Chapter One: Duel with Metal Knuckles

Disclaimer: I claim NO ownership of the characters in this story!

Shadow and Kuki been through rough times, but there all in the past. The two faced metal sonic, Eggman's robot armies, separation of their friendship, and faced a giant cannon capable of destroying earths cities, and near death, the flames of disaster: Iblis, and to protect each other in the process. Though they both stayed together no matter what. Now they visit each other daily and the city that shadow always protects is in peace, but what if something will break their way of life? Cars drove through the streets and people filled the sidewalks. Some of them stopped and looked to up to see something coming toward them they all pointed to it. It was shadow he dashed along the side of a building and hopped to another building and went straight up it and onto the roof and he came to a stop. He stood on the edge and watched over the city. From behind a figure grabbed his shoulders, this made shadow jump and he turned around and it was his best friend: Kuki Sanban with a smile on her face.

"Now I know how you feel when I scare you from behind.'' shadow said she giggled "Wow'' she said. Shadow raised an eyebrow "Wow what?'' he asked "There's not much going on now its pretty boring.'' she said he looked out to the city. "Well yeah, but remember all the good times.'' shadow reminded her "Name one then.'' she replied he was about to speak but couldn't think of anything. "Pretty much the good times we had was after Eggman and his robots were done attacking us.'' she said. "Eggman hasn't been seen for a long time, so that's good.'' shadow told her "What if he comes back with something worse.'' she said worriedly "Then I'll have to kick his worthless fat self again.'' he said. She smiled so together they sat on the building until night.

Far away, underwater was a large aquatic base and yes it belonged to Eggman. Eggman slammed his fists to a table "That damn shadow, and his little pesky friend how will I rid of those two.'' he pondered. He then walked over to a cylinder container he pressed a button on the wall and in it were the six chaos emeralds. "Shadow has the last one, I must have it.'' he said clenching his fist. He then had a idea he smiled evilly he had the six emeralds extracted from the container and put in his lab. The emeralds were inside a large glass box. Two drills with conductors attached to them pinned into all the emeralds. "Shadow will not live through this one.'' he said. After minutes passed eggman put the emeralds back in the container. He turned around and held a vial up and in it was dark red and black chaos energy. "Shadow this will be your final hour of life.'' he said "This vial be the reason for your death!'' he laughed evilly afterwards. Shadow and Kuki better be ready for his new plan for conquest.

At Kuki's house, in her room she was combing her hair while shadow laid on her bed sleeping. She put down her comb and she gave shadow a small shake, he opened one eye "What do you need?'' he said sounding disturbed. "I'm just gonna go get in my pajamas alright?'' Shadow nodded and shut his eyes she went in the bathroom to put her pajamas on. Shadow looked out the window and just stared out of it across the sky, it started to darken and rain fell slowly, bolts of lightning and the crack of thunder spread throughout the clouds. His expression turned to an aggravated one. He got looked closer out and he spotted a red dot coming towards the house he then widened his eyes to see it was metal knuckles! He ran to the bathroom door "Kuki come out now!'' he shouted "Why?'' she asked from the other side, "Now!'' he responded. She opened it and she was in her purple pajamas. "What's the problem?'' she asked, suddenly metal knuckles crashed through the bathroom roof and behind Kuki. "That's why.'' shadow said he picked her up and he broke through her window and onto the street with metal knuckles in pursuit.

The wind and rain fought against them, shadow headed to the city to try and lose the metal copy. Shadow finally entered the city, metal knuckles was behind them and fired missiles out of his hands the explosions trailed behind them the explosions as well blew any car up that was in its range. Shadow continued going straight he took a turn and went up a building with kuki hanging on to shadow. When he reached the top he put kuki down, she covered her head from the rain "Why now of all times?'' she complained. Metal knuckles from behind grabbed kuki and lifted off quickly with his jetpack. Shadow took a leap and grabbed his leg and climbed up and he gave metal knuckles a punch in the face and made him flinch and metal dropped kuki. She screamed on her way down, shadow straightened his body as he went faster down and finally reaching her she was in his arms and shadow fired up his hover shoes and they hovered slowly to the street.

She put her down "Kuki you better start running and don't stop for nothing.'' he told her she nodded and ran through the crowds of people. Shadow clenched his fists and looked around the area "Where are you metal knuckles?'' he though to himself. Shadow used chaos control and appearing in his hand was a M60, he held the weapon and looked around just to see people looking at him. Shadow shrugged and started walking then he stopped and cringed his eyes angrily and he sensed metal knuckles from behind coming fast. Shadow jumped up and metal knuckles who was below him and at that split second shadow drove both his feet into metals back and he slammed into the pavement. Shadow back flipped and aimed at metal's location. Metal came out charging shadow fired the gun as metal was pummeled by lead and he spun out of control and crashed into a building. Shadow looked triumphant he turned around, but the ground shook and from under him metal busted from the concrete and tackled shadow and they both were sent skywards. Metal slapped the gun out of his hands and he grabbed shadows fur and metal held one of his hands more like claws in front of shadow.

Shadow widened his eyes and metal drove the claw to shadow but shadow countered it and grabbed his wrist and threw him into a building. Shadow teleported to the hole metal crashed through but only to be met by metal knuckles giving him an uppercut shadow flung out and he fell down, metal flew out of the building and dived at shadow and pushed him into the ground as a dust cloud filled the area on impact. Metal knuckles backed away from the hole and the dust cleared with shadow with scars and beaten and covered with some dirt. Shadow got up slowly and his head was spinning, shadow gained focus on metal he charged toward him shadow jumped to the left and with good aim he had a grenade and tossed toward metal. When metal stopped in mid air and turned around to see the grenade in front of his face, it exploded and he plummeted into the road. Shadow got on one knee and took a deep breath, he decided to go after kuki.

He headed toward her house and surprisingly she was there and safe. When he opened the door he walked in and limped, kuki of course saw him and ran to him and hugged him "Not too tight.'' he said she backed up a little and she grabbed his hands and smiled "I was worried.'' she said "Yeah, that tends to happen.'' he replied she did a short laugh she helped him over to her bed and he laid down. She covered him up with the blankets, she smiled sweetly and she kissed him on the cheek and she went out of the room and went downstairs. He looked up at the ceiling and wondered "Just what was metal knuckles doing here?'' he pondered "Eggman wouldn't do it for no reason he must be up to something.'' he thought. Shadow continued to try and put the pieces together but he decided to sleep and relax, he'll need it for what is to come.