Frantic Inside Grand Caves

7: Napoleon's Lead

This was a lead. We all knew.

Beeston, as usual, jumped right into his overlooked Shakespearean act: "I demand you tell us who this 'Neon Boy' is, Tailtassle, or you shall be in ginormous trouble. That young lady is missing, and she hasn't gone exploring, and if you do not tell us, you shall be banned from this island. How dare you not speak…" and "Blah, blah blah blah!!!" poor Napoleon couldn't get a word in edgewise until Millie stepped in front of Beeston and said in her rock-firm voice, "Who is Neon boy, Napoleon?" we all were quiet. Beeston, miraculously, shut up ("Bla – ").

"Allen Reefwater," proclaimed Napoleon. Busted. Thanks for the lead, dude.