This is my first fanfic don't worry it gets funnier. Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or any of the powers here and never will.



I was coming back from my hunt. It was 100 years after… he, left. A little bit after he left a newborn coven found me and changed me. I now have the power to turn invisible. (A\n she also has the same power as she does in Breaking Dawn, but I don't know what it's called.) My coven is very nice and they care about each other a lot.

There was a rustling, I turned around and got a face full of mud. It was Katie, she has long blond hair, the power to shape shift and she's crazy. But she always adds humor to any situation. She was grinning wildly at me, until mud hit her in the back of the head, making her fall over. Katie glared at Shadow, who had a smirk planted on his face. We gave him the nickname Shadow because he's so quiet and has night black hair that usually gets in his face, and the power to control minds.

"Mud fight," I yelled so the rest of the coven could hear, then threw mud right in Shadow's face. Katie and I ran towards the house but almost ran into Jade and Christopher, Jade has black hair that goes down her back and is nice but short-tempered with the power of telepathy Christopher has dirty blond hair and is usually calm with the power to completely paralyze anyone within one mile. Jade looked like she was about to kill us, but instead threw mud in our face, then tripped us.

"That's what you get, you could have messed up my hair," she yelled. Did I mention she assaults you if you mess her hair? Christopher began chuckling until he was hit in the head with a hand full of mud. He turned around to see Kristina twirling her curly brown hair around her finger.

"Dear Christopher what ever did I do," she asked with innocent eyes. Her power is the power of sympathy, so she almost never gets yelled at. Then her eyes went white and she threw mud right in her face.


"What," Shadow said popping up behind her. Even though their soul mates they still pull some funny tricks on each other.

"Hey where's Michael," I asked. Michael has brown hair with black highlights, the power to do anything with fire, even make it appear in thin air. He also is an amazing prankster, so we always have to watch out. Just then buckets of mud splashed down on us.

" MICHAELLLLLLLLLLL," we all screamed. Everyone shot him death glares as he was laughing away, until he saw us, then he started dashing towards the house and we all followed him.

One Michael beating and many showers later…

After we all cleaned up I went to my room to listen to music, until Shadow told me some shocking news.

"Bella we're moving to Forks."

"What," I said. That was where they changed me, and were Edward left me.

So that's my first ever chapter on fanfiction, so it would mean a lot if you would review, also the next chapter is a rewind of how Bella was changed and I'll try to put it up soon. Until then bye!