He watched her in the darkness of the halls, moving through the shadows as if she was a ghost. Too often for his liking she would stop and shiver.
"My lady."
Karigan turned, her eyes haunted. The Weapon stood behind her, almost blending into the shadows of the castle, if it were not for his compassionate eyes.
"They are unsettled," she said quietly, looking behind her.
Fastion followed her eyes, and if it were anybody but Karigan, he would have considered the words to be madness. Yet it was Karigan, and he knew that her adventures and deeds caused him to pay attention to every word she uttered.
"Ever since that day in the castle I can see them, sense them. Messengers from Westrion, and I am unable to discern their words, to understand the meanings that they wish to convey!!" Her frustration was palatable and the Weapon laid a hand on her forearm, causing her to turn and regard him.
"Fastion?" she asked softly.
"You wear yourself out, my lady," he intoned, his hand moving from her limb to her cheek, caressing the soft skin beneath his sword-calloused hand. Sighing, she titled her face to his attention. He reached around, pulling her tense body to his, and dipping his head to capture her lips in a gentle play of love.
When at last she acquiesced to his attentions, did he stop, and lead her away from the halls of the oldest parts of the castle. As they walked from the shadows into the light of the main castle, he remembered months ago, the day that no one else remembered, not even Karigan. The shades had burst into this world, and only by Karigan's actions as the God's Avatar had they been spared. The memory still chilled him. He remembered every word.
"Weapon." The Bird-Man had called him as the day began to dawn over the night, and the Black Shield was not ignorant to resist the summons. He submitted himself to the God's will as he would to Zachary.
"Our Avatar walks among you. Our daughter, our chosen, Karigan G'ladheon. Only you will remember this night, only you we gift with the understanding that she will walk a difficult path. Only you might be her shield."
When it was upon his lips to speak, he was denied voice. "I have seen in the depths of your armored heart, Fastion of the Black Shields. You love the girl, and you desire her. You may walk in shadow, but it is the shadow-land that I rule. Speak of your heart, allow her to see beneath the armor, for she will have need of you. Your fealty to your King is understood, but even a King bows to me."
So he emerged from the darkness and began a slow courtship of his friend, a woman he considered a sister of the shield. As his steps were sure and steady, hers began to falter as her days were invaded by her nightmares, and the time they thought they had was shattered by the silent dark hand of Mornhavon. Through her supposed weakness, he never loved her more.
"There is something I must do, Fastion. I feel like it is there, waiting for me, and all I have to do is grasp it…it is just beyond my comprehension, a word I need to utter to dispel this," her voice faltered, and he pulled her closer to his body.
She took the silent comfort her offered, and reveled in his strength. Somehow he always knew when she was at the edge of despair, and was ready to pull her from it. She burrowed into his side, resting her head on his chest as he guided her toward their chambers.
"Love her well, Black Shield, for she is the key to saving all…"
Never had a command been so easy to keep.