Disclaimer: I claim NO ownership at all to the characters in this story!

"Chaos Control!'' shadow shouted the bullets stopped. Shadow moved freely and leaped above them and chaos control went away. The robots looked up and spotted him, shadow spun in circle and fired his dual pistols, robots were hit and fell to the dirt. Shadow landed in the middle and was surrounded shadow then sprayed bullets all around him knocking the robots down like flies. More robots came, shadow tossed the guns away and used chaos control, a M72 LAW was in his grasp he fired one shot at the swarm of flying robots and were all blown up into bits of metal and fire. Shadow dropped the rocket launcher and looked around and strangely it was clear. Shadow took steps cautiously until a rocket hit him and sent crashing through a window of a store and rolled across the floor.

He slammed one fist to the floor and teleported outside he saw Egg walkers, egg gunners, and egg guardians waiting for him. Shadow cracked his knuckles and in his hands teleported a M4 carbine, shadow wasted no time and jumped, however an egg guardian put its hands up and fired two explosive bombs, shadow evaded one the other hit shadow and was sent flying and finally crashing into a building and leaving his imprint. Shadow shook it off and saw below him egg gunners flying up at him he leaped out of the imprint and flew behind the egg gunners and fired his assault rifles and saw them fall down and crash into the ground. Shadow hovered to the ground and fired more and mowed down more egg gunners shadow tossed the gun away and held two MP5s and ran through the robots and fired at them at the same time.

Shadow came to a halt in front of three egg guardians, they all drove their fists down at shadow when they lifted their arms back up shadow wasn't there. The robots heard a clank on their back and noticed he placed C4 charges on all three of them, shadow walked with them behind him and detonated the charges and kept walking. Shadow smiled at his continuing victory shadow looked in front of him to see egg cannons and fired their lasers shadow defended himself and was pelted by the lasers and he skid across the street he slammed his fist into the ground and he stopped. Shadow jumped up to see missiles from behind him fly under himself. Shadow landed and quickly turned around and saw egg cannons, behind him egg guardians, and above him egg gunners.

Shadow charged at the egg cannons first but pushed back by their lasers, shadow dodged more and leaped up after the egg gunners who tackled him to the ground. When shadow crashed to the ground, an egg guardian picked him up and slammed him into the ground. Shadow could barely move, the robots surrounded his body shadow clenched his fists and inside they glowed red shadow hovered in the middle of them and emitted his largest chaos blast, it swept through all of them and every single one was reduced to scrap metal.

Meanwhile Kuki avoided the panicking civilians and made it to the G.U.N. headquarters. She ran past everyone without care she ran to the control room and stopped and panted heavily. The commander was confused and asked "Who are you?'' she regained her breath. "I'm a friend of Shadow the Hedgehog, he's in trouble.'' she explained. The commander believed what she said and looked to the main console in the room and on it was a wireframe of shadow and it showed what is wrong with his body and his heart beat and energy levels.

The commander gasped "Get more information on his bloodstream!'' he ordered the workers turned on another screen it showed the dark red chaos emerald energy swirling around in his bloodstream and headed for his heart. "Shadow's going to die.'' the commander said grimly. The people at their stations looked sad and grim faces. The commander turned to where Kuki stood, but she was gone.

A robot hit the ground and was destroyed by shadow and more came but he fought them off. Kuki far away ran to his position in hope to see his last breath of fight in him. Shadow drove his fist into an egg gunners chest and ripped out its electrical cords and another egg gunner came from behind except shadow used them as a shocker and the robot shook and exploded and the recoil made shadow bounce across the ground. Kuki however saw him from afar and she kept running to him.

She was stopped by a hand grabbing her shoulder, it was Eggman he pushed her to the ground and aimed a gun at her chest. She was scared beyond all reason. Eggman looked mad and crazy he shook like a madman. "You…and shadow ruined my plans for the last time, if my plans can't succeed then I'll make shadow lose you, I'll KILL YOU!!'' Eggman said madly. He aimed his 9mm at her chest then a loud bang. Shadow just knocked out an egg gunner and he heard the gun shot, he slowly turned around to see his friend, laying on the ground: Dead.

Eggman of course ran away, shadow finished off the robots and ran over to her body and stood in front of her body he fell to his knees. All shadow did was quiver where he was, and tears came from his eyes and hit the ground. "Kuki…why…'' he spoke "I can't lose you.'' he said between some sobs. Shadow took out his green emerald and placed it over her he put his other hand on the gun wound and the emerald glowed furiously. Shadow hoped for the best, when the glowing stopped the wound was gone! Shadow smiled and his head was dizzy.

Back at the G.U.N. headquarters the commander and soldiers watched a time limit it was the time until shadow would die from the poison energy. Ten seconds were left ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five. The soldiers and workers shut their eyes as the clock hit zero. Shadow eyes widened and he fell to the ground and was dead. After a few seconds, shadows last offer to kuki, she waked up from shadows treatment worked. She looked around and saw next to her the motionless shadow. She did a quiet gasp, she turned herself to him kuki put her hand on his chest and she laid her arms and head on his chest and she cried and sobbed. "Shadow…I knew what you told me'' she said sobbing "Its…just that…it couldn't be stopped.'' she said sadly. "Shadow…remember that I'll love you forever…and you'll always be in my heart.'' she spoke the words and cried into her hands. She picked up his emerald and placed it on top of him, a few tears came from her cheeks and landed on the emerald and the tears streamed down the emerald they glowed when they were on shadows body. Kuki gazed upon the miracle, a bright light shined through the area and it disappeared. Kuki covered herself as soon as the light was gone she saw in front of her: Shadow The Hedgehog and fully healed "And I love you too.'' he said.

She only cried tears of joy and tackled him with a hug and he hugged tightly as well. She kissed him on the cheek, and she smiled shadow wiped the tears away from her eyes and they were finally reunited. Later that day, at night kuki was sitting on top of a building roof and looking up into the star filled sky. Behind her was shadow. She turned around and looked confused of what he was doing. He held out his hand "May I have this dance?'' he asked kuki giggled and she put her hand in his. Shadow twirled kuki around he spun her in a circle and he grabbed her hand and they walked in a circle then stopped and continued to listen to the song. Together they faced rough times and separation. Shadow and Kuki love each other and no one can take that from them. Shadow The Hedgehog and Kuki Sanban shall be together, and friends until the end.

DONE! How about that? I'll be moving on to story 7!