A/N Hope you like it and comment.

Disclaimer: Crosses fingers and hopes. Nope still don't own it.

A Secret and A Broken Promise

"Harry I'm leaving! I love you Harry but I'm leaving! I'm not ready to settle down yet! I….I…..I'm going to see the world, live, and then I'll be back. I'll always come back for you Harry James Potter." Ginny leaned up on her toes her lips brushing his. She picked up the backpack from the floor slinging it over her shoulder. She looked back once more.

"I'll be back. I promise."

Harry watched as the love of his life walked out the front door of his flat. Harry didn't go after her. If this is what made her happy then he was okay with it. And she would be back….she had to come back.


Ginny smirked as the memory flitted across her mind. Who was she kidding? She would never be back. Not now at least. The tears were forming in the corners of her eyes as she sat in the dim lit hospital room. "I'll never be back now," she whispered.

"Miss Wright?" a blonde nurse had walked into the room calling the name Ginny had claimed was hers. It had been too risky giving the name Weasley, bloody hell that would've been just downright dangerous.

Ginny looked up from the two babies in her arms. "Yes?"

"I just came by to check on you everything alright?"

Ginny nodded her attention returned to the two girls in her arms. The nurse walked over slowly. "Have you thought of names for them?" Ginny nodded again. The nurse brought out a clipboard and looked at her expectantly.

"This," said Ginny looking towards the red haired green eyed girl "is Lilly Tonks. And this is Molly Hermione," she added looking to the black haired blue eyed girl. One of the only things the two had in common was their light skin and freckles.

A day later Ginny was walking out of the hospital with the twin girls in a provided carrier the hospital had given her. She headed to the nearest floo accessible fire place and threw the green powder into the flames. She stepped in and bravely said, "Charlie Weasley."