HI! Ok… since u guys wanted a sequel… here it is… only that this is a bit romancy… I'm grabbing Remy and tying him up with Storm… hope u guys like it… Lotsa love & huggies, peace & good health…. Wolfsun

P.S…. Do review….. 'k? It'll only take up 2 – 3 minutes… :P thanks. ~ws~

Title: Do Ya'll Want A Stormy ?

Remy sighed as he watched the clouds drift on a sunny breeze. Of all places in the Mansion, he missed the roof the most… particularly because Suni's roof couldn't be reached without someone noticing him. * Dis be de life…* he thought, his eyes half-closed, the warm breeze blowing his hair away from his face. His red-on-black eyes were mirrors of quiet peace that he had within him, as he had never had until he met Suni. * Remy wonders how de petite is doing. *

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Jean washed the dishes, giving them to Bobby to wipe and keep away, and she wondered for what seemed like the hundredth time what Remy had to hide from his disappearance. He had no guilt showing , no difference in him…except the odd look he got when he played with that amulet of his. She reran the events that occurred since Storm's scream that night…

 The X-Men came running into Storm's room, ready to fight, only to find her staring at her bed. They were stunned to see an equally shocked Remy sitting up on Ororo's bed. He gazed at them, then put his head in his hands, giving out a soft groan. Storm approached him.

"Remy?" came the soft question, and he looked up at her.

"Oui, I be Remy."

   He slowly moved to place his feet on the floor, while the other X-Men began to shoot questions at him. He gazed at them with a startled look, and held a hand up for silence. He looked at them squarely.

" Remy not wanting to talk about it, 'k? Remy got a headache de size o' Jupiter."

Hank was ever ready to check on his health, but Remy waved him off. "Remy jus' need an aspirin an' some sleep, Hank. Remy feel very tired." Then he realized that all he was wearing was a pair of jeans and an amulet, and he touched the amulet, bringing it around to see it. He gave a sad smile, tracing the carvings on the amulet.

Scott stepped forward. "We must know who did this to you," he voiced out, and Remy smiled at him.

Remy don' know who did dis, mor ami. Remy never saw de person. You got any idea who did it?"

Scott shook his head.

"Den dere be no point. Now if ya'll don' mind, Remy want to sleep. Stormy, chere… you wouldn't mind if Remy use your bed, neh?"   

 Storm sat down beside him. "No Remy, I don't." He gave her a tired smile, touched her cheek, then curled up under the covers once more. The others left, leaving the two to be alone. 

The next day was the same. Gambit talked to no one about his 'trip'. Even Storm had no idea as to where he went. He just kept it all within… until Logan invited him to that motorbike ride. Both men only returned after two in the morning, and now they both refused to talk about it.

  She sighed. They were both so difficult… she blinked at Bobby's statement.

"I'm sorry, Bobby, I wasn't paying attention. What did you just say?"

"I said that I've never seen Gambit look so peaceful. I caught him on the roof earlier. Crazy Cajun was all stretched out there, having a tan and dreaming. A Sentinel could've come and he wouldn't have noticed."

 Jean gazed at him. " What exactly was he doing?"

"Nothing in particular. Just day-dreaming and playing with that thingy he has 'round his neck. Jean?"


"D'you think he'll ever tell us 'bout were he went and all?"

"I don't know, Bobby. The only thing I'm sure of is that Logan knows more than he's telling."

"Wolverine knows about Gumbo's trip?"


"Oh boy."

                                                                       #                      #                      #

It was late evening, and the X-Men were going to settle down to dinner. Ororo floated up to the roof, knowing he would be there, and there he was. Remy was watching the sunset, it's glorious golds reflecting on the lake. He had a soft smile on his face, and his eyes were warm and gentle. She smiled.

" 'Ey, chere."

"How did you know that I was there, Remy?"

He smiled a little more, still facing the sunset. " Remy not telling," he returned teasingly. Storm alighted the roof and sat beside him. As she adjusted her pants and blouse, her heart pounded in her body, and she hoped she wouldn't betray her emotions.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"Oui, chere… but Remy can t'ink of more beautiful t'ings."


He turned to face her, and her breath caught at the gentle, soft look on his face. His hand came up, and sensitive fingertips caressed her cheek. " A home, family… and trust. Anyt'ing else you wanna add, chere?"

She gulped lightly. He was so close… " Love has no place with you then?"

He stroked her lips and opened his mouth…

* Remy! Storm! Dinner's ready.*

He blinked and turned away, then rose. "Come chere. Remy t'ink we can continue dis later… Jeannie's calling us, neh."

She licked her lips, and nodded, lifting them both and setting them in the kitchen. She wondered what he was going to say. She wondered if he was going to kiss her. She wondered… about everything. What could she say? Her mind and heart were already made up. She loved him.

                                                                       #                      #                      #

Remy ate his dinner quietly, not bothering to enter the conversation. He nearly told her… nearly kissed her. He closed his eyes briefly, then reopened them. Ororo was just looking at him with those blue eyes of hers… beautiful eyes… he sighed. This was crazy. He wasn't cut up to be as good as her! He was a thief, a scoundrel, a murderer… and she didn't even stop him when he traced her soft lips… Remy groaned mentally. He had no idea how to do it… and yet he had promised Suni. He thought back over that day…

She was sitting on the couch, and he was lying on it, his head in her lap. She was stroking his hair, and he told her that he misses Storm. After guessing that he loved Storm, she had made him promise to tell her everything about his feelings for her. He could remember the exact words….

" I'll just give you one piece of advice. You are far more than what you take yourself to be. If you ever get the chance to tell her, do it. Tell her you love her, and show her how you feel. I know you can send emotions with your empathy. Send them to her, and show her your love. Promise me you'd do that."

Yes, and he had promised… look what it got him into… the most confused and upset position he ever had in his love life after Rogue. How could he tell her how he felt? He wished he knew.

                                                                        #                   #                      #

Logan watched Gambit and Storm from his seat, even as he talked with the others. The latter looked confused and shy, the former… well, if there was a man in love who didn't know how to tell it out loud, that was just exactly what the Cajun looked like. Logan smiled to himself. Remy and Ororo. How appropriate. He wondered how everything would settle out.

* Well, at least I know that it's gonna be a damn good show, and I ain't gonna miss it! *

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Well? Howzat? Do a huge favour, ppls all… review this work…. Please, for the love of god, review…neh? *wink* next part should be up soon… see u all around…….. ~ws~

P.S: Sorry… I reloaded this 'cause I realized that I had made a couple of stupid mistakes here… ( that's what I get when I type at 2 in the bloody morning) *grumble grumble* But I really wanted to do this before I forgot about it and… well… u guys know what I mean…

 BTW!!! BTW!!! BTW!!! Hey, shadow starshooter...relax… I don't mind you taking the idea... it's there to be taken! Just lemme know how it turns out, 'k? And anyone else wanna use my character or storyline… eh, just lemme know… I'm curious… :P  

Izzy Vixen… hehehehe… Suni is only coming after this li'l sequel, 'cause I want Remy and Stormy well tied up before I return Suni to the picture…the rest of you wonderful, magnificent, gorgeous people out there who reviewed ( sorry, I'm not typing everone's names) thanx a bunch… can you believe that I was sitting throughout tuition with this stupid grin on my face? Some geniuses ( not!) even thought I had a crush… sheesh, seriously, ppl I'm not. Except…maybe a li'l high on reviews… WHEEEE!!!! *ahem* anywayz… I'll probably post the next chptr sometime this week… Luv & peace to all, ~ws~