Hitomi: I believe everyone should thank -The magic number- for editing this~ I sure am! Thank you!

Children were laughing and yelling as teachers shouted out for order as they all made their way to Hogsmeade. It was for the first time that year, so the third years were really excited. Harry himself remembered when he first went to Hogsmeade. Remembering that made him think painfully back to all his childhood friends that he knew he would never get to see again.
Glancing around Harry saw many children, and professors, all of which had been different when he had attended. A glance at a small group of fourth years and he suddenly saw Hermione, Ron, the twins, and Luna getting chewed out by a teacher for straying. Said teacher reminded him of professor McGonagall making his heart hurt, so he turned away.
He needed to leave, he was suffocating. This was too much, and he couldn't do it any-more. Turning he quickly made his way away from the hoards of children, walking faster when he saw a group of kids checking out the whopping willow, and made his way to the lake. No one was here, and despite the fact that it was snowing, and defiantly winter outside, the lake remained unfrozen with the giant squid splashing in it.
Harry sighed, and pulled out his wand. Calling for a few of his belongings with a simple spell and then shrinking them he pocketed them. He looked around. Hogwarts had been his home for almost 85 years. Despite all the hurt he had experienced from it, it brought a since of security with the magic that was held within its walls. Even now Harry would gaze upon the grounds, or find a new corridor, or room, and would be struck with awe at the magnificent school.
He would leave, he sighed. He no longer could put up with the memories that refused to leave him. So without much thought after that he pulled out a piece of parchment, read and re-read the words that he had written down weeks ago when he found the spell.
"Ad infinitum," he made a sideways number eight with his wand," Aurora australis¸Aurora borealis, Aurora Musis amica Auxilio ab alto Aut viam inveniam aut faciam!" He had pointed to the south and north, and then up to the sky before jerking his arm forward. It seemed as soon as he had done that his wand had acted like a broom, pulling him forward. Then there was only white. Harry felt as if he were still movie, as for his head seemed to sway this and that way, yet there was only white around him.
"The user of this spell is to be reminded, whatever ensues, do not be in motion until you have appeared to the destination given to you," Harry thought of the book. He dared not move an inch for fear of appearing in some hideous form in an unknown land. And that was how Harry Potter, the boy who lived and the savour of the wizarding world, disappeared.


Green. So much green. And what fresh air! And a clear blue sky, which was silent except for the occasional bird. To say this place was beautiful was an understatement
Harry placed his wand in its holder on his arm, and walked forward, emerald robes bellowing in the wind. The spell he had cast had him travelling for hours, he was took taken with his current setting in the middle of a small field surrounded by trees, and had been shocked to see such a change in scenery. It had been such a change one minute he was sitting next to the lake on the Hogwarts grounds, and then he ended up here.
Sighing he smiled. It was welcome though. The sixteen year old looking boy wanted what this seemed to offer; peace.
He felt his pocket to make sure his shrunken belongings such as trunk and broom where present, and let out a sigh of relief. Gripping his necklace he looked to the it. Opening up the heart, he saw 2 moving pictures he knew by heart. One was of the deceased Weasley family, and with Hermione and him grinning at the front, and the other being of his blood family and friends on what seemed to be Christmas. Tears came to his eyes. All dead. Both before and during his time as a wizard at Hogwarts. He took a shuddering breath.
"Merlin I miss you so much," Looking down he saw Sirius give him a grin and Moony looked at him reassuringly.
"You're right," he murmured," I came here to try and find happiness."
Closing it the 96 year old Harry potter looked to the sky. Taking a deep breath he closed his eyes and through his arms out.
No sooner had he done that, there was a emerald eyed phoenix soaring through the sky, a beautiful cry piercing the silence. Its eyes searched for what it didn't even know exactly.