LadiiReckles: So, here is a new FFVIII story that Katherine and I are developing…
Katherine: And I must add that's all LadiiReckless fault! We were talking on MSN and she wrote 'Aquall' instead of 'Squall'. And after some time mocking each other with crazy stuff, we decided to write this xD
LadiiReckless: Yeah!!! Wait, my fault? Whaaat? xD but anyways here's the details…….. we are crazy mana….
Katherine: Indeed we are...
Details: so it's like this:
"This story will have new and old characters. The old are, as usual, Squall, Selphie, Quistis, Seifer, Irvine, Seifer and Zell; and the new are: Paine from LadiiReckless story "The Queen and Her Lion", Rikku, from FFX and Katrin, from my story "The Lionheart (REVISED)". This isn't any kind of spin-off, sequel, or whatever. This is a brand new story, using already known characters (okay, so Katrin is an OC, but that doesn't matter.)
This story can be classifies as an after-game. So let us give you a summary for the in-game events that slightly changed:
*Katrin, Paine and Rikku are part of the orphanage, therefore, they were orphans just like our dearest FFVIII characters. When they were children, Zell was given adoption to the Dintch family, Rikku to Yuna and Tidus (no they won't appear in this fic. May be mentioned though.), Selphie was sent to Trabia, Irvine to Galbadia, Quistis was also adopted, (unknown family) and Paine was adopted by Auron (not appearing as well.) Seifer, Squall and Katrin are left (poor lil' ones) in the orphanage, and are sent to Balamb Garden. A few years later, Paine gets back (to Squall's happiness) and Quistis gets back as well. Zell also attends at Balamb Garden, but they don't really remember each other. (well, Seifer and Paine does, but they don't tell anyone). After some years using Gfs (except for Seifer), Zell, Quistis, Katrin, Paine and Squall start to forget things (although Squall is still attached to both Paine and Katrin). Therefore, Squall isn't as cold he is in the game (although he slightly is). Squall is also stoic and somewhat distant, contrary with Katrin, who's a happy and very talkative girl (if any of you have read "The Lionheart (REVISED) know how she is. If you haven't read it, and are curious about it, go see it :D). Paine is also stoic and sarcastic, but not as cold as Squall (go check LadiiReckless "The Queen and her Lion" to check her attitude out. ;D). The other's are just like in the game (Rikku as well).
So, they grew up together, until the SeeD Exam of the game appears. Katrin, Zell, Squall, Selphie, Rikku (the two were Trabian transfers) and Paine pass, while Seifer doesn't. Squall, Katrin, Zell and Selphie go to their first mission, to Timber. There they meet up with Rinoa and the Timber Owls. Everything happens just like in the game: Seifer goes with the sorceress, Irvine joins the party (and remembers all of them) there's the parade, Squall gets pierced with the ice cycles, they break free from prison, and divide in parties: Quistis, Zell and Selphie go to the Missile Base, while Squall, Katrin, Irvine and Rinoa get back to Balamb. There, they try to stop the whole troubles in there, and Paine and Rikku joins them. They rescue Garden, transforming it into a mobile Garden, and drift away. They reach FH, fight, reunite with the others, and all that stuff. But in here, instead Rinoa bringing Squall to the concert, it's Paine, helped by Katrin, who knows that Squall and Paine like each other, and manages to put the sarcastic and stoic girl into a dress (now that would be funny to see xD). So there's a different talk, and stuff, but everything ends well. So they get back to Balamb, fight Raijin and Fujin, go to Trabia, see the mess that's there, and there they remember everything. So, they go to find Galbadia Garden, have the fight and here's where things change.
Rinoa DOESN'T enter the fight, and DOESN'T become a sorceress. It is, however, Paine and Katrin who receive the sorceress powers, and enter the coma-like state. Squall is devastated by seeing Paine and Katrin like that. (A's/N Katrin is just Squall's little sister and best friend. ;D) So, he gets the two to Esthar and Ultimecia takes control of Paine and Katrin (Ultimecia is a powerful sorceress. We bet she can do that.) and frees Adel, leaving them in space after that. Squall goes to the rescue, and saves them, and they find the Ragnarok. They fight the monsters inside and after gaining the control of the ship, Katrin falls asleep in one of the back chairs, while Paine is in the front with Squall. They talk, and Paine, not being like Rinoa, isn't scared of being a sorceress, and says that Katrin isn't either. After a few minutes of talk about Paine's new 'condition', she leaves the cockpit, and right then Katrin scolds Squall for not telling Paine what he feels for her and that he would be always by her side. Squall debates a little about going to talk with Paine but right then, they arrive on the planet. Instead on going with the Estharians and stuff, Katrin and Paine decide to talk directly to the president of Esthar. They meet the others (sans Rinoa who's in Garden) in there, and after that whole explanation from Odine, the story continues as normal.
They fight Adel, Time Compression starts, they do all those things in Ultimecia Castle, and after defeating her, Squall doesn't get lost in Time Compression, and whole of the group is back at the orphanage and at their own time.
;D this is the FFVIII game by our biding.
After those whole tests, trials and stuff, Seifer is back, safe and sound, back at normal attitude of his. Rinoa gets back to Timber, seeing that since Vinzer Deling is dead, Timber should probably be free.
And three months pass before our story starts."
So this is the plot of the game (god it looks like a chapter xD). Other details we want to give you are these: Squall, Seifer, Quistis and Selphie are 18// Paine, Irvine, Rikku and Zell are 17// Katrin is 16 (yes she's the youngest. Poor Katrin xD).
Squall, decided to stop using GF, seeing that they erase their memories. Odine, however, presents him with a new idea for using magic: dresspheres. (yes, 'dresspheres' from FFX-2). Squall decides to try in on, and seeing that it isn't like using GF, decides to implant the new option. GF are, however, still used, but aren't always Junctioned to their hosts mind, and slowly, people start to use the dresspheres. The Gf's that will appear are a mix of FFVIII GF and FFX Aeons. So for you know. Each dressphere has a color, and they are the ones that follow:
White mage- white
Black mage- dark violet
Warrior- dark blue
Trainer- orange
Thief- yellow
Songstress- baby blue
Gunner- gray
Gunmage- pink
Dark knight- black
Berserker- brown
Alchemist- green
Festival-Goer: aqua
Psychic: silver
LadiiReckless: so what do you think so far? Chapter one is right next! Check it out! Lmao!!!!!!!!
Katherine: xD see ya in Chapter one! And review! (you can even review this one if you want ;D)