Title – Tuesday Afternoon

Disclaimer – I don't own CSI :(. But I am sure if we all pull our money together we can buy Sara and Grissom to make our own CSI together haha.

Summary – Sara finds out she's pregnant. Now she's faced with telling the other's and the pressure of her job.

Rating – T well the story itself is I think T but this chapter is M. I'll think about changing the rating. So… WARNING HALF SMUT. Don't like? Don't read. But… who doesn't like smut…

Author's Note – This story takes place sometime around the third season.

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The weeks were moving on faster then expected and Sara's five month belly was starting to grow and slightly show. Hank repeatedly called and Sara would ignore them. She was content without him, hurt for what he did but she refused to break down and let him back in.

Her relationship with Grissom was growing. She would talk to him after shift in his office and leave it at that. When they went for breakfast with the team they would stay behind and talk some more.

He took care of her when she was upset the night after her break up with Hank. She woke up in his bed mildly surprised it was empty until her memories came flooding back to her. She woke up to coffee and breakfast. She pretended to drink the dark liquid and when his back was turned she dumped it in the sink.

They didn't talk much about her break up with Hank, just that if she needed someone he was there. And that was how it began. Slowly they began opening up and talking more. Nothing was happening. Sara wasn't ready, not with this baby coming. Grissom wouldn't want her if she was pregnant with another man's baby. So until she was sure of herself and his wants then they would only remain friends.

Grissom was more then ready to move on with Sara, the problem is, she wasn't giving any hints that she wanted more from him. Was he too late? Was she scared from Hank two timing her? He only knew that he would wait until the end of time for her, after all the mistakes he made it was the least he could do.

When Sara came into work early that night Grissom had a grilled cheese sandwich for her, and she gratefully ate it. They had a pleasant talk about what they did before they came into work until the rest of the team filed in.

Grissom handed out assignments and out they went. Sara was making faces, she was stuck with Grissom in the dumpsters… Meaning it was going to be smelly and hot. He would make her get in the dumpster for the DB, claiming something about his bad knees. She really didn't want to show any signs of weakness but lately any smell or elemental weather was causing her sickness.

If she didn't get control of it soon, people were going to start rumors. Sara went to her truck, grabbed her kit and set off in search of Grissom. She caught him waiting by the truck and stopped dead in her tracks when he pulled his shirt off. Of course he was wearing an under t shirt but it was better then seeing him in those baggy button up print shirts he wears.

Sure he was pudgy around the middle, but he had muscles and she could just imagine him over her breathing heavily thrusting into her with unbridled passion and oh! He covered himself up with those stupid CSI overalls! She blushed when he turned around and caught her staring at him. Damn! She had to be having such outrageous hormones since she got pregnant.

She walked over and set her kit in the trunk and stepped into her own overalls and smiled at Grissom, giving him the 'okay were ready' signal.

"You drive?" He asked her and held up the keys for her. Personally he hated driving; it scared him half to death knowing that when he drove to and from work he ended up to his destination not remembering anything while on his way. He spent so much time thinking and no time paying attention to the road.

She took the keys, "Sure." And hoped in. Unlike Grissom Sara was careful and observant of the road. She had a road rage deep inside, but it took a lot to get her pissed. Like the one time a truck tried to literally ram her off the road. It was late at night and she was merging onto the freeway, well some truck didn't see her and started merging into her lane. Okay, she could deal with that, she was most likely in her blind spot. So she just sped up since it was the closest to get away from him. Well he took it as she was cutting him off, so he flashed his brights making it hard for her to see as he pulled away and next to her trying to push her into a K rail. Fucking nutter scared the shit out of her. She called Brass and had him investigate the guy. Turns out he was drunk while driving.

Sara pulled up to the cop cars and turned the engine off and opened the trunk so she and Grissom can grab their kits and begin.

To say she was feeling sick was an understatement. The body stunk by itself, but mixed with melting icee's and alcohol and some other sticky substance Sara would rather not know turned her stomach in several different ways. Ten times, she had to run to the side of the dumpster and pray she didn't throw up. But she did, once, luckily when no one was paying attention. Although a young cop slipped and fell in it while he was taping off the perimeters. Luckily he blamed it on some guy named Steve.

Finally the body was released and sent out to the coroner's office and Sara set out processing the inside of the dumpster while Grissom took the perimeter.

After six grueling hours Sara made Grissom drive back to the lab while she lay down in the back seat saying the fumes in the dumpster made her light headed.

After three times of Grissom asking if Sara was alright and two times of Sara saying she was alright and one threat later, they made it to the lab.

Grissom and Sara logged the evidence and decided to call it a day since it was slow that night anyways. They separated and he went towards the lockers while she went to find some water.

Everyone was still out on cases while she strolled the halls alone. It was quiet and only the lab rats inhibited the halls. Greg smirked and winked at her as she walked by and all she could do was smile back. Finally she made it to the break room and stole Catherine's Ritz Crackers. She would buy her some more, but she was starving! She downed a water bottle and half a bag of Ritz and decided a shower was in order.

She went to the locker room and was pleased nobody else was here and grabbed her clothes. She stepped into the changing curtain and pulled her smelly clothes off throwing them into a bag making a mental note to clean them right away.

When she stepped out and through the double doors leading to the shower stalls she cringed when she head the water running. Somebody was in here and taking a shower. And to make matters worse just as she finished sliding her clothes into a cubby the shower turned off. She hated being in here with other people, it just didn't feel right.

She heard the curtain pulled back and was about to make a sarcastic witty joke when she saw who was standing there with soaking wet hair and khaki pants no t shirt and a towel over his shoulder.

Fuck me sideways and pull my hair was he hot. Or wet… either way for an old guy he made her thighs tremble and her body ache with a heat like never before.

She was about to say hello, when she noticed she was standing in his way in nothing but a towel. It was cold and her towel was short.

"Still haven't jumped in the shower yet?" He mumbled awkwardly.

"I was hungry for some crackers." How lame did that sound.

"Hey… um… you feeling alright? I mean at the scene… you looked like the smell was bothering you." He rubbed the back of his head and she smiled. He was adorable.

"I am. I'm sorry I threatened to shove my shoe in your mouth." She laughed lightly and to her relief he did too.

"Hey you…" he reached his hand up to her cheek and she flinched! Why the hell did she flinch? He stopped and when he saw the go-ahead with her eyes he reached his hand out rubbed her cheek, "You had muck on your cheek."

"Thank you" she whispered but his hand still lingered. With his thumb still rubbing her cheek.

"Sara… You know we…. Can't…."

Was he getting closer? Just in case she licked her lips and parted them slightly. Her heart was thumping in her throat, god she hoped he can't hear that.

His other hand cupped the other side of her cheek and leaned in taking her lips in a soft gentle kiss. His lips grazed hers so softly she had to wonder if he was even there. The small whimper she made seemed to move him and he pressed tightly to her moving his lips over hers slowly and tantalizing. She ran her hands up his arms slowly and he once again deepened his kiss and made it searing hot and wet as his tongue thrust into her parted lips.

She pressed back with her tongue just as hard loving the pressure they applied with their tongues, it went straight to her center. His hands, still cupping her cheeks, slid his thumbs over her cheek bones and broke apart their kiss. Immediately his lips returned but kissing from her lips to her cheeks down to her neck and with her pushing her head back exposing her neck he dipped lower and bit her neck were the skin met neck, hard.

She cried out and grasped his naked back. He quickly soothed the pain by sucking her neck gently and moved back to her swollen lips. Her eyes were heavy and the wetness between her thighs was making this very uncomfortable.

She nearly lost all control when he hugged her tight to his body and felt that hard pressure on her hip. She laughed and kissed his neck.

"What?" He smiled nervously.

"Are those your keys or are you just happy to see me?" She lamely said and laughed at herself for being so corny.

But it worked for Grissom, probably because he was just as geeky as she and shoved her back into the shower stall behind them. She almost lost her towel as her back hit the wall but luckily she caught it and tied it back into place just over her breasts.

Whatever Grissom was thinking, it must have been either wet foreplay or concealing noise because he turned the water on drenching them both. He nearly lost it when her towel molded to her body and caused her nipples to stand out more then ever. His hands were roaming her body faster then she had a chance to complain about the water. Her fingers went up to his hair and held tight as his lips trailed burning hot kisses over her sensitive flesh.

His hands ran up her body and landed on her breasts, giving her the attention she craved and longed for. She knew she looked ridiculous but to Grissom she probably looked like sex. Her hair was sprawled around her shoulder dripping wet and her eyes were so dark from desire it was hard to tell what color they are. Her lips were swollen and parted and Grissom just wanted them on his body anywhere and anyhow. Her legs were parted and leaned on the shower wall for support and … oh he wanted her.

Her hand slid down from his hair to his neck to his shoulder down over his nipple making him groan and … jeez right to his erection. She cupped him tightly and looked him straight in the eye.

He trailed his hand down and kissed her roughly, giving her the desire and pent up love she always wanted and asked of him, as he sought where she needed most to be touched. He cupped her though her towel and she cried out loud and it was the most erotic noise Grissom has ever heard. It was a mix between a cry and a mewl. Never has she felt these kinds of sensations. Being pregnant only heightened her sexual desire. She threw her head back and let his fingers explore her hot and wet depths as she too put pressure on his twitching member. She managed to slip her fingers in through his pants and feel him completely. He was everything she could have hoped for, well endowed, silky, hard, and just pure Grissom.

"Ahh…. Oh…. Please!" She cried, tears coming to surface and she almost fell as her knees buckled as two of his finger slid into her burning core. His thumb made hard circles around her clit. Luckily he held her tightly around her waist and used his body as a clutch to hold her up.

She couldn't think, and she was sure as hell that he couldn't think either. Especially with the way his fingers impaled her dripping sex to his knuckles not caring that her juices were flowing down his hands and wrist.

She had a thought as she cried once again, and Grissom had to kiss her to be silent if they could do this without alerting the baby once it is here.

Baby?! Oh god! Grissom doesn't know about her baby! He won't want the responsibilities of taking care of another man's baby!! She pushed him back and bit her lip. This time, her tears were real and not of passion.

"Sara?" His voice was so hoarse and husky it almost made her want to say fuck it and jump on his dick and let him have his way with her until she couldn't walk but she knew this was not the answer. Her life is going a different direction and she lost her chance with Grissom when she found out she was pregnant.

"I'm sorry…." She whispered, and she really meant it and gently pushed him out of the way and as fast as she could, and ran out of the shower stalls leaving a very shocked and confused Grissom behind.

"Sara…." Grissom leaned against the wall feeling like a train hit his heart once he heard that door slam.

When he saw the tears he knew something was up, maybe she still loved Hank… damn he was a fool for doing this to her…

Why is this never easy?

Well part smut for you guys! Do not worry! There are only a few more chapters left and that means more Grissom and Sara sexual pent up frustration!