This is my very first fanfic EVER! I'm so excited and I'd like to thank all the Maximum Ride fans in advance for picking this story out among the hundreds of others! Thank you thank you thank you!

Sadly, I do not own Maximum Ride. I wish I did, but James Patterson does.

I sighed.

Max and Fang were talking in the living room. The kids had gone to bed a while ago. The three of us tended to stay up later, just because we could do that.

Gazzy had said that he wanted to try something new with a bomb tomorrow. Max had instantly questioned us. I'd said I would make sure neither of us got killed. Her response?

"You said that last time…"

And, as if on cue, Fang had cut into the conversation.

"And last time, you were both almost killed by flying debris."

Fang was like a brother, but, when he teamed up with Max, I couldn't help but hate him…

But, I'd convinced them that I'd be extra careful tomorrow. But, as I'd turned around to leave, I'd heard Max whisper to Fang that they'd have to fly around our testing area to make sure we were being careful.

Of course they'd be watching us. They always watched us. They thought I couldn't hear their wings in the air, hear them whispering…But my hearing was better than they thought…

Which meant I could also hear what they were saying now. Not much. Just talking. But I could hear, from where their voices were coming from, that they were sitting close. But they were just talking about stuff. The TV. show that had been on last night, how they couldn't wait for the episode next week, what the heck we were going to eat tomorrow…the usual things. But it wasn't like when the kids were around. Their voices were quieter. Fang's voice was always quiet, but now…talking to Max…His voice was more gentle and quiet than just the normal quiet…It almost made me mad.

They knew I was there…

I had told Gazzy that I would think about his plan tomorrow. How to pull it off, where to set up the bomb, where to hide, stuff like that. I was thinking about it. But I was eating too. I'd gotten hungry, and was eating a late dinner, being forced to sit and listen to Max and Fang…

But I tried to focus on what I was doing. When you're blind, it's a little bit harder to eat. Make sure you don't stab yourself with the fork, make sure you don't miss your mouth, make sure you don't--

Spill milk down the front of yourself.

Dang it…I fail…

And that's why I have to focus on what I'm doing instead of what's being said around me…

I heard someone turn around on the couch and laugh, making the other person turn around.

I identified the laughter. Max. "Iggy, what'd you do?"

I got up and reached for the napkins on the table…

"Who moved the napkins?!"

Fang sighed. He got up and came over to the table. "Right here, Ig--"

"No! I'll find them myself!"

He paused. I hope he was surprised. "Fine, Ig…Be like that…" He went back to the living room. I heard his feet on the kitchen floor, then scuffing on the carpet, then him sitting back on the couch, still close to Max…

Max still hadn't turned around. I could almost feel her eyes on me. Feeling tempted to look in her general direction, I felt around the table for the napkins again. I hated it when people moved things…especially when I was in a bad mood…I found them a little out of my reach. I'd been so close to finding them on my own…Using a few to wipe the front of my shirt and my face, I got up.

"I'm going to bed." I announced.

At the exact moment I finished my sentence, Fang yawned.

"Great. Both of you. Bed." I could tell she was smiling.

Fang groaned. "Must I?"

"Yes, you must." Max told him.

He sighed and got up, following me to our room.


That night, all I could think about was Max and Fang. It bothered me…more than it should have…

Damn jealousy…I had to figure out a way to deal with that before it drove me insane…

So there you go! My very first fanfic! Please let me know if you want me to continue...Although I'll probably continue whether you want me to or not because I must finish this. But please review! Thank you again! --Fire wolf12