Yeah! I finished chapter 6. Disclaimer: I don't own Kamen Rider, it is owned by the awesome toei but I do own most of these characters that appear in this chapter/ series save for those characters making a cameo. And I would to request again that I would like you guys to review.

Kamen Rider Avelon

Episode 6: Healed: Resha's Fight

Avelon then took out the Wake Up fuestle and gave it to Kirevat to play before he tapped the bat's chin once.

"Wake Up 1"

With that, Avelon took a step forward and readied himself for his finisher as the day turned night with the new moon. Then Avelon jumped high into the sky for his New Moon Break dropkick finisher. But Avelon missed as the Mosquito Fangire disappeared in a blue mist, and made his insignia on the ground.


Meanwhile, after Legion easily overpowers the Mantis Reangel, he took out a red and silver fuestle to give it Destravat to play before he tapped the demonic bat's chin once.

"Wake up 1"

In an instance, Legion took a step forward as the day turned into night with a crescent moon appeared in the sky and placed his left hand in front of his head as Destravat flew off from the buckle and flew around Legion's right arm, breaking the chains to open the Hell's Gate, Legion then placed his right arm in front of the left arm. Legion then took for the sky with his silhouette seen in front of the moon before he rapidly descended for the Darkness Crash Break, a punch attack. His fist connected to the Reangel's chest, which caused the Reangel to fall to the ground, the attack was so destructive it made a crater in the shaped of Legion's own insignia on the ground. The Reangel's body then crystallized in blue before shedding away until nothing was left of the Reangel.


(Risa and Riku)

Within the Cafe Cultural, Risa was didn't look to happy as Riku sat next to her asking, "Risa, are you okay? You seem unhappy today. Come on I'm your older brother, you gotta at least tell me something."

"Well it is actually about Tsubasa, he has a fiancé and I feel very uneasy about it," Risa told her brother.

Riku took a while to process this information, "Wait…what?" he said, confused.



Avelon looked around before the rider reverted back into his human form. Tsubasa then sighed, "This is great! Another one loose," Tsubasa said before he returned to his grocery shopping.



"Hey Destravat…what am I going to do now?" Shinya asked his partner after the former transformed back to his human form after the fight with the Mantis Reangel.

"To tell you the truth Shinya…I don't know, I never thought I would ever get this far in persuading you," the silver bat told the half-breed.

"Man…to tell you the truth, fate has something against me," Shinya said before he when into the Haguro household to grab some items now that he has to leave.



Meanwhile, inside a building a fat Japanese man wearing traditional Japanese clothing was enjoying his food within a room filled with Japanese items, and he had men in black guarding the door from the inside. Then a knock on the door was made.

"Excuse me, I brought you your sake," said a voice from the other side.

"Come in," he said before he motioned his guards to open the door. Coming in was a young man, probably around his early twenties or late teens, who had messy hair which was slightly bleached, wearing black shirt and black tie with a grey vest over it along with a black trousers, carry a trey which had a bottle of sake on it.

"Here's your drink," he said as he placed the sake on the table and he did something unexpected...he then punched the man in the face before he grabbed hold of the collar and held the man in front of the young man. "Magaki Nakamura, lord of the local drug ring, your sins must paid!" he told the traditional clothed man who was very surprised while the men in black bodyguards just stood there surprised.

"Bounty hunter! You're a bounty hunter!" the fat guy exclaimed, flabbergasted.

"I guess you can call me that," the bounty hunter replied before the fat man looked at his meant to be protectors.

"Don't just stand there you idiots! Protect me!" he ordered and the two bodyguards try to attack him. But the young bounty hunter was fast, he let go of the drug lord just in time to duck a punched and retaliated with his own punch to the first man before delivering another punch to the second man in the jaw, going back to elbow the first man in the gut and uppercut the second man who then was knocked out by it but then he got distracted when he saw the drug he was targeting running away.

This distraction has got him in a lock from behind by the first man, "Damn, can't let him get away," he said struggling to break free before he used the back of his head to head butt the thug to finally break the hold and knocked the thug out with a punch to the face. Then the young bounty hunter ran out, giving chase to the fat drug lord.


(Tsubasa – Supermarket)

After that, Tsubasa was in the supermarket, grabbing the necessary items that was said in the list, but he wasn't paying much attention, his mind was somewhere else thinking about everything that has happened so far.


"Scared of my fate? I want to live as a human, if my dream goes against my fate then so be it."


"Hey Asami, Asami!"

'Could Seki be…? No way, Seki wouldn't hurt a fly.'

"Tsubasa-kun, you're…"

"I'll explain later, right now stay here."

"My orders are to bring you in."

"Yeah, but I never wanted this kind of Fate, and since I met Yuka, my life was changed, I met Kirevat, my partner, and was unwantingly flung into a war that has nothing to do with me."

"You just had to say that to her, can't you just lie for once?"

"What good will that do? She will find out either way, better now than later."



"Would you like a bag?" the cashier asked Tsubasa who was snapped back to reality and nodded with a smile. Once out of the supermarket, Tsubasa decided to sit down on a bench, still thinking about the events that lead up to this moment.

"I'm that hopeless, huh?" he sighed as he looked at the sky above him, "Just why does this had to happen to me!" he moaned before he heard a scream and stood up. Looking over to his side was the traditionally dressed fat man running in his direction carrying his knife being chased by the young bounty hunter.

"Save me! Save me!" the drug lord shouted as he swung his knife around and scared the people around him, how weird? Don't you think? And the fat man took Tsubasa as hostage when he came close to the half-breed. "Don't get close! Don't you care what will happen to this boy!" he shouted

"Taking such a cowardly action to do!" the bounty hunter commented unable to do anything.

"God damn you, I was in the middle of self-reflecting myself and finding a solution to my dilemma here!" Tsubasa shouted, angered before he used his left to elbow the fat man's ribs to free himself.

"Why you!" the crook said before he tried to thrust his knife to the 16 year old but the bounty hunter got in the way and punched the crook in the face, stopping him as the hunter kept on attacking head on before he gripped the hand that held the knife and twisting the wrist to force the drug lord to let go of it. Then the hunter went to punch the drug dealer in the gut before he chopped his (drug lord's) back forcing the drug lord to the ground, unable to move because of the pain.

"Please stop increasing the depth of your sins; please repent them so that you don't lead a world filled with pain and grief. Everyone should be given a second chance to live. And I believe you can too," The bounty hunter told the drug lord before policemen came running in.

"What happen?" one of them shouted before they looked at who was on the ground. "This is Magaki Nakamura." He exclaimed before another one of them realised who the bounty hunter was.

"You're the bounty hunter, Kenta Izuru."

"Bring this man in, and could you send the bounty to this address?" Kenta told them as he gave one of the policemen a card before he went over to Tsubasa who was getting his grocery items. "Sorry for your involvement, I didn't expect this to happen, but thank you for your assistance." Kenta said before he bowed.

"Don't worry, it's no big deal," Tsubasa replied but he wasn't paying any attention and this caught Kenta's attention.

"Is there something wrong?" Kenta asked.

"Nope nothing wrong, why?" Tsubasa tried to lie.

"It's just you seem kinda down…if you need any advice, I can always try and give you some." Kenta told before he gave out a card to Tsubasa.

"Hmm…I guess I have nothing to lose." Tsubasa told him before Kenta said.

"Today I have an appointment with a friend of mine, so I might not be able to help you but you can come and meet me tomorrow."

"Okay, thank you," Tsubasa said before he left for home.


(Shinya- the next day)

The next day, Shinya walking around town with Destravat perched on his shoulder who asked, "Shinya, what are you planning to do? You forced yourself out of that household. Why?"

"Well it is quite weird since I am the only person that survived that attack and people would think that I killed those people. At least that's what I think," Shinya replied before he felt something in his head, "Destravat…what's this feeling?"

"No time let's go!" Destravat urged before the two started moving.



The next day was a school day, and Risa's classmates were getting hyped upped about something.

"All right, all right guys, today we have a good announcement to make, in the next one and a half month, our year will be leading the planning's for the School's Haru Festival! For those who have ideas on what we should do, come and see me during lunch," the class representative told them, the whole class began chattering about it while Risa was trying to have a conversation with Seki but it wasn't going to well. Tsubasa on the other hand wasn't paying any attention and looked out the window beside him.

Seki noticed the expressions of the two and asked, "What happened? You look kinda down." Then he thought he knows what's going on by saying, "Ah! I got it! You and Tsubasa got into a huge fight and you two are on the verge of breaking up!"

"No! It is nothing like that! It's just...just...we don't feel like conversing for now." Risa told him but then realised, 'What kind of excuse is that! But Seki can't know the truth.' Too bad, he already does.

"So weird, I meant by how much we are changing." Seki said and this surprised Risa.

"What do you mean?"



Returning back to Shinya's story, Shinya kept on running, trying to catch up to his partner who flapped as fast as he could as if they were late. Once Destravat stopped and Shinya arrived, they both saw a Scorpion Fangire terrorizing people.

"A Reangel? No wait...the colour is's more colourful?" Shinya was confused.

"That's a Fangire, our dreaded rivals," Destravat introduced.

"Fangire...What is that?" Shinya asked.

"No time for that! Ikuze!" Destravat shouted as Shinya grabbed his partner.


Tribal markings were made on his body as the red belt appeared on the 16 year old before he thrusts Destravat up in the air and shouted, "Henshin!" before he placed the bat upside down. Then Shinya's body started to crystallize before he casts the dust sized crystals away to reveal his rider form, Legion.

Legion ran towards the Scorpion Fangire with strong intent to stop the vampire-like being to hurting anyone else. Grabbing the monster by the throat and carry it away from anyone before he threw the monster to an idle tree.

"Who the hell are you!!" the Scorpion Fangire shouted.


(Tsubasa – after school)

As that fight continued, Tsubasa went to the Cafe Cultural to meet up with the bounty hunter, Kenta Izuru who helped save him from a drug lord, and who also agreed to meet Tsubasa there over the phone to give the young man advice.

"So what could be bothering you? Kenta asked Tsubasa.

"It's actually hard to explain, I have a friend of mine who was quite surprised about something that I haven't told her about, so we haven't been talking since I don't know what to say to her, it's just so confusing," Tsubasa said looking down, annoyed at how pathetic he is.

"Hmm, teenage problems huh?" Kenta thought for a while before he said again in a happy tone, "Then how about you try talking to her again?" this made Tsubasa look at him in surprise, "I mean, you don't have to talk the problem, it can be something random that will get you guys talking again, naturally the problem will wade away."

"But will she? I don't know if she does want to talk to me, I mean I kept so many things hidden from her, it doesn't seem right?" Tsubasa said.

"Then how about you try it? Nothing will happen if you just sit here and wait for the answer to come to you, you gotta find the answer. First you gotta move and when you move something will start, Tsubasa. Plus tell me the end result later, okay?" Kenta advised and Tsubasa was happier by the thought before the two talked about something else as Mr. Emitsu watched.

"Tsubasa, you made a good friend I think," he commented before the door opened and coming in was Riku in a swimming suit.

"Yo!" Riku greeted and waved his arm.

"HEY!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING RIKU!?!?!?" Mr. Emitsu shouted at Riku, so confused of what Riku was wearing.

"I'm going swimming, and I'm bringing you with me, where gonna chat up the cute girls there!" Riku said as he put an arm around Mr. Emitsu shoulder before he pointed towards where the door was as two cute Japanese girls dressed in one piece swimming costume, looking through the transparent glass window on the door.

"Hi!" both of them said.

"Riku, I'm sorry, I'm not into that stuff anymore, I'm too old and it's too cold for a swim! Plus I've got a shop to run here don't you see?" Mr. Emitsu proved his point but Riku didn't like it and looked at the only two customers around angrily: Tsubasa and Kenta.

"Okay the shop's closed for today, so see your asses tomorrow!" he said as he pushed the two out the door of the shop and flipped the 'OPEN' sign to 'CLOSED' and went straight back in.

"Is he always like that?" Kenta asked confused of how they got out the shop.

"Only around Mr. Emitsu, the two are really good friends despite the age difference," Tsubasa said and Kenta nodded in response but was still confused.



Risa was walking towards her house, having Kenta's words from their earlier conversation at school in her head, 'We change quite a lot and it shows we're getting older, learning new emotions that we've never experienced. But it should never change how we act towards each other, no matter how different we get. But if it does, it tells us that we do care about each other.'

"Thanks Seki, I'm going to talk to Tsubasa as soon as I see him," She said as she kept on walking.



Meanwhile, as all of these took place, Seki was walking around just wondering on what to do for now until he heard something from afar. Soon after, he ran. Once he arrived, he saw the Mosquito Fangire resuming its carnage before he took out his gun and began shooting the Fangire as he ran towards it.

The Fangire then ran at its only challenger and blocks all the bullets shot at it before it got close enough to punch Seki in the gut, forcing the young Fangire Hunter staggering backwards. But Seki continued to attack but the Mosquito Fangire blocked and pulled him down to knee him in the chest and brought him up to punch him and throw him away.

Tsubasa arrived soon after that and saw Seki was in trouble and shouted, "Kirevat!" Then the bat came in flying around before he bit the young boy's hand.

"Now Bitting!"

"Henshin!" he said after he grabbed the bat, placing it upside down on the belt buckle. His body then crystallizes before he casts away the dust sized crystals to become Kamen Rider Avelon.

Avelon ran towards the battlefield and jump kicked away the Fangire before he motioned Seki to move away, in which the human complied by staggering away to a hiding place. Avelon continued the fight by delivering various different punches to the enemy before he flipped the fangire over and axe kicked it on the floor before the two got up again this time Avelon tries to kick the monster but the monster used it as a leverage to get up in the sky.

"You want to do this again?" Avelon asked the Mosquito Fangire before the it summoned a sword and flew towards the young rider at full pelt.



Now back to Legion's fight against the Scorpion Fangire, Legion attacks the Scorpion Fangire with his precise and accurate kicks while he tries to block the sword attacks the Fangire tries to inflict using the arm's version of the Hell's Gate before he decided to punch it square in the face after he grabbed hold of the sword, sending it to the ground.

"Let's end this, Shinya!" Destravat suggested and Legion took out his Wake Up Fuestle and gave it to his Kivat partner to play before he taps the bat's chin twice.

"Wake Up 2!"

With that, Legion then took a firm stance for his finisher, but before he could do anything, the Scorpion Fangire dug through the ground. So this in turn stopped the finisher as there was no one to shatter.

Then Legion took his human appearance again. "Wait! I didn't know scorpions can do that! Can they do that? I didn't know it can do they?" Shinya asked his partner



Avelon was having a hard time against the Fangire, who took full advantage of this battle before the monster, slashed Avelon to the ground before it landed and walked slowly towards the rider, pointing its sword at him.

"Hmm...It's over," it said in its female voice before she was attacked by Reswan. "Another one?!"

Then standing over Avelon was non-other than Yuka looking straight at her enemy. She shouted, "Reswan!"

"Understood!" said the Kivat like partner as she flew to Yuka's hand.


Upon being bitten, Yuka's hand was filled with white tribal tattoos and the crystals form together the rapier on her left hand, she then held out Reswan in her right hand and said, "Henshin!"and placed her partner on the sword as the guard. Then Yuka's body crystallizes before she thrusts her arms out to wither away the cystrals to reveal her rider form, Resha.

Resha then walked towards the Fangire who was surprised of Resha's sudden appearance before it used it's sword to attack her, but Resha side-stepped the attack and used her rapier to jab the Fangire's many times before she used a final strike to force the Fangire backwards.

"Why you!" it said angrily as it revealed her wings and flew into the sky. "Hah! Now you can't catch me!"

Resha just looks at the Fangire before she thrusts her left arm out and two capes appeared and rolled down her back, taking the form of white wings soon after. Resha jumped up and took flight against the mosquito fangire's thoughts. Avelon was surprised by this too.

"What! This wasn't supposed to happen!" the Fangire exclaimed.

"Sorry! But it just did!" Resha said back

Then the Mosquito Fangire was attacked from all sides as Resha was too fast to be seen and as that happened, Resha manages to cut off the Mosquito Fangire's wings, forcing it to the ground. Then Resha landed gracefully before taking out a white fuestle and gave it to Reswan to play.

"Wake Up!"

Upon command, the blue sky turned blue with a pure white moon was shown in the sky as dust-sized crystals fall from the sky. Then a white symbol appeared above her as she thrusts her sword through it, absorbing the symbol into the blade of the rapier. Soon after that, the energy within the rapier disperses into a long energy blade before Resha ran forward and slashes through the Fangire, this was the Elegant Swan Strike. This attack forced the Fangire to crystallize and shatter before the night turned back into day as she sheaths her sword into its holster, reverting back to her human form through collapsing crystals. Avelon also did the same thing and walked away soon after.



"So that was a Fangire...Wait just how many races other than humans?" Shinya asked Destravat.

"Other than humanity...there are about 13 demon races, the Reangel, Fangires, Wolfen, Merman, Franken, Sagark, Kivat, Doran, Legendorga, Regalians, Lykren, Celestian, and the Shining Wyvern races." Destravat told him.

"Wait...that's alot!"


(Seki – night time)

"God damn it, it hurts!" Seki said as he rested on a bench before someone came by.

"What's wrong?" the man was Kenta as he jog over before he noticed who this was. "Seki-kun!"

"Kenta! What are you doing here?" Seki asked.

"That doesn't matter! Any way we need to get to the hospital, write me the report later!" Kenta said as he helped Seki to the hospital.


(Tsubasa and Risa - at school)

The next day after the fight, Risa was talking to Seki who had his arm in a cast from yesterday's fight as Tsubasa approached her, "Is there something wrong, Tsubasa?" Seki asked.

Tsubasa looked straight into Risa's eye and said, "Risa, can I talk to you? Alone?"

"I guess I'll leave you two so that you can actually confess now," Seki joked before leaving.

"Looked I'm sorry about not telling you anything about this, it's my fault, plus what was I going to say, it's just rude to say to you, 'Hey Risa...guess what I got a fiancé!' or, 'Hey Risa...guess what I fight monsters on a daily basis!' it is something I can't bring myself to say. So I really hope you can accept my apology and forgot something like this ever happened." Tsubasa explained and apologised to Risa.

"Well to tell you the truth, you're right, who would believe you if you said that, plus I wasn't acting mature anyway, just running off like that, feeling...I don't know...jealousy maybe. But still I forgive you and will you forgive me for what I've done," Risa told him and asked for his apology.

"Of course, aren't we best friends," Tsubasa said smiling before he messed up her hair. Then the door slid open, coming in was their homeroom teacher and Yuka now dressed in the school uniform! This caught Tsubasa and Risa by surprise as Yuka noticed them. Her appearance caught the sight of many boys in the class and jealousy of the girls as they never saw anyone as beautiful as her.

The teacher placed his books on the table while the students were getting back to their seats. He then announced, "Okay class, today we're have a transfer student in our class, since she is new, how about you try and be nice and help her out. Then how about you introduce yourself?" he asked soon after.

Then Yuka took a step forward and introduced herself, "My name is Yuka Tensei. Please to meet you."


Next Time on Kamen Rider Avelon

"Why join this school?"

"Oi, wake up!"

"Will you help me out Tsubasa?"

"I lost to that brat?!"

"Come and meet your fate!"

Confidence: Losing Battle

Awakening! The power to change fate!


Finished chapter 6! Introducing Kenta Izuru, somehow this version of Keisuke Nago (well that spoiled some things, oh well). And i can't wait to finish off Chapter 7! NOTE: the Shining Wyvern idea is made by DJ Diddy Dog - DECADE FORM, which i was allowed to use through his permission!! And note the four races, the Reangel, the Regalians, the Lykrens, and the Celestians are fictional races made by me! Again reviews and not just for this, but also my back story fic for my characters that i submitted to redryuranger11's Kamen Rider Blaze, it is known as Kamen Rider Blaze: SCA! And this is something that came up in my head, note this is set a year from where the storyline currently is, tell me what you think okay:


"Tsubasa, just where are you?" Shinya asked to no one around him as he looked through the window of the Archfiend Doran.

"Otou-san, it's been a year since Nii-san has disappeared, huh?" Hikari told her uncle who nodded in agreement.

"I can't move on, it is something that is too hard for someone like me without him," the seventeen year old Risa told herself as she ran away.

(Suspense music starts)

"Who are you?" Zero demanded an answer from the new mysterious Rider.

"I'm Venom, one of the two sons of the great Lord of Regalians," the mysterious Rider, Venom, told Zero before he (Venom) sends a huge shockwave at the man-made Rider using his lance.

"Tsubasa! Is that you?" Hikari exclaimed as she saw Tsubasa standing over her.

"Tsubasa! Where were you?" Shinya said as he hugged his little brother in happiness.

"So this is the power of the almighty Avelon? Not as strong as I heard!" Faust taunted.

"Oh, are you sure? Cause you haven't seen this yet!" Avelon replied as he took out a black and yellow fuestle, "Guess this is your debut, huh?"

"Seriga Blade!"

"We must end this so that no more blood must be shed from these useless battles." Koshiro told his child before a silver kivat appeared and flew out the window.

"That's your brother…he's change quite a bit huh? But still that's quite stylish of him." Uncle Kato said looking at the space in front of him.

"Yeah…But that's still unacceptable." Shinya said before he ran out the door.

(Suspense music ends, Start insert song: Circle of Life by Crimson-Fang)

"Takuya..." Zero said as the young Knight of the Checkmate Four walked towards them.

"Henshin!" Takuya commanded.

"Let's go guys, we'll leave their leader to Tsubasa and Shinya," Zero said.

"Of course," Resha said.

"Let's make sure, we show these bastards hell!" Light told them before all three of them ran towards the huge horde of Regalians.

"You should just give up! Everything you do is futile!" taunt the demonic rider as he looked down at the Yamagata brothers.

"Why should we stop? I don't care if I die! As long as in our names and our very soul; we pray for the very power to destroy you!" Avelon shouted to the sky as the brothers were engulfed in a white and black light.

(End Insert Song: everything is quiet)

"Welcome home...Tsubasa," Risa said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I'm home...Risa," Tsubasa told her as the two huged.

Movie Fic! Kamen Rider Avelon: Birth of Chaos!