Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach, nor do I own the characters.

Thoughts are in italics ^^

Enjoy! :3


You are?

"You sensed it before, didn't you?"

Often, his eyes gave him away. He always wondered, was others too sharp? Or perhaps it was himself who was weak.

"Why did you keep quiet?"

"Just shut up Ishida."


"Tch, it seems that we're too slow again." Ichigo's amber eyes were wide and filled with rage, his fingers fingered with his hair which met with the feelings of disappointment that he felt.

"Why didn't you try to ask Urahara?"

"Ishida, if he knew anything, I trust that he would inform me. If he hasn't, it probably meant that he doesn't know anything."

She always got to the hollow faster than us… But she feels like Rukia. All that's left of the battles are ice shards. Her reiatsu just disappears. As if it was never here. I want to see her, the person who is so much like my Rukia.

"Kurosaki, we tried to track her for a week now. It's not working."

"Shut up Ishida. Fine then, let's visit Urahara-san.

Ishida couldn't help but smirk. He had an institution. A good one.


" Ara, kurosaki-san.. What brings you here today?"

"Cut the crap Urahara, you---"

"Why don't you hold your questions for a little longer than you already did hmm? You can come out now~! "

Ichigo sighed as he was interrupted, no other than by the blonde man sitting lazily in front of him. As irritated as he was, he kept his cool and waited. Urahara always had good reasons for his actions.

This had better be good or my fist will be on his face.

His amber eyes wandered to the slim figure behind the door, following it as the figure slowly revealed to be her.

His eyes met hers, losing himself as he stared deeply.

"I'm from the 13th protection squad, Kuchiki Rukia. And you are? "


Sorry for taking so long for this chapter, hope you guys liked it :3