smell of the soup. Ohtori was really good at this, cooking. Everything he made with his hands is beautiful stuffs, indeed, but apparently not also beautiful, it's also happiness for the stomach.
While his hand carefully handled the soup spoon and bowls, Ryou tried to start a conversation, "Thanks for inviting us tonight."
"Oh, of course," He could hear Ohtori answered between the sound of rice being spooned and put in every bowl, "It's more fun to eat with lots of people."
"I sure know how to repay!" Ryou grinned, "On the weekend, there'll be…" But then he stopped. No, no, he won't ask Ohtori to come with him and Ryouta. He should actually take some distance from the other guy, if he wanted the teasing to stop…
Ohtori was done with the rice and have walked to beside Ryou, made Ryou looked up from his bowl of soup and saw Ohtori's smile as the younger guy titled his head, asked, "There'll be…?"
There must be some witchcraft on the smile, because once again, Ryou didn't care about a thing in the world. He found himself answering, "Festival."
"Festival? Oh… in the temple? People in the neighborhood were talking about it, too." Ohtori nodded, "You will go?"
Ryou grinned, "I thought of take Ryouta there."
"That's a good idea!" Ohtori smiled, "He'll be happy."
"W-Would you…" Now his voice was shaky. What's this? This is very not right, this is just ridiculous, this is…
Ohtoti brought some soup bowls to the table and arranging them beside the rice, "I thought of going there with Akutagawa-san, but he got his deadline on the next day, so maybe he wouldn't make it. I thought of helping him."
Ryou felt a pang on his chest, "So you won't be there."
"Yeah, maybe no." Ohtori sighed, but then he smiled, "But you should go! Ryouta will be happy and I think most of his friends will be there too with their parents. You can meet them again."
"Well, I guess." Ryou laughed bitterly. This is weird. He's weird. He thought of going only with Ryouta before, but now he's sure Ohtori won't be there at all, he's… not really into it anymore.
But out of nowhere, Jirou appeared, mouth full with cakes and lips with cream, gulping down his sweets before said, "I will be okay, you should go with them, Choutarou!"
"Going where?" Ryouta also appeared from beside Jirou –there's chocolate and blueberry jam all around his mouth.
"Oh my, Ryouta." Ryou shook his head. Ohtori quickly grabbed a tissue box from the kitchen, giving it to Ryou. The brunette pulled his nephew closer, used the tissue to clean around the boy's mouth and the little one stayed still. It's a loving sight that gave Jirou and Ohtori a small laugh.
As his uncle done, Ryouta asked, "Going where, Ryou-nii?"
"Well, there's… a bit…" Ryou hesitated –he's not really up to it anymore, after all. But then he decided he'll still take Ryouta there, Ryouta will be happy and that's a good thing. He smiled, "A festival. On the temple this weekend. You wanna go there?"
"Oh! With food stalls and game stalls?!" Ryouta lightened up, "I want, I want!"
"Good! We'll be there then!" Ryou laughed.
"Will Ohtori-sensei and Jirou-nii with us?" Ryouta grinned to both mentioned adults, "It'll be so much fun! Come on, Jirou-nii! Ohtori-sensei!"
"Oh, kiddo, such a shame, I'm kinda busy…" Jirou answered sadly. Ohtori walked to the little boy and patted on the brown hair, crouched down to bring their eyes on the same level, "I'm sorry, Ryouta, I have to help Akutagawa-san with his work, so…"
Ryouta's eyebrows grew sad and his lips pouted, and Jirou poked on Ohtori with his elbow, "I actually can handle the work by myself, you see. You should go with them."
Ryou was currently fighting his own mind to also hoping that Choutarou will say yes. Ryouta stared at his teacher with big hopeful eyes with Choutarou couldn't miss. The white-haired guy then glanced once again at his roommate who offered him a wide grin before finally sighed, "…Well let's talk about it more later, Akutagawa-san."
"Ohtori-sensei will go with us?" Ryouta asked.
"Sensei will tell you later." Ohtori smiled, "We should eat first, shouldn't we? Dinner is ready."
So they did. And once again, Ryou was bewitched by Ohtori's cooking, which was too good to be true.
"Ohtori-sensei's cooking is really nice!" Ryouta said happily after he gulped down big amount of rice.
Ryou added, "It's true, really. You're… really good."
The younger man replied with a smile, "Thanks."
"Well, if you two married and Ohtori lives on your house, you kinda can eat something like this every day, Shishido!" Jirou said loudly while laughing. Two young men mentioned coughed on their food in exact same time, and Ryou was busy gulping down his drink as Ohtori relieved from it sooner, quickly warned his roommate with flushed face, "Akutagawa-san! That's… not funny!"
"I don't mean to be," Jirou shrugged and grinned, "But that won't happen, because I still prefer him to cook here for me instead, haha!"
Ryou just glared at Jirou. Luckily Ryouta was too busy eating so he didn't hear the nonsense Jirou sprouted out and actually thinking it's a good idea, then whining about Ryou-nii should marry his sensei. Ohtori glanced at him and Ryou laughed sheepishly, "I-I won't keep you at my house, no matter how badly I want to eat your cooking, don't worry."
Ohtori laughed, smiled, "No, I just thought that two of you are totally welcomed to eat here every time you want to."
"Really?" Ryou widened his eyes, "But that's not okay, that'll be hella trouble for you two guys."
"Would it? But wouldn't you be happy to be able to meet him—I mean, ahem, taste his cooking?" Jirou still teased. Ryou decided to ignore him, and so did Ohtori, which continued, "It's really okay, I'd love you guys to be here on the dinner table. Nice addition rather than just Akutagawa-san." He ended his words with a little laugh, staring at his roommate.
"I thought you are a nice guy!" Jirou shook his head dramatically.
"Okay only if you agree to be treated by me any other time, too." Ryou smiled, "Deal?"
"How is it ended like this?" Ohtori chuckled.
"I want to contribute, too, you see! And I've been eating out so many times in my life. I really know choices of good restaurants." Ryou grinned.
Ohtori hummed, "I'll think about it."
"You should just say yes!" Ryou pretended to grow frustrated, "I know no any other food comparable with your own cooking, you Gourmet Witch Ohtori, but it's the good deed of me, you really should just accept it."
Ohtori laughed, thought a bit then smiled, "Okay then."
"Finally!" Ryou laughed.
"Yay, congrats to you Shishido, Choutarou accepted your date. Of course I'm just a salt bottle." Jirou said teasingly.
"Shut up, Jirou."
Ryouta finally looked up from his rice bowl to yell excitedly, "Sensei, second!"
"Okay!" Ohtori smiled, "Want more chicken teriyaki? There're some left on the pan."
Jirou gave Ohtori his meal plate, "I want some more too, Chou!"
"Okay!" Ohtori smiled, "You, Shishido-san?"
"How can I say no the majestic food of the Gourmet Witch Ohtori?" Ryou grinned.
The dinner was completed with cup of chamomile tea and a slice of cake for each of them. Ryou let Ryouta play more with Shironyanko, Jirou quickly back to continue his work, and he decided to help Ohtori washing the dishes.
"No, please watch some TV or something. I could do this by myself." Ohtori rejected his offer first, but then Ryou said, "Oh please, the least thing I can do for suddenly barged into someone's house and ask for dinner is to wash my plates." Ohtori laughed and moved a bit, let Ryou to stand beside him to take care of the drying.
"You didn't actually barge in." Ohtori smiled.
"Well." Ryou laughed, "Maybe more fitting words is 'to invite myself in'."
Ohtori chuckled, "But you're welcomed!"
"Okay, okay. It's still kinda suddenly though, right?" Ryou smiled.
Ohtori grew even wider smile, "But I don't mind."
"Only because you're too kind to your own good." Ryou sighed, "What if I get used to it? What if I come every freaking night?"
The younger man hummed, "As long as you bring more cakes with you."
"Oh, you like the cake?" Ryou smiled.
"Very!" Ohtori looked at him, eyes sparkled, "It's so nice!"
Ryou felt his heart throbbed louder for one time, and he smiled, "Glad you like it."
Ohtori replied with smile too, and Ryou just felt his heart throbbed even faster.
"Oh right, for the festival."
Ryou blinked, "Oh, right. What?"
"Does Ryouta have a yukata of his own?" Ohtori asked.
"Oh!" Ryou thought, "I… don't know. I think not…"
Ohtori nodded, "Is that so… Eh, actually, I know an old lady in neighborhood who has a kid-size yukata for boy, maybe we can ask her to lend us for the festival. For Ryouta, you know." Ohtori added, "If you don't want to buy a new one, maybe. I think it'll be a good experience for Ryouta, he'll be happy to actually try on a yukata."
"That's a good idea!" Ryou grinned, "He'll be cute!"
"For sure!" Ohtori smiled, "And Jirou-san has one too, I believe you're about his size, Shishido-san…"
"Eh, wait, wait, what's this?" Ryou cut off, "I get the idea of Ryouta needs yukata, but who else will be wearing it?"
Ohtori chuckled, "You…?"
"No, I won't wear any." Ryou shook his head, "No, no."
"Why?" Ohtori laughed, "You'll be cute, too."
"I'm a grown man. I don't want to be cute." Ryou widened his eyes, "And I have tried one before on my junior high time. Hard to walk and all, so no."
"Oh, please! What's a festival is without wearing a yukata!" Ohtori still laughed amusedly, "You'll look great in one!"
Ryou hummed, then looked at Ohtori, "If I have to wear it, you have to go to the festival and wear it with me."
Ohtori looked back at him, then sighed, "Shishido-san…"
"Jirou said he'll be good on his own!" Ryou grinned, "You should believe your own roommate, shouldn't you?"
Ohtori laughed, then he hummed in thought. And finally, he said, "Okay, I'll think about it."
"Oh, just say yes, really!" Ryou pouted, "You think too much,"
"Akutagawa-san needs help." Ohtori laughed. He thought again, then smiled, "Okay, okay. I'll manage. Somehow."
"You'll come?"
"…Maybe. Okay, yes, I will." Ohtori laughed.
Ryou felt his heart throb loud, cheeks warm in amusement, and he grinned, "Ryouta will be happy, too!"
"Too? So you're happy about me come along?" Ohtori laughed.
"Of course!" Ryou nodded, "Now I really can't wait for it!"
Ohtori smiled.
Ryouta ran to them with Shironyanko in his hand, said, "Sensei! Shironyanko-san is hungry!"
"Oh, right!" Ohtori smiled. He rubbed oh the cat's chin and Shironyanko purred, before took the cat food from kitchen cabinet. Then, the pair of teacher and student walked to the living room where the cat's food bowl was.
Ryou watched them from behind the kitchen counter, laughing for unknown reason.
He wondered if Ohtori lives in his house, maybe it'll feel so comfortable like this, too.
The thought of taking distances with Ohtori never once crossed his mind ever again, for he realized, it will never happen. He was just too much soaked in this warm feeling he felt, every time he's with the younger man.
I meant to make this chapter ended with some kind of feels and fight but apparently I can do nothing but fluff. This story will only filled with fluffs, please beware of it (sobs)
Reviews will be very much delighted!