Authors note: I had to fix this chap, like after months after I posted it, I found a massive boo boo in it but it doesn't affect the story line wot so ever. This is only relevant to the ppl who have already read past this chapter. Sorry guys! I love reviews!

Declaimer: I own nothing.

Mr. Todd's Mid-life Crisis


The day was Sunday, the day off. God that was good to hear. Mrs. Lovett awoke the morning feeling hard and stiff. A weeks worth of work just came knocking on her door. She stretched her body out and relaxed again, turning over.

"Mmm…" she muttered when she noticed Mr. Todd standing in the doorway in a rather sluttish pose, with one arm upon the frame and one on his hip, which may I add was sticking out to the side; and with one leg crossed in front of the other.

"Go away," she grumbled at him "It's me day off."

"Okay, I was just checkin' if you were up or still dreaming." He replied more politely than usual.

"What's the time? She asked curiously.

"6:30 am, nearly light already though." Was it his job to make her every waking, now sleeping, moment a living hell? It's Sunday for Christ's sake!

"Argh…Go away…Sleep…" she said rather dozily drifting back to sleep.

"Okay. But if I come back in 5 minutes and you're not up, I'm telling Toby why the pies taste soooo delicious and are full of meaty goodness…" he whipped around the corner.

He's teasing, the blighter. What nerve!?

"Humph!" she climbed up from the settee, her hair was everywhere. He came back around the corner in hearing her noise of annoyance. She gave him an evil look. He smiled back teasingly. Mr. T, why me? Why me? Why now? Why Sunday?

Mr. Todd left the room with a strut (Yes strut.), being pleased with him self. Mrs. Lovett followed out but continued to her room. She got changed into her work dress and put her hair up carelessly with a few pins shoved in here and there. So pretty much it looked the same.

Mr. Todd sat awaiting her at the kitchen table with a wide sheepish grin. One of which she thought she'd never see, and now hoped she'd never see again. For it was disturbing to see her normally overly-troubled accomplice, not-so-troubled.

"You feelin' alright today Mr. T?" she asked with a nervous smile "You, umm, don't look particularly pale today…"

"Oh, really? Well I'm feelin' jus' fine darlin', jus' fine…" Mrs. Lovett became aware that he had turned western on the last part of his reply, this was troubling. Since when did he know how to do that!

"Eh, Mr. T. Since when do you know how to talk western? I'm really worried for you love. Did you have another drinking match with Toby last night? Remember what happened last time you got drunk…" her bring up the 'last time' had made him flinch. It was not something he wanted to remember.

Mr. Todd's flashback: Mr. Todd and Toby seem to be dancing around the living room in Mrs. Lovett's dresses singing "I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and GAYYYY!" from West Side Story. End flashback.

Mr. Todd had returned from his…memory…and was being waved at like he was Santa by Mrs. Lovett. He must have been in his 'memory' for quite a while. He shuddered.

"Since jus' now Lovett deary, you should try it some time." He continued to smile at her. It was as if he had just killed the Judge but decided to keep it from her. Unfortunately he was just teasing.

"Umm… maybe later, love." What's he so happy about anyway? This continued to bug her from inside out. Is it because of his success in getting me up? Oh, I don't know, maybe he's having he's having a moment. Or his mid-life crisis. The idea of Mr. Todd having his mid-life crisis sounded so…hilarious? To Mrs. Lovett, he didn't express emotion let alone get all hyped on one and then crush it the next. She decided she had to find out.

"Mr. T, are you having your mid-life crisis? I know it seems like it should've happened a while ago bu-

His face blushed a crimson on hearing this remark.

"WHAT!? What are you saying?" he broke into sobs, face in hands. Mrs. Lovett was alarmed at his sudden emotional change. He looked up from his hands. "I'm old? Is that it? I can't believe you!" he pushed himself up from the table in a hurried fuss and ran out of the kitchen. Mrs. Lovett could here his broken sobs as he clambered up the steps to his boudoir.

"Poor Mr. T, doesn't know it's just started…" she grabbed a tray out from under the bench and started his breakfast.


"Why does she think I'm old." he tried to imitate her girlish voice but ended up in a gruff. He continued to mumble to himself about the worries Mrs. Lovett had just handed him. "Is it my streak? Is it my clothes? My clothes? What's wrong with my clothes? Look at hers, hers are all tattered and torn. Or maybe it's her. Yeah, yeah definitely her. She's just jealous 'cause I'm a man, and she looks up to me. But, if I'm old to her…." He broke down again.

"I….don't…understand…" his speech became a mixture of hiccups and muffled words.

Mr. Todd got up from his barber chair and walked over to the dresser and grabbed one of razors. He caressed his beloved razor as he walked to the window. This was his brooding time, his time alone and undisturbed.


"Toby!" Mrs. Lovett called to the boy. She was so glad she had found him. The poor lad was providing great help around the place.

"Yes marm?" Toby poked his head around the corner.

"I need you to take Mr. Todd his breakfast, I don't particularly want to be around him this morning…." Her voice trailed off, so Toby didn't hear what she had to say about Mr. Todd being temperamental.

"Sure marm. Anything for you." Even though Toby did his best to avoid going up to Mr. Todd's 'lair', he did it anyway to please the purpose of his unrequited love.

Mrs. Lovett handed the tray to Toby. He inhaled the smell of….what ever food she had made. Her food was not the best in London, but when it came to pies. Man they were good!


Mr. Todd, as usual, continued to caress and clean his beloved razors for hours on end. This was one of his daily routines. Right after brood, kill the judge if he happens to come for a shave and ignore/annoy Mrs. Lovett. Annoying Mrs. Lovett was most exciting, especially when he got her worked up enough, this usually caused her not to deliver his meals and send Toby instead. Ahh, avoiding contact with the accomplice, isn't it the way of life…

Mr. Todd's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. A knock? Since when did Mrs. Lovett knock? He turned towards the door and noticed the boy standing on the other side. What does he want now? Money for more gin I suppose.

"Come in lad. What do you want?" Toby entered carrying a tray of food for Mr. Todd. The aroma was sent straight to nose. It smelled like…what did it smell like? He turned back around to the window still cleaning his razor.

"Just put it on the dresser and go, and tell the Mrs. she could've brought it herself." Mr. Todd above all loved to make Mrs. Lovett do practically, if so, everything possible.

"Yes sir." He replied nervously and scuttled out of the room.

"Sheepish boy." Mr. Todd said to himself.


Toby raced back down the stairs feeling glad that was over and hoping Mrs. Lovett wouldn't ask him to do it again for quite some time. Toby went into the shop to help Mrs. Lovett with the cleaning. It seemed she had lots to do.

"Did you give Mr. Todd his breakfast?" Mrs. Lovett asked whilst wiping down a table.

"Yes marm. Of course." Toby raced to off to a corner and began a little cleaning of his own.

"That's a good boy."