Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach, nor do I own the characters.

A/N: This takes place a few months after Fallen Moon.

Thoughts are in italics ;)


Lost Sun

"You need to move on, Kurosaki-Kun…Kuchiki-san..She will not want to see you like this…"

"Kurosaki, we've been fending off the hollows for you these months, but you can't carry on living like this"

"You cannot be this weak…"

The voices of Inoue, Ishida and Chad poured into the head of a certain orange haired teen that was walking down the street. His mind was oblivious to his surroundings as the voices of his friends were playing repeatedly in his mind.

Rukia… Are you watching me? What should I do now? Only you…Can stop the pain..Rukia…

He focused; his eyes squinted together as he tried hard. He wanted to get the voices out of his head. Desperately.

Breezes of icy cold air hit on his face as he stepped into the convenience store.

His amber eyes glanced at the slip of paper in his hand, searching the shelves for the items Yuzu asked of.

He didn't want to leave his house, his room. The place they lived together once, even if it was short lived. Everyone was worried for him, as much as he hated to, he had stepped out. He did not want to hurt what is left of those he loves.

As he walked out of the store, he started to daydream again.

They used to frequent the store all the time; she loved trying out different type of juice boxes. They never failed to arouse her undying curiosity. Her curiosity however, often emptied the contents of his wallet.

A small figure dashed past him, their elbows brushed as the stranger's feet kicked away the bag he held in his hand, it's contents spluttered all over the floor.


His eyes widened as he caught hold of the "attacker".

He gasped in shock as the face was all too familiar. Raven black hair, violet eyes, that beautiful porcelain skin…

"I'm sorry about your things, but I'm in a hurry."

Their eyes met for a brief moment as she struggled out of his hold. She ran off as soon as his hold on her loosened, without another word.

He rested his face in his hands, his pulse speeding as wild thoughts ran through his mind. He froze in the middle of the sidewalk, tried to digest what had just happened.

It cannot be… She's gone. Forever. It cannot be her… They just look alike that's all.

He swallowed his tears as he shrugged off his thoughts. But they still nagged him.


Well… Did I make Ichigo to be too sad?

Should I continue? Let me know your thoughts please!