A/N: Hey so this is just something I came up with. It was going to be a one-shot but then I decided I wanted to make it chaptered. I will update soon hopefully but for now Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own Esme, Carlisle or Bella... or any of the others, they belong to Stephenie Meyer... I'm just playing with them.

Motherly Comfort

Chapter 1: The Nightmare & A Surprise


Esme's POV

I was sitting in the living room reading a magazine. I had put Bella to bed about an hour ago. I was assigned to 'babysit' her while Edward went hunting with my other children. It was nice having someone around that I could take care of, though I was actually quite amazed that Bella was allowed to stay over, being that Charlie was still somewhat upset over the occurrences that landed Bella in Italy no more than 6 months ago.

I could hear Bella mumbling in her sleep and tossing and turning on the bed, she was having another one of the nightmares that seemed to plague her since Edward left. Just as I finished reading my magazine and set it on the table Bella screamed. I rushed up the stairs and was beside the bed in 2 seconds.

Bella was crying and breathing unevenly as she looked frantically around the room.

"Bella, sweetie, are you ok?" I asked softly.

Bella looked at me and shook her head before launching herself at me and breaking down.

I gently scooped her up and sat on the bed with her in my lap. She just clung to me and cried into my shoulder. I rubbed her back and whispered soothingly.

When Bella calmed down somewhat and stopped crying she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"Would you like to talk about it sweetie?" I asked softly as I continued to rub her back.

Bella shook her head.

"Alright," I said softly as I pulled her into a hug.

Bella didn't resist, instead she hugged me back. I started to gently rock us back and forth.

We stayed rocking for awhile until Bella yawned.

"I think you should go back to sleep Sweetie, it's pretty late," I said as I stopped rocking.

"I don't want to," Bella mumbled with another yawn.

"And why is that?" I asked as I started up rubbing her back again.

"If I go to sleep again I'm gonna have another bad dream," Bella mumbled quietly.

"What did you do when you had a bad dream back in Phoenix?" I asked softly.

"I stopped having them after I was around 10, but mom used to take me to her bed and cuddle me until I fell asleep," Bella explained quietly with another yawn.

"Alright," I said softly as I gathered her in my arms again and gracefully slid off the bed.

"Esme, where are we going?" Bella asked as I started down the hall towards the bedroom I shared with Carlisle.

"You'll see," I said as I walked up to my bedroom door.

Bella looked surprised as I gently set her on the bed.

"I'll be right back," I said softly before I disappeared into my huge closet to change into a pair of pyjamas.

I chose a set that consisted of a sleeveless t-shirt and a pair of flannel bottoms. When I emerged Bella still looked surprised. I walked over to the bed and scooped her up then pulled the comforter back and gently set her back down before sitting beside her.

"Esme why are we in your room?" Bella asked in confusion.

"Because you need to sleep," I said softly in a motherly tone.

"What?" Bella asked, still confused.

"You said that your mom cuddled you to help you sleep after a nightmare, so that's what I'm going to do," I said softly, "I'm not trying to replace your mom but I would like to be there for you. So you need to lay down and go to sleep and I'll stay here with you and keep the nightmares away."

As soon as I finished talking tears welled up in Bella's eyes.

"Awww, sweetheart, what's the matter?" I asked softly as I reached up to gently wipe away the tears that were falling down her face.

Bella's reply was in the form of a hug.

"I love you, Esme," she sobbed into my shoulder, "You can be my mommy."

"O, sweetheart, I love you too," I said softly as I rubbed her back.

After a couple minutes Bella calmed down.

"Bella, sweetie, you need to go to sleep now," I said softly.

"You'll stay with me?" Bella mumbled through a yawn.

"Yes I'll stay and cuddle you," I said softly, "but you have to lay down and go to sleep."

Bella smiled and laid down on the bed, I laid down beside her and pulled the comforter over both of us. Bella rolled over and cuddled up to me. I gently wrapped my arms around her and she closed her eyes and yawned.

"Night mommy," Bella mumbled with a yawn.

"Goodnight sweetheart," I said softly, "sweet dreams."

I kissed Bella's forehead and smiled as her breathing evened out and she fell asleep.


I heard Carlisle walk in the door around 3 am. I tried to move so I could meet him but Bella was clinging to my shirt so I just waited for Carlisle to come upstairs to change.

"Esme?" He asked softly as he came to the door.

"Yes Dear," I replied softly.

"What are you doing?" Carlisle asked as he went to turn the light on.

"Don't," I said quickly, "Bella had a nightmare and she's sleeping now."

"Oh," Carlisle said before moving to the bed.

I heard the rustle of clothes as he changed into his pyjamas and felt the bed sink a little as he crawled onto the bed and settled down beside Bella. He started gently rubbing her back and Bella rolled onto her stomach and sigh contently. I started up gently stroking Bella's hair as she started to snore softly.


Bella's POV

I woke up to someone cold beside me. I rolled back over as everything started to slide back into place.

"Mommy," I mumbled with a yawn.

"Good morning sweetheart," Esme was sweetly, "did you sleep well?"

"Mhm," I mumbled as I closed my eyes and tried to fall back asleep.

"Sweetheart, you should get up, it's 10am," Esme said softly.

"I'm still tired," I mumbled.

"Come on," Esme said softly, "at least get something to eat, then I'll cuddle you on the couch if you'd like."

"Can we watch a movie?" I asked cutely.

"Alright," Esme said with a slight laugh, "but you have to eat first."

"Ok," I said through a yawn as I sat up and stretched.

I blinked and I was in the kitchen, sitting at the island.

"What would you like for breakfast?" Esme asked sweetly.

"Can I just have cereal?" I asked with another yawn.

"Of course," Esme said with a smile.

I watched as Esme poured me a bowl of cereal then set it in front of me. She sat down beside me and watched intently as I ate. When I was finished Esme took my bowl and folded my arms on the table and set my forehead on them with a yawn. I heard the clink of dishes as Esme washed, dried and put away my bowl and spoon. Once she was finished she came to stand beside me and started rubbing my back.

"Sweetie, are you feeling ok?" Esme asked softly.

"I don't know," I mumbled, "my tummy kinda hurts... wait what's the date?"

"It's the 3rd of August," Esme said with a hint of curiosity in her tone.


"What wrong sweetie?" Esme asked in concern.

"I completely forgot, how could I forget," I mumbled to myself.

"Bella, look at me," Esme said firmly but softly.

"Wha?" I mumbled as I looked up at her.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Um..." I mumbled as I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks.

"It's ok, you can tell me," Esme said softly.

"I...um... I lost track of the date and uh... forgot I'm getting my period today," I mumbled quietly as my cheeks flamed.

"Its ok sweetie, Alice saw it coming, she stocked the washroom," Esme said in a reassuring tone.

I sighed and relaxed a little, making a mental note to thank Alice when she got back.

"Thanks," I said with a small smile, "I have to go to the washroom so I'll be right back."

"Ok I'll wait in the living room for you," Esme said sweetly.

I headed for the washroom and did what I needed to do with feminine products and such then splashed some cool water on my face before heading for the living room. Esme was sitting on the couch waiting for me. I sat down beside her and leaned my head on her shoulder.

"Are you feeling alright?" Esme asked softly, "how's your stomach?"

"I'm tired," I mumbled, "and my tummy hurts."

"Would you like to go back to bed?" Esme asked in a soft sweet tone.

"Mhm," I mumbled.

"Alright," Esme said softly as she gently scooped me up.

I blinked and we were back in her room. She gently set me on the bed and I crawled under the covers.

"Would you like me to find you a hot water bottle?" Esme asked in the same soft tone she had before.

"Yes please," I mumbled.

"Alright, I'll be right back," Esme said before she kissed my forehead and disappeared.

I curled around one of the pillows just as Esme reappeared. She sat on the edge of the bed and headed the hot water bottle over. I put it on my tummy then curled around the pillow again.

"Mommy," I mumbled through a yawn.

"Yes sweetie," Esme replied softly as she brushed my bangs out of my eyes.

"Can you cuddle me?" I asked in a cute almost whine.

"Of Course," Esme said in the same soft tone she had been using, "would you like me to rub your back?"

"Yes please," I mumbled into my pillow.

Esme crawled onto the bed beside me and I snuggled up to her then she started gently rubbing my back.

I quickly fell into a semi- peaceful sleep.


Well that's the end of chapter one. Chapter two should be up soonish. Let me know how you liked it.