Author's notes: This is an alternative reality fic in which Draco's mission differs from that of J.K Rowling's book. However, some elements of the canon will be used.

Chapter One

Not so long ago Draco had eagerly anticipated the freedom of the long summer months after the school term had ended. Now, however, he avoided the expansive, sunlit grounds and chose instead to remain inside the manor. His footsteps echoed on the immaculate stone floor as he made his way across the hallway and up the magnificent staircase. The many portraits lining the walls eyed him haughtily from their frames and he paused for a moment in front of his grandfather's, Abraxas, whose distinctive features bore a striking resemblance to his own.

The instantly recognisable 'pop' of Apparition caught Draco off guard and he spun round to realise with a shiver of dread that Voldemort, who had materialised silently, and Wormtail had entered Malfoy Manor unannounced.

"Surprised to see me, Draco? Or perhaps you, like your father, regret my return?"

Draco's insides clenched as he struggled to keep his mind blank and his mouth became too dry to utter a single word. Voldemort did not appear to require an answer and merely caressed his wand lazily until a door leading from the hallway burst open.

Bellatrix ran with wild abandon towards him and flung herself at his feet, her voice quivering with emotion,

"My lord, there is no greater honour than having you in my family's home. I –"

"That will do, Bella," Voldemort interrupted, but Draco thought he detected slight amusement in the usually unimpassioned voice.

Narcissa followed her sister at a slower pace, but she too knelt and spoke quietly with her eyes averted,

"A pleasure, my lord."

Voldemort appeared to consider her for a moment before stepping past them, speaking in a tone which prevented any argument,

"I require a private talk with Narcissa. You too, Draco."

Draco remained frozen at the top of the stairs, but an almost undetectable nod from his mother made him descend unwillingly to the hallway. As Bellatrix made to follow them, Voldemort raised his pale, long fingered hand.

"I said only Narcissa and Draco."

Her expression became mutinous and twisted with envy, but she obeyed his orders and he spoke again dismissively, without even looking over his shoulder,

"Wormtail, you are to go to Spinner's End immediately. Severus is expecting you."

His eyes widening with fear at the thought of spending time alone with Hogwarts' Potions Master, Wormtail bowed and Disapparated.

With a casual flick of his wand, Voldemort secured the door behind Narcissa and Draco and put several anti-eavesdropping charms in place. Draco's whole body was trembling, his jaw clenched painfully tight, as he fought to keep his fear hidden. The dancing flames from the fireplace flickered in Voldemort's penetrating blood-red eyes and when he spoke his voice was so quiet that Draco had to strain to catch the words.

"The Malfoys have long considered themselves to be my most loyal, most dedicated servants, yet their behaviour since my disappearance and subsequent return suggest otherwise. On numerous occasions Lucius has tried his utmost to convince me that his allegiance is unwavering, but now he is safely locked away in Azkaban and perhaps feels relieved to no longer be of use to me."

He paused to gauge their reactions, but Narcissa stared fixedly at the floor and clasped her hands together tightly, so he continued,

"However, he should have known that on entering my service he became irrevocably bound to me and since he is no longer available, his role must fall to someone else."

At this, Narcissa's head jerked up abruptly, her eyes widening with fear as she understood what was to follow. Draco's blood ran cold as unforgiving red eyes met his own grey ones for a second, before he was forced to look away.

"Yes," the word escaped Voldemort's mouth as a hiss. "I have a task for you, Draco, one which is pivotal to my success. There are others who would gladly give up their wands for a chance to serve me in so great a way, but only you can possibly succeed."

Voldemort let his last words hang uncomfortably in the oppressive silence, as if to emphasise that the possibility of failure was far greater than that of success. When he spoke again his tone was sharper as he laid out his plan.

"During the summer before your first year at Hogwarts, your father instructed you to extend a hand of friendship to Harry Potter. Though Lucius attempted to earn my favour by persuading me that he thought a closeness to the Potter boy would prove useful to my return, as with his careless treatment of my diary, he sought only to cultivate his own interests.

Instead, you became bitter enemies with the boy, but now you much seek a bond of sorts that will enable you to learn both his and particularly Dumbledore's secrets. My most powerful servants would not possibly be able to achieve this; the task rests entirely on you. Subtlety and cunning are necessary until Dumbledore is at your mercy."

The snake-like features contorted as he spoke the Headmaster's name and his next words were laced with venom.

"By the end of the year he must be dead by your hand."

At these words Draco broke into a cold sweat, his stomach churning and the bitter taste of bile in his throat. Before he could stop himself, he asked,

"But, how – "

Voldemort appeared to have expected this and answered immediately,

"If you fail or falter at all along the way, the consequences will provide my other servants with a perfect example of what they too would face were they to disobey."

Without warning, Voldemort turned his wand on Narcissa who collapsed on the floor, writhing in agony, her screams of pain reverberating around the room. As pale as his master, Draco stared in horror at his mother, each sound she emitted stabbing him as painfully as if he himself was being tortured.

At last he found his voice, though he could not prevent it from trembling,

"I'll do it, I won't fail."

With another flick of his wand, Voldemort lifted the curse and ignored the crumpled, sobbing wreck on the floor as he focused on Draco. His mouth curved upwards in a cruel, humourless smile before he vanished, his eyes burning into Draco's even as his body disappeared.

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