Disclaimer: I do not own the Mentalist, or any of it's characters. If I did, I would be doing a jig.


Finally. A Friday. This had been a long week with lots of trouble from Jane. Lisbon was sliding files into her briefcase; she would still have some paperwork to finish at home. For the most part, though, she was looking forward to a relaxing weekend.

Letting her mind drift, she replayed the conversation between her and Jane.

So what am I thinking right now?

You're thinking, 'I'm so glad Jane's just joking around and can't actually read my mind.

No. Well, actually, yes, b-but, not for the reason you think

What reason do I think?

Never you mind.*

She jumped slightly when she heard Jane's smooth voice. He slept (or pretended to sleep) so quietly.


"Yes, Jane?" she turned her head from what she was doing to see him bouncing off of his couch and walking over.

"Have a minute?"

"Um…sure, what is it?" She was slightly worried whenever he asked this.

With small smile, he said, "We were never able to finish our talk earlier this week. So I was just wondering…what reason do I think?"

"What reason do I think wha…oh. Jane, really? Honestly, would you just drop it?"

"Oh, come on. You know I can't."

"And you know I won't tell you."

"I will follow you around all weekend. I have nowhere else better to go, and I will not drop this. It would just make your life so much easier simply by telling me this one little thing." She couldn't help but notice him tilt his head when he said this, as well as the way he motioned with his hands when he talked. For a moment she allowed her brain to think of it as cute.

"Fine, but then can I leave without you analyzing or playing mind games on me? It's a Friday."


"Okay. I just thought you, being the arrogant ass that you are, would assume that I wouldn't want you seeing my thoughts because...I was in love with you or something. Now can I go?"

"And do you?"

"Do I what?" She tried and failed to look confused.

"Teresa, do you love me?" He took a half step closer to her, and her blood boiled under her skin.

"No, what kind of question is that? Jane, go home. Get some rest. It's been a long week."

"Well, that's really too bad. Because I certainly love you. It's been killing me for weeks." Those three words made her stomach do a flip, and tried to pretend that she was dreaming.

"Jane, don't say that. Please don't say that. Because if you do it again, then Minelli will fire me, which can't happen, or I'll have to fire you, which really can't happen."

"What, does the CBI have something against emotion? That's gotta be a crime."

"No, it's just…it's against regulations. I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear that, and you're going to pretend you didn't say that. I'll see you on Monday."

Jane gently grabbed her by the arm. "Wait, while we're at it, would you please pretend I didn't do this?" He soflty curled his hand around the back of her neck, and…

AU - - -So? tell me what you think. Please review.