Isabel, I will agree, it is slightly rushed ;) A bad habit of mine!

Shout out to Itsi3 for reviewing each chapter as you read and thanks for your review on ch3 :)

Also to Whirlergirl for mentioning me in her latest AWESOME CHAPTER of Whiteboy- she is my fave writer along with Rockhardfairies and Superstarlet.

What do you guys want to read next? Part 2 of Gabriella's Rules or a nice little one shot?


If anyone has any story ideas drop me a line- I will put you into the story as a character if I use your idea!


"Wait…where are we going?!" Troy called bewilderedly as he was dragged by the hand behind a marching Gabriella. The sand was difficult to keep up the fast pace she set but she seemed a pro on the uneven surface, always surprising him when he didn't expect it.

"You have to see the tide come in." She called to him as Bennie rushed by her side, brushing her legs and yapping excitedly at her.

"Wait, slow down…" He begged with a wild grin, panting as he finally caught up with her when she stopped for him.

He hugged her gently from behind and dropped a kiss to her neck.

"I kinda wanted to do that since we got out of the car…" He murmured into her ear and she creased, smiling delightedly at his action.

"You'll miss it…" She whined gently.

"Okay, so excuse me for asking, but how do you know it's any good?" He wondered as they began walking again, Bennie having charged ahead and barking madly with his impatience at the lovers.

"I can hear it." She stated emphatically and he flicked his eyes down over her soft features, loving her even more in every moment they shared like this.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming…" He teased as he tightened the protective cup of his fingers through hers.

Surely enough, she led him up the rocks, seemingly to the perfect spot where he looked around and felt like he was a sea-hawk hovering on the wind.

"Oh, wow…" He murmured, steadying her as he climbed up behind her.

"See?" She asked, turning toward him and cuddling into his chest where he folded her comfortably.

"I see everything." He smiled a little as he spoke. He saw the absolute beauty of her, her ability to see wonderment where even seeing people missed it.

She had a rare gift and he couldn't ever thank his lucky stars enough for meeting her. His days at the hospital were long gone. The only reason the nurses found him there now, was to meet Gabriella after her visiting shifts. His scars were there, healed and fading as promised and he still struggled sometimes, but it was getting easier. Gabriella was making it better for him.

The hospital staff all smiled knowingly, all commended their romance and he knew even without their approval, that Gabriella was worth every trip he made, every moment they shared.

Chad had accepted her finally, though Gabriella hadn't made it easy on him and that made Troy love her even more.

She'd met his distant family, made them fall in love with her, just as he had and when she had finally let down her guard enough to take him home to her own parents, he had seen the protective life she had spoken of.

He had been questioned, tested and eventually approved of. He had gone there on his own, two weeks before this very day. The Montez' had been surprised to see him and he had asked her father the hardest question a guy could ever ask.

Apart from maybe the question he was going to ask Gabriella right now.

She lifted her face, as if sensing he had a lot on his mind and she tilted her face as if to try and catch some of his thoughts.

"Is it beautiful?" She asked, knowing the answer because she could hear each crash, each suck of the salty water against the jagged, cold rock.

She felt his finger trace down her face. "It's perfect." He replied.

Her eyes lifted as she tiptoed to kiss him and he let their lips meld into their familiar kiss. They stood there in their embrace, strong and telling the world their passion for each other as they embraced. His arms were tight around her, her fingers hidden in his hair as they clutched and rubbed against each other.

"I love you, Gabriella Montez." Troy husked as he pulled away, brushing back her hair as it blew wildly about in the wind being cast off the brashing sea. The long strands of black flipped about and landed on his face, tickling him, making him smile.

She felt his grin with her soft fingers and echoed it.

"I love you, too." She said, bemusedly. He said it pretty much every day and she never fed of hearing it but today he had already said it twice and the wind was biting and salty; it wasn't like him to stand for long and let her get cold.

"I have something to ask you…" He hedged, dropping his arm to reach into his pocket and pull out a box.

"If it's about the fireworks tonight, of course I'll go…" She smiled easily, knowing there was a celebration on the beach and wanting Troy to enjoy it without worrying about her missing out.

"That's not it," he smiled back and separated their bodies, taking her hand.

Gabriella sensed his movement, felt him disappear from before her. Panicky, she put her other hand out, the one he wasn't holding and felt for him, finally finding his shoulder at the level of her tummy.

"What..?" She asked, confused.

"Gabriella, will you marry me?" He asked then, among the roar of the waves and the scream of gulls, the cold air making them both tense against the push of the gale.

Gabriella gasped, lifting her spare hand to her mouth as she jerked from the shock.

Tears immediately filled her eyes and both her hands went to find his face, his beautiful, bumpy face that she loved to read with her fingers.

"Yes! Troy!" She said, bewildered, shocked.

He reached for her hand again, but she was shaking so hard he had to stand and hug her to help comfort her before he could pull out the ring.

"Feel it." He suggested, pressing the small item into her palm.

She picked it up and realized it was engraved with Braille.

"I love you, forever," she read aloud.

"Is it okay?" He asked, worried for a moment as she stood, frozen.

"You bought me a Braille ring?" She whispered, tears streaming at his touching gesture.

"I did." He confirmed.

"It's perfect! Oh my god, Troy! It's perfect!" She repeated, throwing her arms around his neck.

He chuckled and caught her against him, placing a kiss to her cheek.

"Let's get in the warm…" He frowned as he felt the coldness in her fingertips against his neck.

"That's a great idea…" She smiled back, the twinkle evident if not in her eyes, then in the naughty dimple that puckered her cheek.

"Easy, you're not Mrs. Bolton, yet." He grinned, taking her hand and helping her down as Bennie considered his route and dropped down behind them, trotting beside Troy as if he sensed something had happened.

Gabriella broke free of his hand and ran down the sand, arms spread widely before she span and giggled, face up to the sky.

Troy petted Bennie's head affectionately and smiled happily as her dog remained with him and didn't join Gabriella's playfulness for a moment.

"Are you gonna be okay with me sharing her?" He asked her guide-dog and best friend.

Bennie let out a loud and cheerful 'woof' of agreement to which Troy crouched and ruffled his ears, earning him a doggy kiss before they both ran after his fiancée and Troy let his arms tighten around her as they span on the beach, celebrating their engagement together as Bennie danced at their feet, barking delightedly.