This is my first fan fic that I've written down, but hopefully not the last. This takes place in an AU, with Shinigami and most of the the death scythes the same but the main characters not present. Please review and tell me if I do anything wrong.

Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Eater

Shibusen Academy

It was early morning and the light was just entering the tiny house. The streak of light fell on the girl's face, causing her eyes to creak open. She sat up from her small bed, a tiny grin on her face. So today's the big day, the girl thought, the smile growing larger. Swinging her feet out of bed, the girl stood up, stretching her back. She was wearing a faded pink nightdress, which contrasted her dark chestnut hair. Tying her shoulder length hair with a yellow ribbon, she went to get changed out of her nightgown and prepare for the day.

The girl's companion was already up and waiting for her. The teen had smooth brown hair, with three white points at the front. The boy was wearing a crimson jacket with a black undershirt. His right hand had a fingerless glove on. For pants he had black jeans, with a hole torn in the right knee. Vir Vesica had piercing emerald eyes that bored into you. The teenager was eating his breakfast, waiting impatiently for his partner. "And people say I'm lazy," thought the teen with a smirk.

"Hey, you're up." Vir turned around to see his partner coming down the stairwell. Zoe Lumen had changed into a brown vest with a bright pink undershirt with a skull on it. The female partner had boots and blue pants on, with stars on the legs. Her eyes were like her companion's, except hers were the color of the ocean. She was smiling brightly at the eating teen.

"Yeah, yeah, big surprise. It's a big day so I was anxious. Get a bite to eat so we can go," said Vir with a full mouth.

Zoe shook her head and grinned. The two of them were polar opposites and yet somehow best friends. While she was studious, Vir usually was daydreaming or sleeping. Zoe was outgoing and open; Vir was loud and jovial. Everyone who knew them said their partnership would never work; Vir was too lazy and unskilled. They had proved those people wrong, becoming closer than ever. "And today we begin our real partnership."


"So are you nervous?" The two of them were walking down the still sleepy Main Street, with the shops just opening. The strange sun with a face was already in the skies over Death City, beginning to bake the desert city.

"I'll tell you what Zo, if anything I'm excited. I have a feeling this will be a great year." Vir looked up at the sun, a grimace on his face. "But why did it have to be in a desert. It gets so damn hot you could bake an egg on the ground! That stupid sun is mocking me, I just know it will be a sauna today!"

Zoe giggled, putting her hand to her mouth. "He always makes me laugh." She had to agree with her friend though. "I'm already sweating!"

"Hey you still here?" Zoe started, turning quickly to the teen.

"Hello? Earth to Zoe?" Vir was poking her in the arm, trying to get her attention.

"Sorry Vir. What is it?"

"We're here."

Zoe swerved, staring at the strange building in front of her. It was a massive black castle, with red shingles on the top of the towers. Two towers were off to the side, with two more jutting out from the center. Above these towers were three black spheres. In between the central towers were two smaller towers, and next to those were tow even smaller. There were tow hut like structures to the sides, each with a massive candle sticking out of the door. In the front of it all were three skulls, with the center one having spikes protrude from the eyes and nose.

"Certainly over the top, isn't it?"

"You can say that again Zo." Vir turned, smiling at his partner as he stuck his thumb towards the building. "Shall we go?"

Zoe took his hand, saying "Follow the yellow brick road."

Hand-in-hand, the duo climbed the steps to Death Weapon Meister Acadmey (DWMA) and their destiny.

That's chapter one. Sorry if it's crappy, if anyone can tell me what to change i'd appreciate it.

Thank You. I will update as soon as possible. Review!