Hehehe :D

I love cliffhangers :O

except when it happens to me D:


Damn I love you guys :D I get happy when I see reviews even if it's just 3 or 4 XD
Err, uhmm yeah hope you enjoy !

WOOHHH!!! I accept suggestions, 100% !!! I always take the time to add a little bit of what my readers want !!
So go ahead don't be shy :D

Naruto: 16 years old.
Sasuke: 16 in a half.
Kiba: 16 years old.
Sai: 17 years old.
Gaara: 16
Tsunade: 50-60...86 ? XD
Sandwich: 2 years....I really got to throw it away.

A/N, MUST READ: I realised that in chapter one I put Kiba's name as Sasuke's helper. Yeah sorry about that, I meant to put someone else as Sasuke's helper, I'll change it. Once again I apologise, my mind was a complete blur at the time :( Sorry if I confused you xD

I open my eyes in shock as pain shot threw my body. Leaving me without air.

D-did he j-just PUNCHED ME?!?!(A/N: I wonder how many people will be royalty piss 'cause of this ?)

You don't just, just...say that to someone and kick there as- ehm..hurt them!!

"He kicked your ass dude" .....

"hn, you're still a baka." I was about to SCREAM at him to get out of my house. But I guess he read my mind, 'cause he took his stuff and left. Damn that Uchiha ! What the hell's his problem?!?! Why-why was I so excited ? Why-why.....

"You're really cute."

Why did he say that if he didn't mean it ? Why am I over reacting for something like this...something so.... "real?"

I sigh in frustration. I'm pretty sure things won't change.


3rd Person Pov :D

Naruto sighed as he passed the wet worm towel on the back of his skateboard. He smiled satisfied of the design. A drawing of a golden fox with nine tails on the back, red flames surrounding it and the signature of the creator, Uzumaki Naruto. Originally the skateboard was completely black but Naruto thought it was too dull. So he added some "BIZAMMM!!" to it. He decided to name it, Kyubi.

"Alright Kyubi let's see what you got !" Naruto smirked as he put on his earphones(1) and ran down the stairs. He walked(More like ran) towards the sidewalk and gently set his new and improved skateboard on the ground. He smirked an turned on his blue ipod. The Frey- Over my Head.

He sighed as he started to move slowly with one foot on the skateboard and the other on the ground.

I never knew, I never knew that everything was falling through
That everyone I knew was waiting on a cue, To turn and run when all I needed was the truth

He smiled as he started catching speed and both feet on the skateboard. He leaned his body a bit to turn as the corner of the street was spotted. He closed his eyes as the wind started to rush towards his face.

But that's how it's got to be
It's coming down to nothing more than apathy
I'd rather run the other way than stay and see
The smoke and who's still standing when it clears

More speed, more ! His foot touched the ground to push him more and more. He grin satisfied. The only time Naruto felt free and relax was when he was skateboarding. It was his life.

Everyone knows I'm in over my head, over my head
With eight seconds left in overtime
She's on your mind !
She's on your mind !

"You're really cute"

"You're really cute"

"You're really cute"


Naruto's eyes widened as he stumbles on some trash cans.

"What the fuck?"

He shook his head as he picked up the skateboard inspecting it if the desingn got scratched. He sighed in relief. Damn that song! It made me fall!! He took out his ipod and glared at the title of the song. He sighed as he changed it, Situations- Escape the fate. He smirked as he bobbed his head to the song,



"HEY YOU HOOLIGAN!!!" an elderly man came out with his boxers and a frying pan on his hand. Naruto immediately covered his eyes, Oh DEAR GOD, SAGGY GEEZER TITS!!! The old man continued yelling,

"YOU'RE RUINING MY SEX LIFE!! AGHHH *cough cough* AHHH!!" He was furiously waving the pan. Naruto ran off not caring if the old bag was having a heart attack.

"Damn....What the fuck was that?!?" He said sighing as he made his way to school.

Naruto looked around the school campus if there was any sight of Sasuke or his "groupie." He sighed in relief as he saw the whole thing empty. He took a step forward and looked around again, nothing. He kept on walking as he reached the front doors of the school. It was 8:36, meaning he completely missed first period. Man is Tsunade going to have a fit.

"I need a late pass.." He asked the lady on the office who was distracted with her nails. She looked up at him with a odd look.

"yah name ?" She asked taking out a pack of late slips.

"Uzumaki Naruto..." She wrote his name in sloppy cursive.

"k, what grade you in?" she said taking out a pack of gum and popping one in her mouth.

"11th" He said staring at the pack of gum, boy did he wanted one. The lady followed his gaze and smirked, she grabbed the pack and offered him one. Naruto gladly took one.

"Make sure they don't see you" She said giving him the yellow slip. He smiled.


Naruto struggled opening his locker.

The lock of his locker was backwards...again. Naruto sighed as he kicked his locker in frustration, Why won't they just leave me alone?!? He growled inside his head.


"hm, I can help you"

I turn to see Sai one of Sasuke's "Friends" I was completely furious with him. Why? It was his fault that I got beaten to a pulp.(2) If it wasn't for him I would have NEVER gone home early, Sasuke would have NEVER come to my house, AND Said those STUPID things to me ! It's his fault my life is now a living hell !


"Dude, it's NOT all his fault. Maybe he was forced ?" Hah, he's a senior..A fucking senior!!! "So?" Just shut up !

Sai looks at me as if I just lost my mind. I glare at him,

"I don't need your help" I say facing my lock and struggling to open it. YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT !! I ORDER YOU TO OPEN THIS INSTANCE!! GRRR PLEAZZZ!!!



Damn it all.

Sai raises his eyebrow, I growl as I bite the inside of my cheek.

"Can....you PLEAGHSEE....open my locker?" I ask facing the other way. I felt stupid. "you are" Grr.

He smiled,

"Sure" It took him 5 minutes to unlock it and flip it over. I was pretty impress especially sense I never gave him my combin- That bitch knows my combination! I growl as I shove my book bag and gently set my skateboard in. Damn that Sai..

"Thanks" I mumble as I make my way for 2nd period. He mumbled something but I was too distracted on my own thoughts.


"Uzumaki Naruto?"

"Here" I say walking in on time.

Iruka glared, "you saved yourself this time Uzumaki" I roll my eyes. I'm always late for his class but I always have my reasons.

I sigh(seriously this is like 1,000,000 time I sighed.) as I make my way to my assigned seat.

Lucky for me Sasuke isn't here, WOOHOO!! If he was then it would just make things COMPLETELY WEIIIRRRDDD. And Awkwardddd, well for me that is.

"Maybe he's late?"

Why are you always trying to kill my joy?!?

"Cos it's fun..."


"1,000,001 times!!!"


Far Far Away from the Class and School--

"nnhhh!! ah n-no, not h-here- Ahhh!! S-Sasuk-ke!!"

a pink haired beauty said trying to push her lover away from her body. Sasuke growled as he tried to lift her SHORT, I MEAN SHORT skirt up. Pinky gasped as she gripped his shoulders.

"Aghh Sa-sasuke ! I'mmm goi-ing to be... agh late!!" She said moaning as the Uchiha stroked her oh so lovingly (A/N: I think I'm gonna puke but this is necessary.)

Sasuke glared as he pushed himself away from her. He walked towards the school gates ignoring pinky's apologies. She gave up as soon as he dissapeared and made her way to her school.

Sasuke sighed as he walked pass the lady that gives out late slips. She didn't bother telling him, he is of coarse was the king of the school.

"Sai..." Sasuke called out as he made his way towards the boy that was leaning on a random locker. Sai smiled,

"Yo" He said pushing himself off the cold metal.

"Come with me." Sasuke demanded. Sai rolled his eyes as he followed Sasuke to the boy's bathroom--

Back With Naruto--

"Mr. Iruka.... Can I go to the bathroom?" I ask trying to hold it. I guess he noticed 'cause he nodded and signed the blue pass. I walk out of the loud class and make my way to the first floor.

I stop my walking when I heard moaning from the boy's bathroom. I lean on the door to hear what was going on, curiosity man :| "Curiosity Killed th-" Shut the fook ahp.

"Ahh... agh...Damn it Uchiha..." My eyes widened, no ! No way.... I leaned a little closer but the door swung open and I stumble in.

Boy was I shocked. Sasuke had Sai against the wall his leg in between Sai's legs. I stood there my eyes wide and my feet completely glued to the floor.

RUN, WALK AWAY, HOP AWAY, WHATEVER JUST LEAVE!! but my body wouldn't react. That is until Sasuke looked at me with a smirk,

"enjoying the show? Dobe.." I felt a blush creep on my face as I finally gain control of my legs. I walk away from the scene but then I started running, running, and running.

I didn't care were I was going as long as it was far away from the Uchiha.

I gasp for air as I slide down on my locker, "I have to get out of here" I whisper to myself as I get up and unlock my locker. I take out my things and make my way to the exit. I don't really care if I get caught, Tsunade already knows I'm here but doesn't know I left. So I'm ok, I guess.

I make my way to the nearest train station, No way am I staying in Kanoha. I take out my phone and dial Kiba's number,

Ring, Ring, Ring-

"Yo" Kiba answered, I smirk what a relief.

"Kiba, meet me at the skate park...NOW." He sighed,

"Why? What's wrong? Dude, I'm at lunch right now ! I'm hungry!!!"

I sigh."1,000,002 times!!" Would you stop that!!

" 'Cause I'm on my way to Sand and I have money so we can go eat at burger king. So get your ass at the skate park"

"But it takes two hours to get here, no way are you-"

"I'm taking the bullet train(3) idiot, So go to the skate park!! No more questions!!" I hung up.

At The Skate Park--

I watch as Kiba arrived with his bike. I shake my head,

"What took you so fricken long?!?" I say throwing my arms dramatically. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Are you ok? You haven't been this freaked sense...you and Tayuya broke up" I glare at Kiba.

Tayuya was such a whore..like Sasuke. IN FACT they should get married and have 90000000000000 and 1 baby's. Each with different fathers AND mothers. Grrr...

"Shut up Kiba."

I say checking my skateboard for any scratches, "You're obsessed"

You're just jealous I love Kyubi more than you!

"You even named it? What a freak."



Hey that's my saying!!

"Dude, quit fighting with yourself" I smile.

Kiba knew about me and my inner voice sense we were 12. It was kinda funny 'cause sometimes I'll argue with myself out loud, and scare Kiba away. But he has learned to accept it.

"Whatever man, let's go !!" He grabbed my shoulder and looked at me from head to toe.

"Not like that we're not. You know how valuable your reputation is in the skate park??" I shook my head.


Kiba said looking at me with that

'No-ONE-wants-to-see-the-king-of-the-skate park-with-a-preppy-private-boy-school-uniform-!-my-name's-kiba-I-rock-ok-back-to-the-subject-!-take-the-prep-shit-off!!' Look...

I gave him the 'Fwt?!?' look.

So he took my black blazer off and shove it in my book bag. He loosens my tie and untucked my white collar shirt. Then he took his book bag and fished out a pair of ripped skinny jeans and shoved it at me.

"Where am I going to change?!" I ask him, he smirked.

"No one's looking" I growl, damn that Kiba. I walk behind a large tree and take my dress pants off and put on the skinny's.

"Better !!" He said taking the dress pants and shoving it in my bag.

"Do you always carry around skinny jeans?" I ask curious.

"Hah, I had gym yesterday, last period." I smile. Kiba is always lazy to change back to his clothes so he keeps his gym things on. Surprisingly he forgot to take his clothes out of his bag.

"Let's go then !" I say making my way to the ramps.

"Naruto watch ou-" I hear Kiba say as I hit a biker, Damn this isn't good. The red head glared at me but then smirked. CREEPY!!!

"You're Naruto?" He asked checking me out. Why do they think I'm gay? I mean I'm straight ! right?

"I don't know you seem pretty gay to me..." Have I ever told you how much I hate you? "nope" Well now you know..

"Yeah" I say picking up my skateboard.

"Hn, I'm Gaara. " my jaw landed to the floor



(1) There's like a whole bunch of names for those. I wasn't sure which to pick xD
(2) if your lost go then go to the beginning were the ages are. READ the authors note !
(3) Let's just pretend the bullet train is affordable for poor Naruto xD

Rawr, This Chapter took long, Well for me. Mostly because the words were together every time I saved it and it got on my nerves. I went over this chapter 4 timess to see if everything was ok. So you better review :D

P.S Sasuke you whore xD
