A/N: This is bizarre. This is AU. This is what happens when you get three exhausted girls with an obsession with hats together in the same room and show them Watchmen. This is what happens when you notice that no matter what, Rorschach always puts his hat back on during the final fight – surely that got a tad annoying?! Probably not very funny…may replace this when I remember the words I actually wanted to put in here…

Rorschach snatched his hat up once more. That was really starting to bug him. He stared at the man who'd once been in charge of the Watchmen – the man who kept knocking his bliddy hat off! He growled.

"Dreiburg," he snarled. "Deal with his plot, I'll deal with this one."

So far, all they'd managed was to get beaten up. That was going to change. Now. And not because Adrian had decided that he wanted to destroy the world. No. Because Adrian had knocked his hat off, just one too many times. He was going to pay. Rorschach lunged at Adrian, knocking the man off his feet and punching him (somehow managing to get the drop on him, must investigate that…) He punches him.

"Stop." Punch. "Knocking." Punch. "My." Punch. "Fucking." Punch. "Hat." Kick for good measure. "Off!" Punch again. "You." Punch. "Fucking." Double punch for no real reason. "Bastard!"

Rorschach had never been entirely sane. They'd all accepted that. Now, staring up at him with somewhat dazed eyes, Adrian got a new understanding of the words 'insane'. For crying out loud, he was trying to blow billions of people up, and the only thing Rorschach actually cared about was his hat?

"It's bloody annoying to have to keep putting it back on!" Flurry of punches, a few more kicks, and Adrian's still staring at him in shock.

To cut a long story short, the basic just of the story is this:

They prevent world peace, caused a nuclear holocaust, Doctor Manhattan found himself with Laurie begging him to take her with him, Dan found himself staring at the somewhat battered body of Adrian as the man tried to explain himself, and the entire world got wiped out. But Rorschach was happy, because he had his hat on his head where it belonged.